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Common Council Meeting

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AtMonday night'scommon council meeting all the aldermen were present except Aid. Worden but as there was still a majority of the printing committee in attendance, the aldermen had confldence in going anead and transacting business without 'ear. The session only lasted an hour and nothing disastrous was accomplished. A. J. Rogers, Charles Fleming, N. P. Collins, Mrs. M. Renshaw, Maria Dentón, Wm. Moore, Ann E. Smz'th, Mrs. B. M. Keeland and N. Gass flled a petition of remonstrance against the proposed sewer on Emmet st., ou account of the hard times. The remonstrance represents nearly twice as many feet of frontage as the petitiou in faver of the sewer did. Health officer Batwell reported that he had "attended 22 cases oi' nuisances that had been reported and found in reality very little to be complaned of." Further that nuisances will smell is a lamentable fact and one that must occationally arise, but it is too often made ground for neighbors to show their general "cussedness." The petitions of Judge Joslyn and others with rejard to nuisances in the rear of the Masonic block had been duly investigated and much ns it may be regretted the violence done to the olfactory nerves of Judge Joslyn and Mr. Bedell must continue as the Health Officer and the Board of Health cannot order the removal of the "nuisances" if kept in proper condition. Th report was accepted notwithstanding Aid. Schaffer made a strong kick on the personality of the report and voted against accepting it. The Board of Public Works was granted further time in which to investígate the advisibility of eonstructing a watering trough at the intersection of Huron and Washington sts., in the flrst ward. They were also granted further time to report on Lamb park in the Third ward. The board of public works, to who-ni was referred the petition for au extra electric light on Chicago ave., reponed that when the electric lig'ht towers axi provided with the required nuir.ler of ligias the c-apacity of the present will be exbausted and recínmended that the furnishing of the llght be deferred. The report was accepted. City Clerk Carpenter reported that the city surveyor's estímate of cost to construct the nine sewers ah-eady ordered built amounts to $0,180.24. If the sewers cost the amouiit of the estiinate it will necessitate the issuiag of sewer orders to the amount of $i.035.24. The committee on streets anti walks, to whom was referml the petition or proposition of Trim & MeGregor rekiting to the plat called "College Place." beg leave to report that the comninu ; luis had the proposition under advisemeut and have consnlted with the owners and prospeetive owners o.f property on this plat and find that it is the understauding and each have agreed that iu the event oi the proposed street across this plat ever bein,; opened through to Pearl st., that the property owners on said plat will bsar all the expense oí sueh street opening. They therefore re'ommended that the proposition of Trim & MtíGregor be accepted. The report was accepied and adopted. By Aid. Shaefer: That the flremen of the city be gmnted in each year a six days' leave of absence with fuli pay, it being nnderstood that only oue meimlber shall be off duty at any oue time. Ayes - Aldermca Shaefer, Van Foirsen, Lamb, Moore. Nays - IInston, Gaudjr, -Jleanweli, Schaffer, Davis. Lost. Aid. Shaefer theti moved that they be granted four days nnd it was carried, A.ldermen ShaeffeT, Davis and Meaiiwell voting yes. By Aid. Gaudy: Tiiat the board of public works be and are hereby directed to investígate the advisability of causing to be constructed a watering traugh at ibe intersection of Ellis and Cross streets, west of tli-i stand tower. Can-ied. By Aid. Van Fossen: Tliat the comreittee on streets and walks be mstructed to employ the city surveyor to establish the grade on Was-hingtou stveet, from Michigan street to Kllla stieet. Carried. It was olaimed tliat the electnc iim company has raised its tracks up above the grade 011 Washington street. By Aid. Davis: That the stre-it commissioner cause a five-foot walk to be built oa the east side of the property owned by P. M. Campbell in tftie Fifth ward. C.irried.


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