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Washtenaw County

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Walter Auiba retüraed lióme frotn Blg Uapids, wbere be has been ati. ttding Ferrls' school, last week Wediresday. Arthur Kaneer, of Adrián, la visiting 'ricnds and relatives here, !!. E. lii.nvn. of Aun A'i-bor, occup.ed the Baptist pulpit last Suniliy moraing and evealng. Mrs. (.'. H. OiTrick returned hom trom Dundee last Wednesday. Mr. C.irrick started for Grand IUpids ou hls wluvl il. e same iïay. Lula. Kelley eatertained Miss Agnes Stewart, of Xoledo, a few days last week. ■Dr. Davik the presiding eider of Dorroir distrier, dietl Sunday erenlag, July 11, at Bay View. of heart railure. Miss Bringhani and Mrs. Heatb expt d ro close np their dressmakiag estaTiliskment tomorrow, July LT. and will not open agaln tili the mlddle of .Stptenïlier. Prof. Koester and famlly, and Mis. James Gauutletr. have gone to Traverse City for the summer. Mrs-. Aïbert Ilayden. of 'Toledo, s])rni a l'ew days last week wilh Dr. ani1. Mrs. Pyle. Perry Hall, wliile working in tinhay field 'ast Thursilay, was taken wlth heart fallare and died Friday mornlng: Mrs. Koscoe Allen entertained tlu Cbaiauqna circle Saturday aml spread a fine banquel. Ola and Ella Dodge are spending tlieir vacarion at Wayne. Mrs. Mattie Blaeknier lias gone to Trenton wth lior litrle niece, Iiiez, to apead o'iinng week wlth her sister; Mrs. Ford. 'Mrs. Mesi'c is slovrly iinproving. Kittie Lamí) retiirued from Detroit Friday aceompanied by lier sister. Helen. Prof. Adams, of Detroit, and eouslu George; of New York, spent S'.'.'iilay umi Momdiay here. Berthia Blaeknier cante home from Farwell Monday. tiriuging with her lier little uephew. Ieo. CHEL.SEA CKUMBLET8. Chus. Ktvinbach and wife, Herman Fletcher iiid wife, Mrs. Teter Bastearle and Mrs. Geo. Wacfeenibntfh, of tuis place, were in Aun Arbor Monrtay to .utcnil i.ln' funeral ot' Mrs. Jacob Voll.inil. Ylúo at woi-k en tus Ham, Friday inoi íiiiis, Wn. Wood. of this iilace, is síricken (fown wirli tlio heat. He inuiH'iliatrly baken to his homo, atiU midcr the eire of Dr. Ptúfnejc is fast recoveriiig. It was a very arrow esi ape. .Miss Nettie Kingsley. óf 'Mianch6stiiT, isiicd here July 13 and 14. 'Kmil Uichter, of Sagíriaw, and Miss Carrie Kraus, of Ana Arbor, visited Henry SteinHach Wettnesclay, wnlleon o short tríp witli tíünir Wcycles. Vn. Freer lias Ieft for Colunibus. (.. where he will jfoln Fiefd's 'ilinatrels for the season in ttic capacity of iimsician. The school meeting of the district was lu-lil 'Monilay erening, July 12. in the Town Hall, wíth a vcry saiall attèttdance. Geo. Begole and D. P. Tuylof were elècted to the board and H. S. ATmstrong; II. S. Holmes and Wm Bacon were re-elec-ted. The M. C. Ii. Ii. is ropnirini? their frelght honse with a new rooi'. Al Welch 'was m Dexter this week looking np the prospect for putting in ai electric 1 i.r li t plant in that village; All the 'nnyini: is done in this neighborhood aud rfie farmers are in Mie iuMst of harvest, whiie the threshers ar. setting ready for next week. Quick woïft for snch a slow season. MAXCHKSTEIi. ■Yill Kircbgessner and faniily, of Grand Raptös, are spending a Lew days with iiir pareats, Wim. Khvhgessner. tóra. II. C. Conklyn and dnushtor. of Toledo, carne hou. o Saturdav to spend :i few weeks with her moüier, Mis. Gage. MErs. (l. F. Slieldon and son. Allen. of Mr. Pleasant, stopi-ed :it Manchester Sarnrday nigfit. Tliey wvrr en their way to Blissflelct, wherè üiey wl spend tbe sujiVmer. Mr-. o. B. Tayrqr, of Detrpit, is visittñg af &eó. .1. BaeussTér's. .Mis. Frank Morey, of Detroit i.-; spënding a few da.vs visltlng at Mat Willis'. Frederiek Valentine, one of il.m ehester's oldest "citlzens, lied at hls hoiiüe Sunday night. He had 1 i (H'.iic feeble for some time, and a f t u weeks ago fel: on jlain st. and brok hls lii]. Tliis with the wann wcathei was too much for h'.B feeble l.ealth Mr. Valentine was 87 years of age. Miss Preda Schroid, of Chicago, i visiting her unele, Nat. Schmid. for a l'ew weeks. ■Miss Kmma Dieterle, of Arm ATboi is spending a few days at Fred Stein kohl's. Miss Tansy Sheldou went to Bliss field to spend lier vacatioa 'Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Magiun went t Toledo, Wednesday. On account of Mr. Valentine's fun eral, the stores were closed Wednes day aftemoon. ■VI1ITMORE LAKE. Mis. Anflie MeCoy mee liane) .and her linie daughtcr, Gladys, are visittng ai "Old Comfort Cottage" íor e fe-w weeks, atid grandpa and grandma ii-.r.if aiv correspondí ngly happy. Mr.