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In 1S70 tbere were in the United States farm animáis to the nnmïier of 102,516,800, valued at $1,822,327,377; while in 18S5 155,282,043 animáis of a ir.iich better (flass were pnly vaJned at $1.817,802.110. Not only were over lüiy millions of faun animal-: of an improved qaality produced for nothmg, but the farmers were actuaHy flned the sura of $4..":.".:7 for prodnctag these 52,765,243 improved farm animáis which were every one of them '■;)niisca!t'(l by the shrinfeage of prices tl.rou.ïh the inereased pitrehasing power of noney entirely for the lieiiriit of the tax eatera .-ml eonpon-clip]:cis.- -Grand Rapids Democrat. Oonsmettting apon the aJbove he editar o-f the Kalainazoo Telegraph, whö is the son of the architect of the Dingley tariff bill, lays the whole trouble at ihe door of the WíJsod tariCf. ïh.-it Is .i way these ultBajpjxtectioDists have of meeting questiaos which annot s answared without exposing the sophi.-ti-y witli wliifli their position .s foriified. Evi'vythinc: from the increase in the numbor o diTorces to the failure o.' the peaeh oróp is assigned to Democratie tariff legislation. In tliis particular lastanoe the editor of the Telegmph would have betrayed as much sagacity had lie charged decline in the value of farm !:mds to the chances fi'oin sii to ad valorem duties made by the Wilson bill. ir would have quite as mueh effect to 'have farm lands prtttectod by a tariff tax as to have horses, hogs ov cattle so loiifí as the Amerieau surplus of those aninials must lind a rtarket abroad. Tet no oiie is l'oolish enough to believe tlnit a tariff duty ob roother carrh would have saved ttie pnce of fr-rins.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat