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Michigan Melange

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Manietee, Mich., July 5.- Lake Ann, a village of nearly 1,000 inhabitants. is almost desolate as the result of a disastrous fire that swept the town Saturday afternopn. All wire connectiona are cut off through the burnicg of the station. The fire started in Habbler's stave mili, swept across the track to the south. taking the station and hotel. The busiI ortlon ."uffered ar.d most oL the residences are destroyed. Theinhabitantá had to flee for their lives. Mts. Masters, aged 80, was cremated. She escaped oncé from her burning dweiling, but return for valuables, when the building collapsed. It is feared that others are burned, as some are missing. The losses amount to $100,000; insurance not to exceed one-fourth of the damage. Traverse City, Mich., July 6.- Reports from Lake Ann Sum-ay mornir.g state that only sixteen buildings remair. in the place. The grist mili, one sawmill. just outside the town. and a hoop faétory, which is the only business plací inihe village limits, are saved. While there are three or four persons unaccounted for it is thought that they are away attending the celebration. The people burned out are in desperate straits. Traverse City sent a relief train with several hundred loaves of bread, tea, coffee, etc., and 360 Ioavee of bread the next day. Other provisions, bedding and clothirg are now being eollected and wül be sent with other supplies. Of the seventyfive families, al! growti males werë employed the factories and stores destroyed. They are now absolutely without means of support and have nothing !eft in the world. There will belittle if any building thi9 summer, and the unfortunate? will be forced to move. Several families found friends here. The total Icss will reach $125,000. WANTS A NEW POLITICAL PARTY. Michigan Man Who Caunot Fiml Any in Kxistenceto Snit . Hiul. Detroit, July 6.- Colonel E. H. Sellers, of this city, who has been a prominent member of the A. P. A. and an organizer in patriotic association movements, has mailed several thousand copies of an address urging the formation of a new political party and calling a convention for that purpose at St. Louis Aug. 25. Colonel Sellers says that the address is authorized by a committee consisting of a member from nearly cvery state. It declares that the people's government is being supplanted by a unión of the old politica! parties with corporate power. The document urges "immediate action toward the formation of a new American party, embracing a national. Individual, American republican form of government, with an autonomy of its own, and divested of all the prirnftive, barbarous conditions of the world that have eonspired in the past to anslave the conscience atid political life of mankind." TO RE-ESTABLISHTHE FORT. Colonel Snyder Slaking an Inspectlon it Isliind. Mackinac Island, Mich., July 5.- Colonel Snyder, Nineteenth United States infantry, stationed at Detroit, has been here a couple of ctays under orders frono the war department inspecting the historie Fort Mackinac and making an estimate of what it wlll cost to renovate the fort and buildings to fit them for occupancy again by troops. This is a primary step looking toward the reestablishment of the fort by the United States government, in accordance with an offer of the legislature to return the fort for this purpose. The war aepartment has the matter under consid'ration. and it cannot act until Co'.onel Snyder's report is received, as the first requisite for such action is an appropiiation by c.ongress. Report on Jacksim Prison. Lansing, Mich., July 7.- Warden Chamberlain of the state prison at .Tackson has submitted to Governor Pingree nis report for the fiscal year ending June 30. It shows that the average number of men in prison during that period was SI 7. The number in prison at the beginning of the year was 824: received by sentence. 261; escapes returned. 1; returned trom the asylum for dangerous and criminal insane, 2: paroled convicts returned. 2; total reelpts. 1,090. The number discharged at expiration of sentence, 186; escaped, 1; discharged by order of the supreme court, 2; new trials granted, 2; transferred to the asylum for dangerous and criminal insane, 13; transferred to the Detroit house of correction, 1; pardoned, 17; paroled, 13; to-tal departures from prison, 247. Total number n prison at the close of the year, 843. Close of Ann Arbor Year. Aim Arbor, Mich., July 3.- The flftyIhircl annual commencement week of the Universlty of Michigan was brought to a close Thursday with the exercises in Unlvereity hall and the commencement dinner in the Waterman gymnasium. The day broke bright and clear and the programme was earried out without a hitch. The procession of gradUKtes from the different denartments formed about 9 o'clock and marehod around the campus to the main hall, according to the time-honored custom. After prayer by Dr. Angelí the commencement oration was delivered by Andrew S. Draper, president of the TTniversity of Illinois, who took for hls subject "The Recovery of the Law." Deaths trom Heat at Detroit. Detroit, July 7.- The list of persons who died in this city from sunstroUe and heat prostration Monday wa. swelled Tuesday to thirteen. One lio as killed in a runaway caused byiflre ivorks and a littli airl was fatalb burned. Fifteen others were injured by fireworks accidents. Wldow of Miclilgan's War Governoi% Jackson, Mich., July 6. - Mis. Sarah Loui?a Blair. wldow of the great war governor, Austin Blair, died Saturday night of apoplexy, aged 73 years. The end, though long expeoted, came suddenly and was precipitated by the extreme heat. t Statuc of Fatlier Murquotte. Marquette, Mich., July 3. - July 15 has been deeided on a the date for the unvi-iling of the replica of the heroic statue cí Father Marquette, sculptured by G. Trentanove for Statuary hall at Washington. The unveiling will be made the occasion of an all-peninsula celebration. The address of the day will be made by Don M. Dickinfon, who wiU be followed by several speakers. Signor Trentanove is now in the city superintending the erectlon of the big bronze. State Notes. Frederiek TVelsh, a wealthy -Wholesale liquor dealer, eommitted suicide at Oseóla, Mich., by cutting his throat. Samuel Pryor, aged 71 years, was killed by a Michigan Central passenger train at Albion, Mich. It is announeed that Francis W. MeMillan, sun of Senator McMillan, oL .Michigan, and Florence C. Lewis, of New Haven, Conn., were married last November, the wedding ha ving been kept secret until now. The young man was graduated Wednesday from Yale. The fellowship in Christian archaeology in 1S97-98, oftered by the American School for Classical Studies in Rome, has been awarded to Clarence L. Ier, instrueter in Latin in the University of Michigan. Georee J. Howard, aged 24, was drowned while bathing in Barren lake, Michigan. Afteran idleness of nearly two months Dperations at the Queen iron mines At Negaunee, Mich., have been resumed with a forcé of about 275 men. Mis. I.ewis Jones, an aged woman, perished in the flames of her home at Onekema. Mlch. A neighbor passing by discovered the fire, but could not save the inmate. A Brighton. Mich., man has invented a screen for bean machines vvhich separates all split beans from perfect ones. Lewis Petrotti and James Youngs were drowned t-venty-flve miles south of Grand Marías. Mich. Petrotti feil from a raft and Youngs tried to rescue him. Because cf disappointment in love Miss Lucy Barnes, aged 18, committed suicide at North Star, Gratiot county, Mich. The depositors in the broken Citizens1 bank at EfiwardsburET. Mich., were notifled by the receiver that a second dividend of 23 per cent. had been declared. It is claimed that the depositors wili be paid in full.


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