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AbWt fórty students of the sum jner law school had thoir pieture taken W-ednesday. They made a fin gi oup. New cement walks are beiag tal just of the dental and Uoineo patine medical buildings. Tüe lm provememt will be welcomed by all. The story oomes frotr. the Jjyr. camp thait the campers liad a airee quarter keg oí ginger ale, or som e thfog in the ice house near the eam; at Whitmore Lako. When the thirstj singe:cs went To look af ter their prop erty it wa-s gone. Great indlgnation ïhe Foui'fh of .Inly committec liav advanced about thirty-óve dollars They are In hopes tiiat 'those wiio hare Éailed to meet tlieir dües wJll (J so at once. The baoks of the cornmit tee are open to inspectlön at a,ij time at the store of Rinsey & Seaboll .Mis. Seymour Coonbs, the ínsáiií -.vonï.au, who was toronghf heiv frou Augusta early in tli.; weck, will bi taken to the Traverse City asylun Hcxt. Monday. Sbe is in very bac shape. She could uot be taken U Pontiac beoause the asylum there was íuJ.l, The marriage of Electa M. Henion to J. Fred Duthie ís ainiouneed to tak' place on August 19, 1897, at the residenee of her brotlier, Fred N. Heniou, Portland, Oregon. 'Migs Henion wis born and raised in Ann Arbor. reniovng to Portland, Oi-egon, sonie six years ago with her parents. The following comes from Petcskey: Cl;as. Bomen, the Aon Arbor man wlio tried to "do" several Petoskey citizeiis w ith a forged note last week. was sentenced by Judge Adame Wednesilay. He was given three years at Jaekson and was taken there yesterday afternoon by Sheriff J. Smith. Saline Observer: F. E. Jones aad fan'.ily are tearing up prepaiatory to mcving to Ann Arbor next week. Their departure from here wil! be greatly regretted by their many waim friends with vliom they have mingled iuooe or less for several years. The step is deemed advisatle by Mr. J. on account of business relations. F. B. Burton, a newspaper man, is said to havo come heve soine.time ago for treatment. It is thought that he O.ied liere about four months back. Some of bis property and niouey -is in possession of the editor of tlie Minnt'apolis Tribune, and nis friends oa' rt-latives her ïr.ay get track oi it by calling on G. il. Shelmire, of tue Ana Arbor Organ Co. - So few tirrned out to the special meeting callecl by Mayor Hiscock Fridny to consider a proposition niad'.' to the city in regard to setting, tip glass works here that the mayor adjourned the meeting for one montb A special oorumittee consisti?.ig oC Messrs. H. J. Brown, J. F. Schub, and 'Moses Seabolt was appointed lo look into the matter. Rev. Fr. Naurin. Sullivan, a professor in the Detroit College, left Sunday night for Mangalore, India, where he, will tajte up missionary work. Fr. SulKvan was born at Aún Arboi' in 18Ö0 and received hie high school training at the high school herc. M.ingalore, hls future field of wark. i.% being ravaged by the bubonic plague ■ni;d India famjne. The Detroit E veiling News says: Louis ,7. Disemerj editor of the Daily Times at Ann Arbor, is a.lso proprietor of the Grand opera house there, as well as a serial story writer of merii. He is the autlior of the novéis, "Playhig With Hearts," "The Belle of Louisville," and "The Ivory Braceiet," which appeared in the Scrippi league of n'ewspapePs several yèars ago. At the regular meeting of Beckor's llilirary Band Friday tbey elected t!ic following offleers for the coming term of three niffntlis: Presidont. Mr. Perkias; vice pi-esidt'iit. Ed. Jones: Sfcretary and treasurer, _K. J. Burdick; business jn.iDager, Joe Jacobus. Mr. Jacöbus will be found at the ü. S. Exiwess Co.'s office, where he will an8w;eá any questioas with reference to the band. AVork on the University lightiug plant is now well under way. Men have been, put to work trom day to day until tliere are now betweeii -45 ar, d 50 students at work. Abo-it twoth.irds of the wiring is fluished, but this is only a small part of the Wg job of üttiag out all tiie campus buildings wilh electric lighting appliances. It is expected that the plant will be in running order by the ruiddle of September. Il was said on the strects Saturday ilïat Couuty School Co'mmissioner W. N. Taster has fallecí to make thé proper "(lualilication" for his office within the time prescribed by the statute .und tüat he is therefore not entitled to hold the office. In that oase it is saiü that M. J. Cavanaugh, who was comnjissioner up to the flrst of July can, ïf he desires, still act and draw the pay of the office, tintil the cöunty clerk can cali the board of counfy school examiners togetlier for the purpdse of fllling the vacancy which is alleged to exist. The Times was unïibleto fin il Mr. 