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We observe that a writer on economics is exertiug bis powerful nrind to forinnlate a schemc for belping farmers. Tbis is kind of him. Tbe basis of the plan, however, is that pursued by most financiers on paper. It is merely a scheme which will enable the farmer to borrow money easily. The ease with which money can be borrowed already in this country has proved a curse to the lenders at least. It has also in inany cases fostered in the borro wer a reckless, happy go lucky tendency which by no raeans increases in his rnind respect for cornmou honesty. The experience of mankind shows that ability to rnn into debt easily is the reverse of a blessing. The railroads of our country, over half of thern in the hands of receivers, not one in ten paying dividenda to stockbolders who put their bard cash into them, are a snfflcient object Jesson on the resolta of being able to borrow njoney with ease. At times it is necessary to go into debt as society is at present organized. But the people who least often resort to it are the one"s who in the long run in every case becoiae the prosperous memjers of society. If society could gradually evolve into a condition where the rule of pay as you go should be strictly -M wed, tbere would be no inore panics or hard times. After one has tried it and becorue accustonied to it he actually finda a certain grim satisfaction iu doing without a thing, however much he wants it, till he has the money to pay i'or it. When a man who heli high positiou in the ariny dnriijg the civil vrar dies and leaves a family, the atteinpt is always made, sometinies snccessfully, to pension his widcrw or danghtera at the expense, of the Uiiited otates governiiicnt. At the same time there are mauy a private soldier's widow aud daughters today earuiug their own liviug by the coarsest, heaviest labor. If thegeueral's families are to be pensioned so they eau live iu lusury, theu the private soldiers' widows should certaiuly receive eiiough to support them in comfort. A general's daughter has just as good a right to work for her living as a private soldier's daughter. In truth, the superior edneation of the general's daughter enables her to get her living more easily than the other woman can. f The Turks are probably the most desperate fighters alive. The element of religious fauaticism enters powerfully into all their wars. They advocate any atrocity on the gronnd that it is for the glory of God and the destruction of the unbeliever. Fatalism is also a part of their theology, and it makes them ntterly reckless of life. Their mental attitude is this: You have a fixed time to die. You will uot die til! your time comes no matter wbat you do. On the other hand, when your time comes you cannot save your life no matter what you do. Practice oh bis roya! name, Chulaoiigl-oiu I, so tliĆ­it yon cari prononuco it wben bis majesty, the gorgeous and wide awake ldugof Siam, comes to visit us this snmmer. Cbnlalongkorn will ack with liim to Siam a uumber of physicians, teachers and skillcd mechanics, and it isieasonable toexpect tlnit he wil] select a full share of tbem froiu the Uuited States. Victorian jubilees coiue high, but the British must havo thera.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat