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X. J. Kyer is in Lanslng oa a business trip. E. F. Pyle and A. Davenport, of Milan, spen.1 the ddy in Asan Arbor yesterday. Mts. A. B. Lathrop. of Ann street, leaves shortly for a six weeks' rlsit ai Plains, Kansas. Charley Banfield ís slowly reeovering froni his severo fall recelved In the Moaroe bieycle races last Monday-. George AJexander, oight operator at the Michigan ('cutral station at Gedi!cs. dropped Into town for a wiiile today. Judge Dooley, who vas probate judge of Houghton eounty for eight years, is attendlng the summer law school. Mrs. Daniel T. McNell, of Chureh st.. leaves tomorrow for Kokoma, Ind.. where siic expects i. enjoy a month's visir. Mrs. George Apfel and lier motín;lefl tor iMiluth today on a Uro weeks' trip. They take the Anchor Line irom Detroit. Howard Bdwards and Chas. L. Well, of Ilie faculty of the State Aizricultnral College at Lanslng, were in the city today. Mrs. C. L. Downing and her daughter, Edna, of Muueie. Pa., are visiting in Ann Arbor. They formerly resided in Dakota. We hear that MkL Colé has left for Chicago to attend a city musical convention, in oonnection, with ptlblic school work. She expects to b-i away two weeks. Prof. W. S. Perry and his faniily left this morning for Les Chenaux Islands. Tliey will occupy Prof. du Pont's cottage and expect to be away from the city until September. Mr.s. A. E. Shaw, of Olivia PI., eii tertained a few oí her neighbors at a clellghtful "Poreh Party' last e-ennig, in honor of her brother, George AY. Foskett, of Boston, .Mass. Miss Susa Whedon left last night for Xorwood. Mass., to spend the yr:ir witli her brother. W. T. Whedon. Sho will study in one of the art schools of Boston during the winter. Miss Gertrude Sunderland has just returned from Chicago, where she ■v.i-nt last week by invitatiou to give a piano recital in Handel Hall before ;; summer normal class of piano teachers. Dell Relghard, P. S. Bishop and G. A. Bverett, of Frankfort, Kentucky, passed throngh the city yestenlay on tbelr wheels. They left for Detroit aíter dlnner at the American 'House, and expect to round up at Niágara Falls, completiug a very long bicycïe trip. Xi-.thing has been heard from Willie Burleson. the Ann Arbor boy w)u ran away last .Tune. It is said that the L-oy ran away last jear, but stayed orly two days at. that time. His relatives here are taking the matter very cooly, and he will probably turn up all rlght before long. Mrs. Kathboup, who has been visiting in the South and East, returned yesterday accomijanied by her daughter, Miss Josephine. At present thev are staylng at Mrs. Forsyth's on the corner of Hill and Twelfth streEts. The latter part of the summer, howover, they hope to spend in their old home on División street. Prof. Trueblood returned from Xew York yesterday and reports a most delightful trip. He brings with him as a badge of his new office, as president of the Xational Elocutionists, a beatrtiful ga vel, heavily mounted with silver. Prof. Trueblood says that the honor carne unsought as he had been werking for his friend, Prof. Robert Fulton, who was a candidate for ths liresideney. E. L. Seyler, city treasurer, has fiuished making out the tax receipts for the year and the busy time will begin tomorrow when taxes are due until Aug. 15. There will be an assisiïat in the office during the rush. Prof. B. M. Thompson leaves for Europe early in fue coming -week. Mrs. Minerva Bliss, of Ann Arbor, I? a guest of Mrs. A. T. Hill, of Detroit. Alvick A. Pearson, of The Tirnes force, is now on the briny deep. Word recelved from Mr. Pearson ust before sailiug last Stimlay indicates that everything is moving along very pleasantly. His friends hope that at present things are not coming up unpleasantly. His visita to Montreal and Quebec were very entertainin.j. He reporta that he has picked up three good companionsg a principal of a big school in Ontario, a '97 Harvard graduate going to Europe to study. anti a young fellow from London, Eugland. A summer debating society has just been organlzed among the etudents attendlng the summer school. They expect to have some hot debates. The meetings will be held in the rooms of ■the Alpha Xu Uternry Society on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5 o'clock, and on Saturday evening at 8. 