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Our fishing party returned home Wednesday. AU report a fine time and many ftah oaught Marie Blaskmer, wlio has 'been spending sometlme with her sister, Mrs. Farmer, in Toledo, returned home Monday. Mrs. Dixon Burcbard and Mrs. Parmer visited Niágara Falls several days last week and returned Saturday. Miss Mary McGregor, who has been attending sunmier school at Beuton Hár.bor, retui-ned home Saturday. Miss Mary Alderman is spcrtding a few weeks in Ann Ai'bor. Cards are out annoueing the marof Miss Bessie Sfever aivl .!. L. Roland, to take place August 24. Mts. Jennie Ford and little daughter inis are stopping .-i few days witii her paren ts. Mr. .Toseph Wallaee, froni Momure, lnwa. is here visiting nis mother, Mrs. A ust in. of rliis place. One lrandred and seventy tickets re sold here for Ann Arbor Tuosday. .Tust like Sunday here all day. Mrs. Lawrence expects to opon a private kindergarten here the íirst of September. SHABOK. Miss Minine Uphans is staying with lier sister in Manchester. Highway Commissioner George L. Kuhl lias been repairiñg t'he bridge across the Kaisin near Herberl Dewi y's. John Jackson has 'been doing part of thé work. Kirkwood & Son are talking of pntting roller grocess intö Sitaron Mills. Wiliani H. Henion will doubtless be able to make farming more proiir.ible than ever. as he lias a iicw toy t.o assisi lijm with the worl:. ('lias. E. I'.inlee and wil'e speDt some days at Wolf Lake tiiis weeii. Misses Beraardina and Louise Upi:;tns. w'ho have been visiting párente nul friends íiere, went to Ida Thucs ftay. Wlnj. Trolz, Jr., and family visited at his 'brother's. Henry Trolz. on Suntay. James Martin, of Manchester, was n town on Monday buying hay for baling. The I.adies' 'Missioniiry society met wi;li Mrs. Sloat on Wednesdty. Mis. i'i-ed Parmefeer, of Klkhi.i. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i!. K. Fellows. .Vi'dis Leeson. who has been attendteg a t&eolögical school in Boston for the iias lias been visiting friends here. Prof. J. G. Leiand, of Klrkwood, Mo., has i'eiurucil thence to resume lis 1 (lillies. Mrs. Lelaad will spsnd ther montli with her parents, Mr. nul Mrs. Wan. Campbell. Miss Minnie Gieskie visited at Wm, Trolz' last week. l-'i'.ink Trolz is iicme l'or a few days. WHITÏAKER. Master Lewis W. Hammond is visiting friends in üaisinvillc iiis week. Wi". I-:. Abbott, of Delray, was in lown a few ilays lasi we &. L. H. and L. .1. 'Miller Pviöay and Saturday in Detroit. James Elliott, of Strnsimrr. vas in towii Monday and tPuesday. lohu l.awsim's had sume írieads visiiing them a day or so the latter part of last woek. Mrs. Idelia Ooit went to Roeisvood Saturday where she expects to rcnain for soiüe time. .Miss Allie C. Childs, of Ann Arbor, a farmer resident of t'his pla?e, vis Uere the latter part of last week visiting old friends. Slie expsets TO go lo Georgia next month to reach. A.Misnu Childs, engineer ia the capitol ai. Lansing, is risitfng his parents Ik re. A. Gabel and wife and P. H. Gabel and wife visited in Detroit froni Saturday till Tuesday. izarles Dunsmore, of Bay City, a former resident of this township, will remove onto the Ed T. Harria :.arm and go to farming. John Lawsou has put a wagon on the road, buying bntter and eggs. Art. '.'■-. Bridgers liase harge of t. YVm. A. Meier is -.naking pr?paraWons to pul a foundation imdèr his si.ire and dweilmg. P. T. Lamkm's twc small boys came vet y near getting caught by the Lina ttger Saturday forenoon while drlvlng across the track. Dr. Huebner was out of town over Sunday. Menzo Pelton and family, of Tol-ïdo, have been visiting at P. T. La ntv'n's a i'ew days. 8DPERIOR. AVillie Ward is s]iending his vacition of seliool with his sister. Mrs. .7. A. Gale. For all we have liad so many showers iliere is luis of complaint of ground plowing hard. Charles Sweitzer and .T. Mulholland attended the Cernían picnic at Dextor. ('liarles Tnu.rn has recovered from simstroke. Floyd Markiiam has sold over one thousand pounds of honey this year. Thrashing machines are in fuil blast and therc are so many wüo oivn one Miat in aboitt two weeks more thresüiog will bc all done. Miss Florene? Hardick, of Ponton, is visitiug her aunt, Mrs. IC. C. Gtale. Wheat is turning out f rom '25 to 30 bushels to the acre and oats aboat the sp. me. The Sunday school at Grippen school Uouse ptosperlng lïnely nnd has a good attendarce evèry Sundiv. Mrs. Ira Crippen has solí her farm to Mrs. Orson Sotoers. Vbete are many around trying to buy sheep bul there arè not nmüy in the neighborhood. Geonre Kercher is back fro-n Eend, Kansas, and reports that times are harder therp rhr.n here. Superior correspondent has been ■ negligent of late with n-;ws but perhaps when we get the free delivory oí mail he will be more regular. Charles Palnier cut a bee 'ree the other day without belng stu:ig once, but lie has loofeed awiully sweet ever siuce. Georse Dolbe is building a uew grauary. COUNTÏ NEWS, Mrs. George Brackner died at lier lome four miles "south of Milan. aged OS years. Mis. W. E. Ilowiird, of Milan. are was she upposed were musliroxns. Sl'.e became deathly siek and now she will be more careful next time. Therè are som mijrlity frosh things :n thé south end of the county but the w.ell at the Milan school ;s rot om oí fchem. Ifs so salty that a new one must dug ta oröer bö save the "growing inielligence" of that village i'ioin becoiping picbled. Mrs. Sophia Xaeker. of Salem, is spending two weeks with her son, Cisline, in Detroit. líaiisom Townsend. of Dixboro, i i.! acras of wheat this aeaïon, from which he threshed 575 busliels. ar. average of 27 busliels per acre. Xext. Mr. TcwEsend has also lost 11 fine Inmbs froir. some disease whioh he is nnable to lócate. The Stockbridge Farma.-s' club meets with W. H. Howlet August ?8. Jay Bastón, of Lima. raised 40 acres of wheat which averaged ,'!0 busliels lier acre. F. E. Mills, of Pittsfleld, 'ws ten acres of wheat that avoraged 40 biish( !s per acre. 'This takes the persi.Tiinons. A Sharon farmer has purcfnased 200 Iambs this summw.


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