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A Good Showing

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At a metting of the Ekectrtlve conuiittee of the A'nn Ar.bor Cycle club. iicld at the office of Dr. Carrow Monday afternoon, the followlag statement was rendered by Mr. MoOmber. treasurer of the Blcycle Path committee: BIOYCILE PATH 'STATEftllKXT. Xmv t lint the blcycle path to WbJtmore Lake is completad and lias been aecepted by the cojmraittee, the subscribers to the path should know the aniount subscribid and the clisposition of the expendltures; cansequently I feel it iny ilnty as actirfg treaaurer to publish a detalled statement of recelpta and disiiursen.H'nt np to the present time. in all thereare371 who who have subscribed the following amounts. Number. Aniount. Total. 2 126.00 ' S 50.00 t 20.00 20.00 11 10.00 110.00 1 0.00 8.00 34 S.OO 170.00 30 8.00 00.00 S . . 2.50 22.50 ;,(i 2.00 100.00 .-, 1.60 7.50 214 1.00 214.00 2 75 1.50 17 0 8.50 5 25 1.25 371 S771.25 DISBÜUSEMEKTS. L. O. Spencer, contractor W00.02 I,. C. Spencer, contractor (extras) 89.20 W. E. Walker, Supt. Labor and Incidentals 88.50 Teams 15-00 Extra labor staking out path. einders, etc 27-00 Dlspatehes and teleplioning 2.45 G. O. Khodes, collectlng 1,80 Geo. W. Seabold, Boad Roller 4.50 Printing 2.25 c'asli on deposlt in Stat o Sarlngs Bank to bal. act 5.78 Í771.25 TJiere is still $91.75 uncoliected, sume ot' whieh is good. Tais uiouey U needed very ïmu-n for graveliag and other repairs tlitit shuuld be put on the pa th at once. Out of 2,200 wheehnen that are reported to be !n the city there certainly ought to "be more tlian 371 to su-bseribe. The path carnot be a pei'iiianeut siiccess vitliout 'uioney, and I urge those who liave not coniribnted to subscribe any amount Uiat is eonveuleot, and help us sare the mouey already invosted. FRBD S. WOÖflBEÏE, ITreas, Paüh Co'ti. 'Messrs. H. G. Pretlynran, Roya i A. Jenney and Frank H. Warren were apiwinted a permanent paih conwníttee, to take charge of the path and its inainteuantc. and t lio funda reiraining- in the hands of the trea&urer wore made subject to the order of that comnïittee. Wh wouHl respeetfully urge all who have ncvt paid their subserlptioixs to tl'.at fund to do so at ouce, as the money is needed to keep tlie path in order, and the niouey will go a great (JeaJ further if expended in time, ihau alter serious damage lias been done to the patli. Sabscfriptions i'rom those who have not already given will be receiveil by the treasurer, or by any n'.ember of the eommittee.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat