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Gh-elseá Standard: Some of the farmers who -lo their trading Ín Ohelsea eomplaín 1 1 ni t oo bnsy days theïe are not hitcfhing P sts enough along our streets. riiis see-nis to be a fact, and while t speaks vveil for the populawty oí Ohelsea as a business place, ir does nol speak well foi those who Bhould be iuterested iu i'etaining thls trade, and measures should be taken at ciice to ijxovide more uitching places. Ypsilanti C inimen-ial: The bleyele ordinance passed by lii" -ci!iiiil Tuesday night was ;i step in Uhe rlght directlon. The recklessneás o!' -i few riders has made it necessary o ia,ve some pTovision reguiatiDg the use ni' bieyeles on fche srtreets, to i rt-veiic tli! happening of serioüs ;uciatsrts. Saglnaw News: Some of our Republican friends say they are a favor of a taTiff for protefr tion, s;i as ín make np the in t!ie wa,u'( cosí of iiroducins' ariicií's i', this country and in Kvn-ope. Wi)at do they think cf 1 iVmixyiai;.i eoal operator who refuses to pay the miiiér even as luach per ron government gives hlm in the shape of the tariff dnty? Do they siiii adhere to the fallacy that the workingman gets even an iota of the protectloa? If they do they are üt subjeets for guardlass. Lanslng Journal: In boldly denoTineing the Dingleyite scheme of taxm;; the necessities of the people instead of the property of the rirh. Pingree kas made :i polrtical ten-.sti'ike. The oíd man i-; wlser as he casis oflt ais Re publican prejudices and faise coiloepts. Grand Raplds DemoeTat: The majority for Grilíitlis. Dem. . for congress i;o sueceed thc late Mr. Holman in the Fourth Indiana disti-ict, is l.tr2. exceeding ihat by wíbich Irla predecessor was chosen last. fall by ;27- and this although the Populist randidate received 600 votes; whereás, lasl fall there vras no Populist candldate in the field. This is a goodcüiough free silver gatn.


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Ann Arbor Democrat