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The Normal school will reopen flve weeks from yesterday. The students of the summer school had a gronp picture taken Wedut siiay. Mra. J. H. Wortley and family bavo rciurned from their outing at Base Lake. Garry Densmore and family have gone to Portage Lake fora two wee-k' s camp. Mt. and Mts. E. R. Roeh-m, of Detroit, aro visitón; at the home of Geo. ÏJolmes. Mrs. II. B. Wright, of A nu Arbor, is vísiting her daughter, Mrs. Emma Littlejolm. Miss Harding g.tve a bicyele party Sionday evening in honor of her guest, Miss Riteour, of Pittsbnrg. Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Harrison and Miss Carrie Hangle have left for Chicago and a trip on the lakte. ïhe big electri-c motor car, whioh lias beea laid -lip in the hospital for some little time, ís agaïn in use. Mack & Mack have improved the intevior of their store foy m-oving the large office to the rear öf the same. Miss Mam-ie Ryan mét a party of ■Detroit friends here Wednesday anci all went for a two weeks" outiug at Base Lake. Mr. Boutell, of Deiroit. was in tho city Saturday, and bis niece, Miss Kit tic Batwell, returned to Detroit wit;1 hun. Charles Lawton internis to go to Mimcie, Ind., next week with a view of looking over the -r.dvisaiiility of settllng thore to praetiee law. F. L. Thompson, of Víctor, Coló., is in the city taking mineral baths. Mr. Thompson is a forme resident of tliis eity and is largely interested ia niiuing in Colorado. D. W. Springer, well known in tlns city. lias been elected President of the Business Seetion of the National Edu■eational Association which recently met in Milwaukee. The schooi board held a meeting Wednesday and appointed Harry Moore to take the school census. The remuneration for the work is to be at the rate of iy2 cents per name. C. S. Doughtery says that he !s receiving many inquiries in regard to the Pohn Smith property and tJiinks he is on the rigbt track oí the rigiitfnl heir to the vast estáte. George Cook makes the trip to Aun Arbor and return on liis bicycle nearly every day. His cyelometer shows 34J5 miles registered in the three montas in which lie ibas been vidipg, Fred G-allup, the genial teller of the First National Bank, started Saturday on a three weeks' trip to Cleveland, Quebec, Portland, Boston and other eastern pointe. The Light Guards will consequen)tly go to camp tliis year without a second lieutenant. The pólice of Kalarcazoo yesíerday arrested William Beranek, of this eit, while he was tryiiig to dispose of a wateh in which was engraved the luarne of Mabel Dauntley. The watcli was a gold one and was valued at $30 It is not claimed that Beranek stolo" the wateh, but he is charged with receiving stolen goods. The ways and ;na.ns comTnittee have sefctled with Exum Johnson for occupying property of which he has a deed with the First waxd electric iight tower. They paid him $100 and the city gets a deed not only of the groirnd on which the tower is located but the reailway which cuta around from Washington to Huron sts. Mrs. E. P. Allen and Miss Pom-roy rcturned last evening froin California. Miss Higley started on the return trip last Thursday Mrs. Lawrenee and Ilattie and Don Lawrence went to IjOs Angeles last week and it is no' known when they will return to Ypsilauti. Mrs. Stevens and Miss Guace Stevens iratend to remain out on the co-st for some little time. Among those from outside the eity v, ho werc here Suuclay to a-ttend the funeral of the late Charles S. Lee were l;is three brothers from Cíiicago, Detroit anid Brighton, Tespectively. Brainard Rorison and family of Detroit, Albert Miller and family of Bay City, Mns. ChaTles Oarrison, of Pitrsburgh. and Drs. Carrow and Herdin-an from Ann Arbor. The interment wras in Highland Cemetery. William Beranek, the youi'.g man rrested at Kalamazoo for having in iüs posstission a wateh upoi wliich was engravod the name "Mabel Dirntley," and which the s-aid Maibel DuntIey had had taken from her, was bt'ought before Justice Childs this ur.oivning. He demai'ded an examination which was set for next Friday. In the meaiiitime B-iranek was remanded to the county jail in default of $300 bail. A dancing party was given at the Ladies' r.ibrary Friday eve. in honor of Miss Clute, of Dundee. The following wore present: The Missos Clntf. Rose Ellis, Florence Curtís, Beryi Sandford, Maud Allen, Minnie Saudford, Grace Dawrence, Laura Scovil!, Mollie AVise, Pet .Tarvis, Grace Moore ana the Messrs. Austin George. Johc Dodge, John Harris, Rol) Snier, Ar thur ITerbei-t, Del Stoup, Frank Ellis, Fred Weinrnan, Mr. Younglove, Elmer Allen and Ray Rowley. üLéÈË The ilisses Ganleys, of