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The Mammoth Show

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Circos day has eome and gone, leavlng behiu.l it a bosl oí pleasaat meanories and a delighted lot of small boys and girls. The big tent was fllled almos) to overflowing. The crowd was :i jolly ome tOO. Kvci-y yoting man for miles around had his best glrl' tlware, and they were out for a good time, too. The eveaing performance was given ibefore a much smaller audlence. bnt. was as enjoyable as had been the morniög's entertainmept. It was a great drena that Barnu ü & Bfliley gave for the delectatlona ot the people of Ami Artwr yesterday aftecr.oiin and tast ttlght; one so i'nil oí noveliies. and offertng suolj a vnst quantiiy, varied quality .uxl uniformly high grade oí tnteresting features thai it is worthy of the name i! bears oí Greatest Show on Earth. The equal of the pyramid oí seventy horses, all in rapid motion aud all obediout to the eall rf one man. has never been secn in this city. Nat orly is it torally unlike ■.iny exhïbition cf tralned horses liiat has preceded it. btrt it is so fllled witi. Ufe and color, r.nd is so Wg'hly inspiring that it does uA eeeru as if ita equo] oonld agaln be founl. There are so many gcod things in the circus that it would be almost impoaslble to enumérate them without printing the entire programmè. The gi'eal ünerit, the distinctive quality that distinguislies it from all others ever seen liere is the great proportion of absolutely new acts. Tho footbalï dog and the pig that rails "mamma" wer splendid comi'c'.y features, and the clowns sprang raany new thlngs, erea 5n a field tiiat liad already seemed wel] nijrli worked out. Best of these was perhaps the burlesque boxlng nour be ; ecu hui Frenoh clowns, wlio fli npside down and used thedr feet in stead of their ttsts The aerial numbers were, taken in ölvWnally and colleetively, the bs-t over seen in Ann Arbor. W. Silbón' s uupa raileled long leais Crom a swiagin,; ,-iiid hls triple into the net were only equalled by the dashing aerial bar performance of the Dun!' and tbrir hair-raisrt-ng return act, in. whirii they use a small boj as a ball ■to be passcd back and forth. The buman arr w made ;i quick fli.ïht in oonelu-ding t'lie exhfbition of the graeeful Zodoras. but ir was most bighly jsensationai iyhile ir lasted. Tl ■ questriandsna was also supert). Thè grace and dah and daring ■: Rose Meers' solo bareback [jerformance place ir on a plañe abore iny other equestrinn act ever seen here and Sluiwlis. Miss Asiiti.n and Rose Wentworth gave a spleodid ex'h-il.irion. the last of the trio turning a somersault on lier horse, she beiig the only voni;in Uring wiio can accompli sh the [ Almos' beíore the audience liad lefi the tent. in the svenlng, the' circus was packed up and on its way to the train for Jacks-m. wherc the nexr performance !s givs n.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat