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Who Is School Commissioner?

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W.hen W. W. Wedemeyer rcsigned the office of SBgeriatendenrt of schools the board of school iusjn ,-iors, whose duty it is in sueh c:is-s ro till tlie vacaucy, were called together, and, undoubtedly believing they i ouid in si serve ïheir eonstltuents by seléetïug a man who kuew somcihin.r about the schools oí the county. t&ey elected ex-Coiunvissioner M. ,T. Cavanaug-li to serve the unexpifed term. Tuis was satisfaetory tt every one Init the two by four politiciaa w'ao was aceidenitally blown into the camiiMssioner's office by the misjakts n.ade by silver Demccrata in vóting the gold ticket. His term of oiltoe woúid bave begun ïuly Ist, 1S97. aml ho waated the (xiia rwo mont.hs" jjay but he dida't get it, lunee his djscomfituipe. Whon Mr. ('avanau-'-li was eiecte-3 ccinmissioncr he was holding tiie offiee of school ('x.-mnnci-. lus aeceptanee ;f thé eommissionet' oüice eaused a vacancy in the ofllee of examiner. But 110 atteanpt was modo to iill the vacancy 4urlnS t'1 pei'iod iiiai Mr. Oavamaugh was serving is (■(;] iiiissinniT. for the reasou that sueh au electior. would havo resulted in the cholee of a Democrat. But wltli Lister acting on ;h board things were ilii'fi rent and last ilonday the oíSce of exaiminer was deolared to be vacant and I'rof. 1). W. Springer was elected to flil tlic Put so intent wis this ptulding-hetided politica! accident on do'mg some one else up that he forgot to legally qualify fov the perfonnauce of the duties of his owu office, and it now brapspires that Llstev is uot school conunissiouei1 at all. rad that Gávaaailgh is acüug corómi&sioiier ur.til bis successor Js elected. The board of whic:i Mc. C:iv::n.p.m'!; is the hoad uiet Werteslay ;mI ei oted Prof. C M. Fuüer, of Yovk. examiner, ;u;l aow Mater is nftt sw BUTe rliat t Demócrata are ilonis all the aweatiag. It sometimos requires nrai'.is even the conduc: oí re3 eheap poï.tics.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat