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Klmer Beal and wife have ïviurnod írom a visit lo Howcil. Fraurk Dum-.-ni, of Hamburg, paid a Tisit to Aan Arbor Monday. Miss Graee Mota-e has returned fro-ni a most enjoyable visit in Detroit. Miss Mollíe Stark lias retumeil home from a visit witli frleuds in Dextor. Mrs. Julia Vowete, of New Hudsó-n, t1 Saturday and Suiklay ;n A:uu A rbor. Krank Vinkle, of the Westeïi) Uinon. spent Sunday wlth friemcte ju Dexter. Postmaster Beakes U'i't Monday for : two weeks' visit at hls old home ín New l'ork. I'rank Curtiss. and some frlends from Detroit, spemt Sunday at Whirmore Lake. Miss Mabel E. Oorson, of this city, is the guest of Supt. and Mrs. .Sr. Joim, of Ixmsing. Mrs. D. A. llainmord was called to White Pigeon Monday by the doatli of mother. Miss Vinnie Selby, of The Times foree, lias returned trom a fcwo weeks raeatlon trip. Kal her Goldrick, of Noi-tliüeld, has been sommoned to Cleveloud by the illness of his 'örother. Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Finmeigiau were the gnèsts of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Goodyear at Portage Dake Snnday. Miss Aliee Roach, of Laasing, is n.nking a two weet' visit witb frimds here and at AVhitmore ïike. Prof. E. C. Goddard, Instructor in mathematica at the University of Michigan, is here foi: a stay of three oi' f out days.- Petoskety Resorter. W. J. Miller and faraily. W. C. Hollands, and Éaiuily and George Apfel will spcnd a couple of woebs at the HollamVs Cottage, St. C!air Flats. rom Slater will ieave with his mwöier in a few days tor Marxjpette, where he will act as best man at the marrlage of George Sla ut. his brothor. Miss Blanche I'hiliiis. of Ann Arbor, wliii has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Charlotte Brun, returned home this rcomlng.- Iansin Journal. E. E. ('alkins. the .State street druggist, and Prof. A. B. Stevens and sou ic-ft on their wheels Mmid.-iy to altend the Pharmacentical meetings :it (land I.-dge. iticlincl Kenny. Of Ann Arbor, an:l Ed. O'Brlen, oí Y)siU;ni. have accepted poeitions in ,T. F. Schuh's plunVblng deparbment. They are good additions to 'iis f oree. Miss Selma Wiukler, of piucianat.1. and Max Winkler. assistant profesfcor in Germán in the Ijuiversity. are spendlng the summer at the Roaiing Brook Iun near Petoskcv. Miss Jeseie Miller gavo a tea u evening fot the Misses Knowlton, of Arm Arbor, who terininaied a wcek's visit at the home of Judge Lauc tuis momíng. - Atlrian Tiraos. Mr. and Mrs. Setli KandaJU left on Thursday for tlie eashore. Mr. ll.imlall has eamed a rost. He has íought to a BHcceasful finish a ncinber of important law cases. Mr. and Mrs. Williaiu Lourim, Mr. and Mrs. Frauk Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Jt'lm Schuhmaeher aud Mrs. Edw-ard Aylward, of Jaeksou, speat Suuday in Ann Ai-bor with Mr. and Mrs. T. .T. ■K.van. Fiauk C. Parker, oí Aun Arfeor, was a guest yesterday at the Wilderinutíi. Ho purehased a flie leam of horses of Tom Bifimcr. lie Y.s accomixiuied by liis brotiuT, J. M. Parker.- üwossolArgus. Judge Xi'wkirk and Louis LLisemer wlll be the speakers on Germán Day at Oexter. The judge is polthing hls Ci nnan a little and finds the occupatinu a pk-asant diversion during th wann weather. 