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We Have A Very Pretty Paving

We Have A Very Pretty Paving image
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nanee but we have ao paving. It. is errremely discaurteous of Goc. Pingree to poke tan at MclialEar"s tariff. Ir Got. Pingree don't stop say-ing mean tlnugs about tlie RepuMican tariff Mark Hanna will cut hlm off his free list. The Hon. Bill Bynum, putative leader of the gold Democracy, easts his eyes longingly to the Klondyke for working capital. It. is fortúnate for those who have to burn powder in the Ohio campaif?n this fall that the tariff on biimstone is no higher 1:han it ;s. It is runiared that Ben HarriaoE will drop the baby long enough to take a hand in aviñg the honor of the country in Indiana this fall. Col. Henri Watterson tooasts that be wrote the platform of the Kentueky gold 'Demócrata and the star-eyed goddess hangs her he&d in ehame. Thcre is a rank sttspicion abroad that MJeKinley'S currency myssage was not intended for the txlificarion Of eongress but for use in the Ohio campa ign. Iuasnuu-h ae the scnato rol'uscd to be investigated on its gar trust stock speculaticus, we woifld suggest tbat Mr. Tilhiiau táke a httle su.aar in his. It has iow been more thin two weeks srnce his excelloney has appointed a Chelsea. man to office. Is Billy Judson sick or away on his vacation'i ITp in Saginaw they have found a practical iise for a road roller. They roll it. aroS'S the street tracks and it there to 'bring a recalcitrant streets -ear eompany to time wlth its taxes. A ibieycle ordinance that will pw■■ent seorching and provide for bells ■ii nel lamps in the night time 3s highly desiraible fcefore tiie beginniag of tne next school year brings its quota of wheels into the city. The Detroit and Grand Haven Railway Co. has reached tbc gold basis by discharging part of lts eü.ployes and putting their duties upon those retained. Lefs seo. wliat did Chauncey Depew say last fail wonld be aecessaTy for railroad elnploycs to do in order to liold tiieir jotos. Aid. Soule ca lied the aitteotion of the council Monday niglit to the ehameful way in which the city wis robbed in its contracts for cutting the weeds in the streets. In many of the wards this was a farce and the C.oney thus spent could havo been si'cnc to as goo'd advaufage keeplng up -su-uii! iu tlu' road roller. Same people have a notion that an "opinión" oif the attorney general is the law of the land. Those pcopl' are mistaken. The only difference between au opinión of the attorney general and the opinión of any other lawyer is that the former is tired ar. the public free of charge while the cliënt must pay for tlic l.uter. It is a safe presumption that the columns of the esteömed Times wil] lüMvafter be silent. upan tiie subject of soulless coTparations. 'The cpulent editar of The Times haring erraJied the cream of the newspapers, has now adided an opera liouse and oivhestra ■and a band to liis string aid is :isiing sheep's evos at Lodi toll road. Whem a. man gets to be ' the whole thing he quite oaturally forgots tne trials and tribulations of the ungwlly. The lea.ders oí the ('levelan.l-i'arlisie wing of the Ropublican party have not as yet filed their apptoval of the Dingley tariff. The wing of the Repulblicaa party led by Mark Hanna and the wlng of the same organiza tion whose fortunes are at present the Hom. Wm. D. Byuuni, ex-Democrat of Indiana, hav at least one nnmoal grGuad - a mutual admiratioo oí (tJyvea' t'kvt-líüul's tinancial jjolicy.


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Ann Arbor Democrat