--., llerritt Kir.itli, oí Jackson. was tnken (juire ill at her cottage last week, and was removed to the home oí her mother, Mrs. Marie Stevens, where sshe is recovering uicely. l'ncle John King is enjoying a visil trom son Délos, wife and dailghter, r Grand. Bapid, who srarprised the "old folks" last Sunday by quiofly dropping to see them and spend a part of the ireated iei'ui. As Mrs. Ailiüe Field and lier two daughters were remming fron; churcli and 'Sunday school last aftcrnoou their heuse beca me frlghtened wheu near Fred; Smiih"s or the nortli side of the lake;. and turning around quickly emptied all three oí the occuiianls of the buggy down the bank.' bruising Mrs. FieïaTs and one of tu girls considem,bly. Mi-s. 1'. was unconscloüs for a time, bilt inuler the re of 'Drs. Sniitii and Leeman. slie was soun made comfortab'.e, and will doubt ; ss recover in a few öays. Tli bnjfgy was 'badly CÜanngeCt and it is fortúnate thai. the results were ko worie. Miss Ella Cushing; who has been worfcing :it Henry Webber's for some linie, ieft last week Monday to spend a few days with her aunt. Mrs. BrocK;way, in the town of Hamburg,, and in a of despanöency she look a large i'.ose of morphine last tiatunlay. Dr. S,ariz was called in and heipad her over the affeets of the drug. luit bel'ore he got réady to leave she manajred to take a larger dóse, and despite the efforts of the doctor and nis friends she died that evening. Her funeral was held at the Congresatienal church in Webster, Momia y forenoou, and the buriaK w s-nau t.1 chuTeh. Her father and brother, living in Ihe town of AVebster, are sadly afflicted over the rash aet, for whieh ■we have -heard no aatisfáctory reason nssigned, tuiless it grew out of a Iove aft'air. Mrs. Allie Stevens' niother. Mrs. silsiiy. retum-ed from au extended visit with her daughrer and family in T'( troit. last Saturday, and expressed herself as very glad to got home f ga in. ■Delbert Todd came very near a suntroke last Saturday al'ternoon wiiile i.wing across the lake. The Tjadie-s' Aid Society had a yeTy leasant 'meeting with Mrs. Lillian Viesmyer last Wednesday aftemoon. 'Prof. Fred 'C. Hi?kvS is expeeted bfick from Uermany about the fii-s-T of August. 'He reports a very pleasant and successful year in the Vaterlinid. He will resume his work in tlie State Tniversity of 'Missouri in September. A glaoce at the Lake Hous rogfster shows the followlng guests of reeent date, many of whom are yet tarrySng with mine host Allie Stevens-: From Aun Aitoor- iMrs. D. ï. MeXeil and family, F. S. Gage, S: W: Clarkson. Mrs. 'Dr. Lynds, X. Stanger and Bro., .T. O. Schlottei-ibeelj, Mrs. E. H. Bberbach and daughter Edith. the 'M"isses Ifrene (ilbert and Luella Moore. O L. üobinson and wife, Harry W Douglas, l-'red S. MtOmber, Clis.. A Wanl and family, E. E. Calkins and Xeisou Stevens. From Toled'o- F. I' Graves and 'wife. liobt. Pngjtl and family. and Mrs. Marga rel Mushr-r Kioin Ypsilanti- B. R. ar.d wife, and tbe Misses (ierlrud'e For man, Libbie Ñeate and D. Lyun Due l)i'l. E. IL lOaves ai d wite, Colir.n bus. Ohlo; EJdward' U. Roehiu. wii( and daugater; Deiroir; amr T. Doug las Stevens, of Bay City, fonneih postmaster, and an old residern here. It is expeeted tliat tfte postuffice wil be moved' to Mr. store üiis week. Sevenal parties wlios manes yoii reporter lias not been al. ie to secujre are camping on the shores of ou beautffni l:ko. WHITTAKER. Aïxrat 2.o imshels of etrawberrles h.-nvcsnVi n this vicinity. .Miss Mary s. Sticker bas frlenda visitinj; her from Jácksok Ij. .1. 'Miller bas Hiid anöther son EWwn Detroit Join hiin Iiere. assault and battery cnso of Kill('iiffl)oek vs. Smart was trietl again I;:st vei4c and the jury's verdid va no cause of actiou. Mts. P. II. rhompson nud daujrluvi Rntli, of Flint. are vlsltlng the forin er's patents, B. V. Fuller and wife. Art Tedder aud famlly, of Stn-8 btrrg, were visitiug here Sunday. Jlrs. J: C. Kramer has a brotbe visiting her from Oliio. ■George AVantz luis returned hom from Marión, Ohio. iSunday Albert Carinichael was fo-o ing witk aa uuloadod revolver wlie it was discharged aud the ball lodge in the shoulder of William Snook Both parües are colored.


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