3. Barle Maynard, son of c. A. iraynard. jnmped uto hia wheel Monday morniog and at half-pasr Ín o'clock ■.vas in Lansíng, a pretty good nde ror (i i:[ ni i., years. He wrai vía Whitmore Lake, Brightcm and Ilowell. Memlt Il.nvximrsr, a jimior literary staden of rhis city. Jias bought out Jas. H. Prentíss' share in tlie Michií::m Alumnus and win manage the business end of the paper next j-ear, v lien tlu' Alumnus expects to spread itself. Wllllam D. .Tolinston, son of Ilev. .T. A. .ruinisu-u ef Detroit, and fot the past throe years Instructor in the Dnlversity of Michigan, has been appoimted instructor in Engllsh blstory in Hai-vavil. Mr. Jotonston is a gradúate of Brown univovsity. Reeüan ( ordley, oí Lawrence, Ks., who guaduated from the University in 1854, is liere looking over the campus and renewtog college associaticuna 1 f is wiic .ml son are wftb hini. The eliawges wblft have taken piace uu the college grounds suace '.". i have made it hardiy reeognlaslble. Dr. and Mxs. .Mai-.-li. of Bridgewaiot Nova Si-utia. are visiting Win. V'jís and faiuil.v. The ttoctor ia a gradcati of the ümlversity of Michigan 3nd oi the elass of 'Mi. Before retnmlng home he will visit the varioua hospi tais of the west and easi. and will ;U itend the British Medical Associatie] :rt Monitroal ti;( latter part of thtg iivonth. Mrs. M.u-fh vrill visit he. iu Xebraska before returniog liome. as Hurzel has gone to Whitmorc Lake on a tVw days' fishing trip. Mrs. .f. !■'. Tower, of Thompson :. has gone for a visir to Sratul {anids. .Miss Bessie Melaren, oí Detroit, is -sitius her consta, Bessie Maynard, a weet. Miss Bertha Xoil left Tuesday for i two weeks' visir feo Ovid, St. Jolins iiul Jackson. M'rs. E. Armstron.L"-. oí Fort Wortli, Cexas, is spemMng a few days with ',;,-. G. E. Bliss. .Miss Minnie Weluinann'a niece is lere froin W-a-térford and will stay i-útil school begins. Trof. Lawrence Huil and son. of Deroit, are visiting the professor'8 sser. Mts. Ed. Edmunds. Joe 'Martiu, of Martin Maller's, has gi.Tie to Saginaw Tor a visir. lie will v;p:iiu rlicrc mifil Monday. M.:s Rose K-rause left raesday for Mi vt'l.'iail and other potnits in Ohio. Slie will visir, amoag relaüves. Waker Crego, oí the Anu Arbor iiLTiiu ('■)., will be the guest oí his larents ai Napoleon for ren days. Mis. ,T. J. Reed, of Chicago, is visitnjc her fathei', Daniel Hiscock oí tliis city. Her sou, Lisie D. Reed, is wlíil íor. R. S. Greenwood, general paseenger Lgi ut o-f the Wabash railroad, regisr red at the American house Tueslay. Mrs. Mary DoAvdigan, of 38 E. "SViiianj street, has returned frooi luí trip to the Rocky mountains and the Pacific coast. Adrián Times: Jliss Helen Irland lis returned to her home at Aun Arbor, after a week's visit with Miss [jonlse B.".bLr. The Misses Mamie Beck and Babette Fischcr have returnd home on thcir wheels from Dexter, where thsy liave jeen visiting friends tbe ia_st week. H. .T. Brown, the dniggist, wlio is at Grand Leúge attending the Pharni!■ inical eonveníion. made the re tse to the address of welcome Pucsday. .Tat-kson Press: Miss Franc Bamard carne Saturday from Ann Arboi-. Slie will remain a few days -vitli "hei' mother, Mrs. E. A. linead, at Napoleon. Prof. H. C. Adains has returued from the east, where he went on hls w.iy to Etrrope. He kas not decidid when to roake the next attempt to get away. Miss Alma Litckfleld ivitli her little ttieces, Fioy Snyder, of 2C Gott street, and Ollle AVaite, of Dexter, went to Detroit Wednesday to spend a week or more visiting. Mrs. Reuben Awmtanister and lier d.-tiigliter, Clara, went to Pittsüeld on a visit Tuesday. Fmiu thera tiiey will go to Lodi as the guesis of George ArmbrusteT. R. II. Reilly, better known as "Pat" Reilly, is doing special wo.rk on the ('hicago Tribune and has been very suceessful. "Pat" is the Ann Arlor correspondent of the Times-Hei-ald during the college year. Oliver Albro and wife have returned from the visit witli theiï sister at Waterford. They report a pleasant time. Oliver aays that fishing was good around the lakes. As evidence of the fact he brought home a big string of blue gills whicli his friends at the hospital enjoyed very n uch.


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Ann Arbor Democrat