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Etlu'l and Murl Bordine are visüiiig rola ti ves in Toledo. Konry Masón, of Detroit. ís rtsitiBJ hls relatlvee in this vicinity. P. T. Lamkin wem to Toledo Su inrday and returned Monda y. 3. S. Swenk, of Coleman. i.- rlslcini his bivther. Iíev. ,T. A. Swenk. Henry Hammond and George Ooófi, _f Saline, were in town ïuesday. Mis. F. Ií. Thomps;m and daitíílit"v retnmed to their lióme in Flint Monlay. L. H. Miller has be-en putting cïowii i "5-foot drive wi'll and i.s ftl) buildïi.ï a névv barn. Win. A. Meier liad : Béffbèw stná i friend froin Monrój) vísrtllig Ejíbq rimrsday and Friday. Mrs. H. r. Hnmmorul has returr.ed ere from up nurtli wliere slie ha;eijn vlsiting her two daugñfers and' ithiT relatives the past year. H. E. FulliuRton feil ofï a grain srack Saitujday, brnisins; hini eonsulí.ihly. bul it is not tlioucrlit it will prove anytblng serious. .T. W. A'bbott, who has Teen a resident of this place for the jiast 17 viMis and lias ibeen in business nmsr f the time, has removed to Park liCke, Osceola cotnuty. Fred I'eppiatt took up thi' Hoor in in oíd building used as a covn ciü', mcl wit!; the heli) of his men and log killed 247 good, healthy rats. A few days previous to tliis Mr. Peppiatt ;ilUl 21 'alone. MILÁN. Mira. Archi" Graunitlett is qjilte siclc. Miss Lwy Curtís sj.ent last week in the Bouthern part of ilie state. Itev. Robber! s. üie I Dáversallsi minister, lus rental Mrs. Burnap's üoum . Rev. Mr. Pmmiug, of PliinlkM. calied on friends Tuesflay uf tuis weck. A. E. Putnam is making a business tri) to Toronto. Offnacla, an.l oiher ( i lies. Mrs. Dodge is spemltüg a few day3 with her bi-oihci-, John Abev. Ln TpSi):uiti. Hcv. aiul Mrs. Jones returneiT home i'ridu.v i'roin thelr two wee&' vi.sit in OaníMfei. ('arrie MoGregor La home. after a year'a absence, to stay fluring her stinvnn t racatlon. WlllabeU Farmer, who luis been vislting her gramliiarents for a week. returaed to }ier home in Toledo SimC.:y. Prof. and Mrs. ('ari-ick. who have teen speadittg several wetks with tUeiv pareuts in Dumlee, )iome ai_';iiu. Tb.inlow ilaekmer and wifs dorove ever trom Fowlervilie Saturday and are Bpendlng ilie week with C. M. and fiamily. Dr. and Mrs. Me.sic drove over to Alm Arbor Frhlay. veturnin.i; Saturday Kev. .r. 1'. Hvtehinson aud wife witl, them. Dr. Shapsreeu and hig party iiav" spread a large tent ïiere. and are giving Tree entertainments every evecing for tlie coming two weeks. :rs. will (iay was badly burned Tuesday of Chis week while (;r.viug to save her little daughter, who had caiifiht lire froni playiug with matches. Miss Oase, who has been employed for several years in the Hud&on school, Uas beeo atteDding 'ie schoei at Cbicago, Is hom-' 11, w untii September ist. The folkwiog are the ñames cf a ftshíttg party ihar fefi bere ruesday August 3d, for a iv. weeks' stay ai Late Brie: Ivadell Lockwood, Mies Nou Oalkins, of Kleiner: Mis Xewtrma, from Stony Creek; Mrs. E. W V.'anl, T'lH'Iic Wftrd, Slolia Waru. S Fred Báwards, F. W. Kobinsoc, WilUier Robinscni and VVill ('rai.ï. YORK. Miss Blanehe Forsythe is flsfting her sister, Mts. Miaer Hause, :i Muni.H'. Daniel T. Lewls, one of the oiiU-sr ers of I. cnawee eounty, Uifil at the home Oí Israel Hale last Momlay. Henry Haniaunul harvested 7SC bushels of wheat froon -2 aores. Fvv( Josenbans, otf Blisafleld, is1 vsIttng fviends aml relatlvès here. i.UaiT Vandeiiberg clied at bis h'tíme In thls village last M'onöay, at fiie agi: of 11. .Mis. Ford and sou. i'ty. gpent Sunday in YpsilantJ. The Laie Bidge Iihium's deCe.-ned t:,c ('lintiiiis in a horfgame of hall last 'l'i'i'isday on the Lake Rrounds i y a score of 2 to 1. The feature of liie game was the home run by Uillon. AROUXD THE COÜXTY. Miss Roalna Hegge died at her bonje in Freedom. July 21. S'he was a vci-y estimable yomag lady. The inemibers of the M. E. ehuroh of Qhelsea, who were over 50 yoars. of fijre, were entertainecl by bhe Epworth League Friday. The vülage dads of Manchester have ii.-vlvcíi ti) have residente build walks out of any kind of n-aterial tboy :ny order, and it is thought tiiar, Jianefcèster will now Improve her ways. 'roí', .iiid Mrs. C. O. rownsend, who Basve been m Germany for tlie ])ar !uo yeaTS, arrived bicre Wedoesday moraing. Mr. Townseud Ims accepted a position iu New York city to begin ín September.- Saline Obsei'ver. O. C. Bostwitk has i-eeeiveil fro;n the s ui ii another eollection of curies foi]ii-: museum. It eonsists of a Mexlcau c.M.ilry saber. Colunibiaiï jruard sword, .Tiiianeso sword, a pair of navy hand-ii-ons, and severa! pieees of grape and caunister. - Dexter Leader. The new telephone line betweèu Waterloo and Stockbridge has been nui'ci by ;ts owncrs the Rural Teleplu ne Line of Waterloo, and the offfcer of the same aire Dolancy Cöoper. president; Lynn L. Gorion. ïcratary; Orville Gortoa, treasurm-. Tiu re are four different lines ternünatinjï at the store of Henry Gortoa & Sun. iu the Tillare, c-oiaieeted liy a swirdubo-aiHl. These linwv not only ci.anect Waterleo with Stook?bradLe Clielsea. but with the following faniHM-s along the route, who havo in their honses: Sii'.uey A. Colliiis. Horace L-jek, Wiliiar.i E. Wessels.


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