3. F. Thomas, managing editor of tha 17. of M. Daily, wishes his friends to know that he is not a member of thls society. The officers elected are as follows: President, L. O. Davis; vice president, C. W. Adams; secretary, B. B. Johnson; treasurer, Will Sanger; marshal, R. C. Adams. I Henry Pipp aud wife spent Sunday .n Howell. Ashley Iterry was tultiated mto the local lodge of Elks last nigñt "SVill Hadley has gone on a week's fishing excursión to Zukey Lake. C. L. Bartlett and H. A. Dancer Ka ve opened a law office on State st. RoTirrr Brmvn jumj (;d oft tlie Anu Arbor railroad bridge iuto the nver yesterday. Samuel Krause and family have returned to Grand Kapids after a visit in this city. John A. Tice, of Goodyear's tírug store, will spend hls vaeation at SI Clair Flats. Mrs. Ií. S. Greenwood lias gone to Beulah, Mich., wheíe she wlH visit at Crystal Lake. H. E. Brown. of Ana Arbor oceupied the. Baptist pulpit at Milan yesterday mornlng and evening. W. X. Wetmore, who bas been visiting his father in this city, went back to Jonesville yesterday. A. 0. Allen's two sous ran away on Saturday night, but were found at Delhi yestevday morning. Itev. A. Dooling, of Dearborn. will ELSsist in the work of St. Thomas' church after the 24tU tast iWalter rl'. Seabolt, teller in the Aan Arbor Saviugs Bank. left this mornlng for Detroit on his vacation. Amanda and Einmi.Koeh are spending a few days at Zukey Lake. They aiv guests at Caspar Rinsey's. John Hillman left this mornlng for Toledo, where he takes a position o;i t In ■ Evening News of that City. Prof. Leutwein will accept a position as teacher of Genuan in tlio Ciuciunati piiblie schools next year. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Dibble, 02 E. Washington st., will leave soon for Utiea, X. Y., to spend the sunioier. Mrs. Dr. Dnnster and daughters, the Misses Bessie and Diux Dunster, have returned to Ann Arbor to spend the summer. Wllllatn G. Dieterle will accept a position witti the Michigan Furuiture Co. H; expects to start on the road ia a few weeks. S. W. Barkham, wlio has been spendiug the past week with his family on Sla te st.. returned to his position in Atlas. Mich.. this inorning. Mrs. Sophia Volland, age 70 yeara, wlfe of Jacob Volland, died July 10, at 37 Thoiopson st. The funeral takes place from the residence at 5 o"clock this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Burg left for Detroit this morning. Mr. Burg expects to return in a.few days, but Mrs. Burg will be gone for some time, visiting at the Flats and else where. Mrs. A. W. Moore, of Ooncord, Mich.. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Grove Bay, of E. University ave. She has been in Detroit as a delégate to tlie Yoiing People"s Christian Union. Kalamazoo Daily Telegraph: Mrs. O. G. Clement gave a lawn party aud tea. on Friday afternoon in honor O"! Mrs. Flora Morton of Ann Arbov. Eighteen of the South Side Club ladies wore present. Prof. E. F. Lohr, of iSouth Bend, Ind., is spending a few days in the city with his parents, having made the trip to Ann Arbor on bis wheel. He wil! be, accompanied back by his nephew, Waldo Schleede. Ida Montonye, who has been teaching in District Xo. 4 in Scio, leaves tliis week for Western Peunsylvania, wliere she will take the agency for the Monroe Book Co. Miss Montonye is enterprising and always succceds in what she undertakes. Several of the business men of the north side held a meeting last nlght for the purpose of considering ïr.ethod for beautifying the island in the Huron river near the boulevard and giving socials and picnics to go to the building fund for the new north side church on. Broadway. Menominee Herald: Frank 'Seabolt, son of M. M. Seaibolt, of Ann Arbor, a practical electrician, bas entered the Menominee Electrical and llecbanical works under Mr. Tideman. Mr. Seabolt enters the works to become a nutster of his profession. He :s a nephew of Dr. Gregory. Among the law students in the summer school is Edward Marsden a fiili blooded Exquimau from Alaska. He has the typical features and build, but is good looking. Mr. Marsden was early converted to Christianity and graduated in the 'Sitka Industrial School. He served as a steamboat hand on the Xorth Pacific three years. Mr. Marsden expects to return to his country and use his knowledge of law to help improve the politieal and economie conditions of his race. Lee Hing, the Ann st. laundryman, has been having a heap of trouble with W. P. Ching, a feliow eouutryman of his who has forsaken the straight, and narrow path. It secas that the latter Chinaman bought out half of Lee"s laundry business for $340. Instead of paying Lee this sum as he should bave done, he has been spending his shekels on the sleep preducing opium and in showing his esteem for a certain young lady. Lee says the matter has gone far enough and that he will run his business alone after this. Ching has joney and ought to pay up unless he wants his name to be One Lung instead oí Ching.


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