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agítetiom, but agitatlon is Uie natura offsprtng oí' social discoBteat. It is now in order for some carga judge to issue au injunction restrain':iasen f rom talking back whcii t'hei wives have the íioor. After a careful review of the sitúa tiön at Camp Pingree the Demacra fails to discover vrliere the governoi overlooked any bets. It's too bad G. Cleveland has re tired from public ufe. Rreckenrid is campa.igiung i?.i Kentucky and th natiomal honor and iutegrity is badl.v iu need oí a chaperon. And by thé way what has become of that distinguished farmer legisla tor, Senator Campbell. If he lias -e tired Tipon the laurols he earnert in tfao late legislutnre lie must have a deueed uncomfortable cowch. If the currency doos abt make it self sí-arce bef ore t'he "sound inonej curreney reform" eommissiou coni pietes" its kibors, it will be safe tí conclude that it is a pretty iinn un nnyielding institution. The Camadian government seems determined to use the new-found Klon. dike country as a elüb wirh wlnon ti get 'back at the Dingley tariff. Kut Canadian statesmeu should not forgi : that after all they are ouly a Iltti oce-hoirse dependency with a restricieO prcduction of everj7thing except m tvi ■and self-esteem. Just what Col. Freii Grai't has eveí dcne to merir. either in the way óf distiuguishcil services or by particular diplomatic ability, the posltlon of minister fo Oliiua, does not ajipcar 011 ihi record. The beghiang and the end of Guant is tiiat he is the sou of lus frti'.ci' ani! being the sou of oue'a father is not, in American eyes, the most 'disHn.suishecl service one ca.i reader to his comitry. Gen. iW. 'G. Thampson (Bill) wants to be collector of üie part of Detroit: The decent repuWieans of U;e stat( wl'.o are familiar witli the history of tl'is palitloal prostitute den't want him to have the job. But Thompson has performed invaluablc services for Senatoi MöMUIau and li;s railroad interests and cannot be tgnored. Ir is unnecessary to state thnt Governor Pingree's name is not among Thompson's indorsements. ('ol. Fred Grant. üie son of liis father, wants the job of actüig . s minister to China atvl fflie New York "push" of the commercial travellers" "sound money" league have decided rhis to be a good way to p.uisi m Grant off. So the memfoefs of the league throughout ti.e country have been Otifled by Xcw York tóat Fred Grant is the popular eJioice for minister to China .-nul Présldeivt SJeKinley may expeet a "spontaneous onflburst" in favor of Grant in tiie near future. Tiie American Agsoríátion for the Advancemertt of has deeided that a large iucrease in the productiou of gold Avould have a tendeney to bring the relative values of g-oid ■and silver closer togetlier. Now -.Vill sonn smart Alee of a gold-bug rlse up and teil as whether n thnt case silvi r would go up or gold would come dewn. Wlicn this question is intelligently answered we will be preparad to offer a suitable reward for that "sta'ble and unvarying" value which the bomdholders attaclied to gold whiïe itá purchiasing jiowcr was risiu.u-. The Cjiuuü.-m cablnet seems to be spendlng uie - 1 -. ■ 1 1 season looking rp the ways and means by whidi ii eán counter Dingley tariff. S: far as it affëcts ('anadian interests. The latest thing off the gviddle is a proposal to yank the Y'auks out oi' tli'ir bo-ots by refusing tu tlieni the priyilejie of working iu ('anadian forests. It 3s now in order for Som-e consciei-.-eLea som of a Dlngleyite to cali the Cauadians niean ñames. Perháps the Hou. .Tohn B. Corliss, the ailthor o-f the anü-Canadian labor law. can sjuro the time to do it. Ilis seleetion would be pecuiiarly appropriate.


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Ann Arbor Democrat