Detroit, are visitiiig friends here. They made the trip on their w-heels. Ernest Yroman has been appointed as lineman for the city electric lig-ht departrnent at a salary of $35 pei month. Miss Graee Wiard cl i tl not go to Kaïvanaugh Lake as was reported last week but is entertaining Miss Helen Marks of Detroit. In the mile bicycle race at the fai: grounds yesterday. Shennan of this city dëfeated Jones, of Xorliiviiie, and Sommerville, of 'Toledo. Chris. B renner is building a:i addition to liis barn 18x88 and 20 feet high, and in front l&rge sheds so tbai he can accomuiodate 10(J horses. U'Ue trustees of Forest HUI cenietery , havo let the contract to Ellis & Co., of Indianapolis, Ind., to erect a haivdsome irou 1'ence around the cemetery. It will oost nearly $2,000. The total receipts for the Emancipation Iay celebración, a-fter the band auid grounds were paid for, were $203. Mr. De Hazen thinks Eureka Lodge will clear up between $100 and $150 on the celebr:tion. E. M. McLeod and son, Eliis, uf Washington. D. C, are visitmg the f'ormeï's old frientls in this city. Mr. McLeod is at present asslstaiit ehief in the Redemptiou División of the Treasury depa rtment. Hogers, the colored professional runner, claims to have made 104 yards ia 9 4-5 seconds, -which cteans that lie is a 9% seconds man if he can do the triek. He intends entering the Pólice Gazette sweepsrakes this yea-r. A man represeaiting the Studefoaker works, was in the city Wednesday tvying to induce the fire hose caït, which. has been authorized for the easi side. from their worfcs, but the coinir.ittee has decided to await otner ■bids. Aid. Teros is not going to have all the credit of .instituting city parks. Aid. Lamb had a resolution in before the council to investígate the oost of fitting up the Third ward coiunions into a city park. Terus park! Lamb park! Xext: Jim Tice, of Ann Arbor, attrafted a big crowd at the Congress street bridge Monday by the aimouncenent that he would dive (not jump) intr) the Hivron river 'at thxit point. He made a beautiful plunge and canie oui none the worge for accotnplishing the feat George H. Green, who lives about torn miles soath, was arrested yestorday on complaint of assault and bartery on his wife. It seetis that there i? a family tow in progress in which the two brothers of Mrs. Green figure coLspiouously. Mr. Green dénier tliat he ever struck his wife and pleat! 'not guilty." The trial was set for Friday and he was allowed to go without bail. The Grand Lodge of K. of P., .E. and W. H., of Michigan, closed its session Wednesday and decided to meet in Ann Ai'bor n'ext year. H. P. Tolliver. of Detroit, was elected Grand i'laneellor; Al 'De Hazen, of Ypsilauti. Grand Vlce-Chaneellor; Jos. Pierce, of Ana Arbor, Grand of Arnis; Ber. Thomas, of Ann 'Arlwr, Grand Prelate; Charles Williams, of Ypsilanti, Grand Outer Guard. The Windsor authorities barred out all skin games at üie celebration there Monday, and a dozen or tifteen oí the 'Gonsidiue gang, of Detroit, carne out here with a loj; of ga;abling devices to inveigle the money from the pockets of the susceptible. All soTts of gani'bling games were being played on the fair grounds ancl the promoters sueceeded in raking in a considerable amount o? money. One white man was the loser to the exten t of $45. Mrs. Kranser, of this city, president of St. John's Braueh No. 178, of the Ladies' Oaüiolic Benevolent Associaiion, has returned from Chicago where she has been attending the fourth bienuial eonventioii of the association. The organization is but elevau years old aud claims a membersliip of S.'.OOO mem'beTs. all strictly Catholio women. Mrs. Kranser says the convent ion was a grand success in the true sense of the word, and she expects to give her branch a brief report of the proceedings at their regular meeting which occurs next Thursday evening. A great deal of excitenient was caused on the streets 'Monday niglit by the report that a colored mau had stabbed hls wife on the fair grounds. It was utterly untrue. Seme man living at 'Gibraltar eauglu his wife drinking with other men in the saloon o:i the grounds and he ran in and struck her in the face. The nan was arrested and brought down tovvn and was overea ken by a wagon in which the woman, who had partaken too freely of Taeer, was being driven to same quiet place. The pólice allowed the man to hold a short conveTsation with the woman and tried, by au chibition of love and affection, to induce her to ask the ofticers to iet hini go 'but She was too far gone terself. The man was locked up but relea sed tbis ruornittg on payment of cots.


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