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Paints, oils, glass and room moulcltags. First class material, lowest prices. At C. H. Major' s, 23 E. Washington st. AVindow sbades made and lumg. all wklths, all colors, lowest prlees. At O. H. Major's. 23 E. Washington st. THE 0AMPAJGN8 IX OIUO. The State of Ohio will be the theater oí a closely contested political eampatgn this fait. The Clncüuiatl FnIqnirer is Ohio's greatest nwspaper. You can have the Democra-t and the Weekly Enquirer one year for $1.00. PIANO AXD PIPE OliGAX. Summcr classes In music. Miss Marian Smith is formlng elases of three or. fom-, dividing the exerelsés and Increasing the toteíest Ptlzes giren for best scholarstiip. Súinmer terms for liour lessons. 53 Washtenaw ave. 4'.i-.".t Bieycle repairing at Win. Wenaer's at reasooable prices. AU work guaranteed. No. S N. Fourth tve. 'l'ry Weimnan's steak's and roasts, cut l'i-om ?o]-n-fed beat. To obtain the benofirs of a ciimatie change, I must sell my property corner of Thayer and LawTence sts., and corner of JeHerson and División sts. The per cent of income oa money to be iuvested to búy 47 S. División is better than any house in this city. and I challenge succesaful contradietlon. Any of the above will be sold betów competitioa. A. M. ('.Alix. The best tonic in the world is :i pure wine. Try some of the pure homemade grape and beny wlites for sale :i 24 W. Wysliin.iíton st. 4I-Tf CEMENT W'ALKS. Cement w.ilks and all kinds of iement work dönstructed in a íirst cla'ss marnier at ireasonable priees. s. w. pik e, 13 Miller ave. To Rent- Two houses suitable for rooming and fooarding, also unfurnishPd rooms. A. M. Clark, -i7 S. División st. 48 t:5 Do you know that you eau get clocks, silrerware, .cwelry, picturos, musical iustrunu nts. ete.. iree at the Jlercliauts' Supply Oo.'s bv colleoting Trading Stamps. Ask youT dealer for them. Davis & Seabolt liaudle only the ehoicest groceries. Eyerythtag that can lie" fouud in a first elass grocery can be had tliere. Cali them up by 'phoue. If you have not got a book for trading stamps, cali at the conipa.ny's fice, Xo. 30 E. Hurón st. aíid get on?. It pays to save stamps. Lawn mowei's, knives. sshears, mzors, etc., sharpened at Wm."s, Xo. S X. Fourth .".ve. 51 31 All the latest designs in wall papeíé fiom 5c a roil up. A't C. H. Majos-', 23 E. Washington st. iWelanran's eggs are alray.s noted íor their freshness. Don't forget to ask for Tradíig Stamps when you do your tradiog. Be sure and trade wliere they give tliein. Spring chiekens at Weinniaa's. The finest broilers the market affords. New goods received every week ht the Merchants' Supply Co. Cali and see them at 30 E. Hurón st. Hing Riel! Not to the fire, for it was warm enough already, but to the attractions for our Summer Sale. It is a good time to buy. Prices are in your favor as they will not be again for many a long year. Would it not be wisdom to anticípate your wants? Skirts $5.00 Skirts now. $3.98 $4.00 Skirts now $2.98 $1.39 Skirts uow-- 98c Other prices equally cheap. Waists Our sale of Manufacturera Stock of Waist goes merrily on- 30c, 69c and 98c for choice of Shirt Waists wortn nearly doublé. Wrappers All reduced and goin'g f ast. $2.00 Wiappers now --$1.69 1.75 Wrappers now--$1.39 $1.50 Wrappers now--$1.19 $1.25 Wrappers now 98c $1.00 Wrappers now 89c Silk Special Printed Fonlord and Printed China Silks, sold all the season JCO as a drive at 25c, 13 Ui E.F.ÏÏk 20 S. Main Street.


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