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The old reliable Phoenix bicycle is iust what its name implies-its a bird J. E. Harkins sells thein at 28 East Huron street. p 4ltf piano and Pipe Organ. Slimmer classes in music. Miss Marian ömith is forming classes of three or tour, dividing the exercises and increasing the interest. Prizea given for best scholarship. Summer terms fot hour lessons. oS Waslitenaw ave. 49 3 t To obtaiii the benefits of a ciimatic chano-e, I must sell my property corner of xhayer and Lawrence sts., and corner óf Jefterson and División sts. The per cent of income on money to be invested t i buy 17 s. División is better than any house in this city. and 1 challenge successfnl contradiction. Any of "the above will be sold below competidora A. M. Clabk. A very desirable vacant lot can be had at a"bargain tor cash, if taken at once. Address C. care DEMÖCBAT. Stabler's art store lias been added to the list of stores where tradinsr stamp' can be secured. They will give atamps on all cash purchases of artibts' supplies and paints and oils. Everything f resh and clean at Weinmann's market. Best of meat and poultry. While the eagle screams. drink Ann rbor Brewing (Jo.'s beer. On draught at all bars. 48-49 A nëvv, modern 9 room house for $2,500. B, care Demockat. The best of sugar cured hams and bacon; home product, clean and wholesome. L. C. Weinmaun. Order a case of Ann Arbor Brcwing Co.'sbe-rto assist you in celebratmg the glorious Fourth. 'Phone 101. 2t A good house, with all modern improvements, loated on a full lot within less thiin block of campus, can be had for $3.000 If taken soon. Address "A," care Democeat. Finest poultry at L. C. Weinmann's market. Fresh 'almost daily; prices the lowest. To Kent - two Jiouses suitable for roomins: and boarding. also unfurnished rooms. A. M. Clark, 47 South División street. 48 t 3 ron't fail to have some of the Ann Arbor Brewinsr Co.'s beer to treat your friends during the 4th of July celebration. Thone 101. 48-49 People gatherine: trading stamps must remember that all parchases must be cash. or the bilis paid in 30 days to entitle them to the stamps. Merehants cannot give out the stamps un'ess the bilis are paid in 30 days. ÁMracíii and CoEveyancina. E.xamituuinn uf títleand all transactioaa afíectingBeal Estáte in Washtenaw Connty made on REflSONñBLB TEKMS. Can be found in Register of Deeds Office. Aira MICHAEL SEERY. Summer Sale Begins This Week Wash Goods . . . at se, 9C, & I2ic (former prices f rom 9 to 25c) Shirt Waists . . . Sacrificed at 390=690, & 98c Skirts at 98c up worth $1.39 up Suits at $3.50 and upward in All AVool Goods. You will find every descriptioa of Summer Wear provided for and at prices that will make ifc easy for you to buy and be comfortable. If preparing for au outing or a Summer Vacation out of town we can save you all the worry of "flaking up Things." i - IL F. lis & Cl. 20 MR IN ST.


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