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Very Short Meeting

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The eommon council met for business Monday night. The meeting was a short om' and everythlng went alang vcr.v smoDthiy. There were no exütiug discussioijs wnatever, business gotijg through with ia rush. Adjournïnent came eariy, ;is most of the -ounpilmen wished to securea good ndght's rest in order to be üp in time to see the circus come in. The board of public worka recoanniended that i'aey be etrtpowered to purchase 1.300 feet of o.-.k plank fo1eiDsswnlks and culvèrts. Their recoiiMiH'iuIatiiin was adopted. The board Bubmitted Che third estímate (or eo'tnpleted woi-k iu sewer district Xo. 0. the total estímate being ?927.50, less 10 ]'[■ cent. per contract, whlch left the aimount due the contractor as $834.75. Ahí. Kccfh moved that Ki;le 21 be suspended for the Sessiou and t estímate was allowéd. Kx-Trcasurer C. II. Manly rejorted that an examinátion of the accounts pertaiElag to tinv taxcs asaessed against the property of Thos. ïayloi for sèwer purposes iu district Xü. 5 had rereialed a mistake of $2 in favor of th city. A like mistake was aiso found in the account of J. M. Schaible. Mr. Manly reeommended that warrants be drawn in faror of the two ii.irties. The recomnumdation was adopted. A petition for a crosswalk on the west side of Spring stroet. aeross Hiseock street, signed by 18 resldtjats of tlu' iiei.iihboriiood. was referred to the sidewalk eomniittee. Auothcr petition, signed by 20 prominent citizeiiS, asked the council to euact au ordinance prohiblting the' esposare of poison, iwisoued grain, or any otlier iiious substanoe in auy place in Ann Arbor. lieferred to the ordinanco coniarfttee. A pctition was also read froui Fred tettiek praylng that the council draw i warrant for -O.öó. the amoun: oyerharged hirn on the last tax eollectiooa, ecordlag to his statement befere the toard oí review. The peiition was reerred to Che íinancc comm-lttee. Tlio committee on strects and sidevalks turnod :u a batch of reporta vhieh were adopted without aiscusslon. S. First stroet was cidered grwiveled, graded mil rolled between etferson and MJadison; ' Madison street, between Fifth aveaue and Dimisión street, was treateñ Ukewise nul the subject of the iinprovoment oí )bserTatory street referred to the city mglneer for au estímate. The grades ■a I L 111 street from Ohurch to Paekird, and on iSeventh street between jiberty and Jeffierson street, were txUrt'd to l1 estaWlshed. Prol'. T. e. Trueblood appeiired in ichalf of a nuraber of resldenfs in he ' neighborhood oí Ilill street. beween E. I'niversity and Pacliard street, witli a petitlon whieh had for ts otojeet the saviiig of the shade rees ou Ilill street where it has beeu livlded ii grade. His sehenie for ieepiag tlie trees by setting aside a narrow strip of the street went :hrongh all pight, but Aid. Soule made i special effort to have the record made to read that the city had not given np any rights whate-er in the street. He was assnrod that the clerk wmild attend to the matter properly. The coinmittee on the flre departn. ent reeomtnended that the salary of C. A. Edwards, assistant chief, be fixed at $" per mouth, a raise of $5. Aid. Moore explainetl that Mr. Edwards assurued full control of the de]i:ii ■tiiifiit in tlie absence of Chief Sipley. The recommeudation was adopted. The city telephoue in the Third w:i :. was ordered moved from McIntyre'B store to the marshal' s office. The liquor bond of W. E. Hoffnran, wit!) Hugh F. Shields and Ensene Oesterlin as snreiies, was approved. Aid. IC och introduced a resolutijn that Wednesday, Septeinlber 1. 3S!)7. al '.) o'olock a. m., at the couucil cbaiulu-r be lixed as the tiir.e and place for ihc spttling of t'his council as a board Of review fox the eonsidemtion of the special assessment roll of Sewer District No. 7. Adopted. Aid. Koeh moved tbut Seventh street b-i graded between Liberty street and Jefferaon street. As :i substituto Aid. Il;iiuilton moved that the matter be referred to tlve street ana sidewalk cammlttees, as the work called for considerable outlay. The sivbstitute ("'.rried. Aid. Rhodes introdueed a resc-lution that Fred Slpley, superintendent of the poor be tnstructed to pnrchase 400 cords of stove wood, and if he ïee:ns nreeasary, to visit the "wood piles" of Mic'higan to get ra tes on thí same. Approyed by the coun?il, which adjourned immediately. The Ann Arbor railway carried about 7,500 people on the cars Tuïsday, 1 i j


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