'Oavanangh and canBot say what he prposes to do in the nvatter. . , j. ... j The St. Andrew's ehoir boys lei MoiVday morning at 6 o'cloek for the camp at A liitniore Lake. The boy will be goue a week. Becker's l);iinl gare an open ?.ir con eert at the corner of Liberty and Mai sts., Saturday night. Tiie crowd tlia Ustened to the music almost Blocke u:e sidewalks up, John Burns, l'ormeriy wlth W. I Melntyro has purehased the groeerv stock of W. L. Bunting and take pcsseaslon immediately. Euül Hopp Will clerk for him. Tlio eampus .host eoiitlnues to h terest ströllers in that part of th town. It is getting to be a little slij liowevor, and it takes ,-i pretty süar person to catch si-ht of ir. It is reportéd upon good autharlt tbat Gov. Pingree lias deciderl to ai pohit C. Iï. Millei' successen1 t Ji-.dge V. H. La lic. who resignoü t accept a taw professorsnip 'it Au lAirbor. The youiig men of the Bethlehon church will sive a lawa. sjo:al a "i-irz's (irove, on W. Liberty streor Priday erefling, August 13, for th benefit of the church. Elverybody i invited. A delightfully prêtty surprise ya g ven Miss Winnie DePii3 by abou 20 of her young frieu-ls at her 'hiaat 21% X. División st.. last Satunla; aftornoon, the occasion being lic birthday. A nuniber of the local draggists lef Tliursilay fov Grand Ledge, wixeiH the meeting of the Michigan Sèat( Pharmaceutieal A'ssociation is Juli August 3, 4 and 5. Messrs. Sehumaeher, Browa and Eberliaeh were aniong the nuraber. The 'board of public works held a special meeting Mondüy. The contract for the sewer in the Trh district was given to Hutzel & Co., as they were the lowest bidders. The 7ork will amounc to a1)out $1,800. J. J. Goodyear, president of the Humane society, Monday afiemoon ordered Marshal Sweet to shoot a house owned by Gtorge Lavere. The animal was in a crippled conditioa. This is the second time the Huinaiie society has interfered in Lavere's casñ. Joseph A. Folhenais was married Tliursday afternoon at 4 o'clock to Mrs. Belle K. Edson at the home of her sister, Mrs. Barrett, öf Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Polhemus returaed tocia y and will go to housekeepiiig at the corner of Hill and E. üiiiyer.-ii;, a y e. Williain Beranek, of Ypsilanti, w!io s wanted svt that place on a chaige of stealing a gold w'atch from Miss Makel Gauntley, was brouglu to the county ail Saturday night. He was capturad y Deputy Canfield near Kalamazoo Saturday aftemoon, .af ter a two days' chase through the surrounding country. The famous orator and writsr, Mm Annie Besant, has been seeured foï a leeture in the School of Mnsic ilali, tonight. Mrs. Besant is making a suoimei leeture tour tnrough America. Her leeture herc is to be on "Recent Science and Theosophy, ' and will doubüess 'be a great treat. Rev. J. M. Gelslon. of Aiïu Arfoor, occupied the pulpit oí the Fort Street Piesbyterian ehurcih. Detroit. Sun (tay morning and evening. Kis tnorning sermón was on "The Patience oí God," and in the evening he '.wtured o "An Historioal View of ChrtetJanIty from Golgotha," suggested by some recent discoveries. The old soMiers of Salem and vicintty will hold tlieir annuai basket picnic diuner at S. C. "Wheeler's, oae-liaif mile west of Salem 0:1 Saturday, Auvisr 7. All old soldiers of Salem and vicinity ai-e cordially invited bo atteud. ioiigressmaai Spalding and E. I'. Alen will glve short speeches. Mus-tc by the Salem qvuu let. "Dot" Tremeiue. tlie woman of the r-wa who was arrested Mouday, ■ame up before Justice DuflCy Mouday afternoon. She was sentenced to f. days in the Detroit house of cor■e-ctioii. Ou lier way lo and fraiu the ail she shed bitter tea-rs of Shumacher, tlu man who was with her, got 10 diys in jall. Two open air preachers struck to%-n Saturday nighit and created quite a liversion tfor the people who throngei he streeis down town. The r,vo exïoiiers managed to gatner a big croud around ihèm, but the eoUectibn tfld sof amonnt to much. One of the men a-lked 40 minutes straight. On the peech he can beat Railroad Jack from tart to finish. The Woman's Home Missiooary soiety of the M, E. ehurcli held tiieir annuai meeting last Friday afternoon t the home of illrs. Ferdon, out on Yashtenaw avenue. Tliey were deshtfully entertained and the day will e long'remembored. The next meetng will be held at Miss Ella Niehols' ïome, Xo. 10 Arch street, on the ourth Friday in A'Ugust. A famlly reunión was held suuday at the home of Mr. and JIts. R. 'i.vnn, of 'Washtenaw ave. Thi:; was he first time in 20 years that sueh a fntherjng was possible, and it never vill be forgotten. The meeting reiaives were Mr. and Mrs. A. Flynn. of It. Pleasant, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. P. Holzlianer, of Dexter and Mrs. J. S. ones, of Indianagolis, Iud, ,-.-:,íii . Mrs. Sid Ivlillard retuarnëd f rom C-híc:' #o Wednesday. The. Y. M. C. A. cleared si lm from their excursión July 15, which will go towtmls equipping the gymnasium. George H. Wüislow is buililiny fl wheat elerato" for Ailmendlnger & Sehneider at Oak Grove, nea-r Hou vil. Phil Hall eápects to receive a fine lei of homing pigeons trom Chicago ;i a few ilays in return i'or a xnimbei sent there by liini today. The contract of the Studente' Locture Association witli Nunsen. the Ai-ctic explorer, Sor a lecture' nexi winter was tnnally elosed Wednesday. The Modern Woodmen will run an excursión to Jaelcson August 20. Tiie fare for the round trip has bees íixeil at 8S cents wtth childreu's tickets ai half prlce. A social will be held in St. Thomas pchool '.lus evening. Everyone is invited to be present and meet the new asaistanl priesi of St. Thomas chuUx-ii. tlie Rev. Fr. Dooling-. ,T. F. Sehuh bas the contract for the plumbing in Schleede's new store. heating in Mrs. M. B. Gilberfs new reskience, and mantels ad grates in sereral new resi(lnces. George Kelly lias removed hls ticket office f rom 33 E. Hurón to 12 W. I-Turon street, next to tlie Unitécl States Express Co. He is ready for business at the i.ew stand. 'i'iie mean tempei'ature for the week endeö Satirrday, July aist. 71.5 degrees, was 3.4 degrees greater tlian the normal. The temperature tbroughoul. the week has been quite even. there being uo eïscessive dopartuits on any day. The Gilt Edge land elected tbe following ofRcers Wednesday: President, Gead Kurtz; viee-president, Will Scl'iK-ider; seoretary, WréA Schu'.er. treasurer, Gustave Xowak; business manager and leader, Bert S?moci. Any person hayisg any business transactions will lind iMt. Smock at C. II. Major's store on E. Washington strect. TVhat started out to be a lively runaway oceurred in front of pólice iieadquarters Tuesday inorciii" Will Lyons was driving down the street when the tug broke, letting the thills down and scaring the hprse which reared and plunged about wildly. President Luick, of the council, seized the reins of the frightened' animal before it could get started down the street. Prof. B. A. Hinsdale lectured befoie the sumiller school Wednesday night on the subject, "An Historie View of Education in the United States." The ïext of the special leetures will be ven by Prof. E. F. Johnson of the aw department on "The Eight of a Teacher to Employ Corporal Punishment." I-n his lecture last night Prof., Hinsdale said that Michigan was the type to which all vigorous state uiüersities conformed. Iuvitations ..-rre ut for the mariiaire of Carleton R. Rose to JIiss Wïnifred Higbee of Buchanan, the wecl-jlng to ake place August 12 at tlie home of he bride's parents at BücUnan. Mr. iose, who was fomnerly assistanc in jualitative chemistry liere, is at presnt instructor in the Universtty of IIii,ois at Champaign, where he vi!l continue to reside. Tlie twenty-fourth anuual reunión of he sixtli (Michigan Infantry will be leid in Represeatitive hall, Lansing. Vugust 19. The exercises will comnence at. 10 a. m. and will continuo hróiïgh the daj and evening. Special jvtes are granted on '.11 railroads. Tiie ofRcei-s of the association are: Presidunt, Major Harrigom Soule, Ann Arbor; vice-presideut, Captain W. J. Kdva,rds, Nilc-s; secretary, Dr. Milton Miaste, Otsego. There will be a concert and hop at he Clifton House, Whitmore Lake, 'ais evening. The following mem-iis of the Ann Arbor Comeily eömpany will give specialties during ie hop: Frank Ryan. vocalist; Ross Jramger, comedian; Dean Seabolt, clog tancer; James Harkins, comedian; Tolm Kenny. clog dancer. The dance vill continue from 0 o'clock to 4. Bill nclttdlng care of horses, 75 cents per ouple; spectators, 15 cents.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat