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Dr. E. D. Brooks is the proud l'ather of a ten-pound boy. W. E. Hoffman's liquor bond, witn Hugh F. Shields and Eugene Oesterlin as sureties, has been approved by the coimcil committee. ■Captain WllUana Clark, ,T. Q. A. Sesslons and Wm K. Childs have been appointed a commi'ttee to collect war relies to exhibit at the county fair. E. Dieterle exhibited a flne nightblöoming cereus Sunday night to a large number of friends who called to see the plant. It had six beautiful bïossoms. Dr. uid Mts. E. P. Van Kloek are reioicing over a little nine-pound daughter that arrived at thedr home Monday morning. iMother and child doing wöll. Wilfrèd T. Bell, of 2G Fuller street, died Sunday morning. Mr. BeU was a member of the '99 la-w elass. Ilis remains will be sent to Marathon, lowa, for burial. iMeKbmey, who played second on the 'Varsity two years ago, is covering the same position for Grand Rapids in the Western League. He is doing good work aceording to reports. . One of the pleasantost trips to take in this ncighborhood is thö Mde from Zukey lake through the cha m of ■ lakes to Base Lake. The round trip takes about two and one-half liours. John O'Brlen was brought here Friday from Dexter, where he pleaded not guilty to the charge of assault with intent to do great bodily havrn. He has been bound over to the reoorder's court but was locked up in defanlt of bail. Max "Wittlinger, of the fire deparlment, is mourning the loss of a fine crane which was brought to him to be oared for. He flxed the bird up, alfchough it was nearly dead, but some one made off with it last nigiht and he has not seen it since. Dr. F. W. Howlett, of tliis city, son of F. A. Howlett of tihe postoliiee, has opened a fine new office in the Carter block at Jackson and will enter upon the practice of 'his pyófession, dentisn-y, there. His niany friends here wish him all suecos. The ivorthside Island club want it undorstood that any one visiting the Island on Sundays can do so without paying any entrance fee. Everybody is invited to visit the beautiful Islaad this Sunday and every Sunday he.vafter. Refreshments served from 2 to 7 p. m. Walter Seabolt, of the Ann Arbor Savings bank, received word froni N. ,T. Kyer Frid:iy aunouncing thát the journey across the water had been a pleasant one and not a meal had been missed. After a ahort stay at London and 'Liverpool, Mr. and Mrs. Kyer left directly for Copenhagen. A very pleasant social was held Priday night on ih tawn ol ESaT] Ware at the Nortíhsdde. The social was given by the Xortliside Mandolín and Guitar club, and netted about $20 for the benefit of the club. Some 500 people took in the fine musical program and refreshments whicli were provided. Deputy "Wackenhut xeturned from Ludington Priday rright with Jiames Callow, who is wanted here on öharge of embezzling from the flrm of Gateiy & Donovan, when he was selling goods for them at Dexter. He pleaded not guilty before Judge 'Duffy this morning and his examination was set tor August 21. Oallow asserts that the company did not pay lus expenses and that it owes him now. The 'members of tihe tire department have a new pet in tlie shapa of a large, black dog wlneh they havo named "Niet." The anima), has both Xewfouudland and mastiff blood, ' aod while only 14 months old is already massive in size. ATound its neck is a large collar with name pi&te engraved a.s follows: "Xick. Ann Arbor Fire Department. Max Wittlinger." .Taines A. LeKoy is now fully installed into the sporting work of the Detroit Free Press as head of that dopaiiment. lli lws f uil charge of all marters in eonneclion with baseball. raeing, yachting and varioua other sports. His write-up ot" tihe locai games appears each day that the Detroit ball team plays at home and the excellence of his work in this line is apparent to all lovers of the gume. Important notice to the A. O. U. W. : A grand xeunion, parade and picnic will be held in Detroit, Friday, August 27, 1897, by all Wie lodges of A. O. TI. 'W. in the state. Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 27, A. O. U. W., has in regards to this an arrangement committee appointed, composed of A. Wm! Sorg, G. Luick, E. Spring. Members of the order intending to take j)art iu bh (lemonstration jilease report to the committee not later than August 21. Re duced rates on all railroads. I'"riday Dr. Preseott; ent rtainod at (1 inner Sir Vernon BDarcouTt of London, Mr. Charles F. Brush and Prof. Edward W. Morley of Oleveland, and Frof . Edgar ' F. Stnith, of Fhiladelnhia. Prof. Carhart ontertained Prof. Greenhill, the distinguished mathematician of Woolwich, England, and Prof. S. B. Rosa and .wife of Middletown, Cona, 'Prof. court is a brother of Sir William Harcuurt. JXr. Brasil, who has become so famous in electric lighting, is eow devoting himself to scientific research in otlier lines. R. A. Clifford, of Wadsworth, Ohio, and George A. Davis, of Warren, Pa., who have been pursuing work in toe homeopathie department here this summer, returned to their homes Tuesd&y morning. The jolly party who havo been staying at the Keystone club-liouse for the past two weeks and making life interes tiug in that neighfoorfiood have retrrned to Ann Aisbpr. Deputy Oanfield returned Wednesctey from Argyle, ilinn., with Robert Vieary, who is wantod here for st'ealing $69 from Orson Beman about two months ago. Mr. Oanfield had a lor3 chase, going some 270 miles to the noith oi' St Paul, but -he got his man all rignt. was np befoi-e .Turtse I'ond Thursdaj-. his exa ninution being set for August ;. C. S. Andrus lias been in town the past fow days vistting friends and ntídentally attending to a lirtle busiïuss. ."lr. ÁMriifi assumes the pesition of principal of the Charlotte hi;1i school the coming year, in which work he has the best wishes of his niany Ann Aubor friends. Cliarlotte uwv well feel pleased that thoy have secuTed one so well fitted to fill the position. Mr. Am-dnis is a Unlversity man, 'he is a most excellent student, an enthusiastic worker, and possesses a good knowledge of the practical side of life. The students of the T'nivorsity of Michigan at Bay View have been having very jolly times of late, judglog by the college songs and ttie U. of M. yells that are to be heard alniost at any time of the day or abont thj beach. On Wednesday a party of fourteen rustieated at Weque and Roa ring Brook; ïhursday evening witne?sed a huge bonñre and corn roast on the beaeh. On Friclay a swimming party broke the mono tony and 011 Satnrday a sailing party took dinner at Horbor Springs and spent the afternoon on the bay, later ttending the hop at the Arlington at Potoskey. Two of the main spirits of tlie erowd. JÍ ss Carhart and 'Miss Ponieroy, of Ann Arbor, leave 011 Tkuisday moruing for Jlackinaw, and a U. o? M. reuniou will be held on the bea-ch below the lfovarö house Wednesday evening from 7 to 8


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