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Mayor Calls A Halt

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Mayor Hiscock favored the common {■ouucil with two Communications Monday night, both of whicb were in he Interests of municipal economy. 1 a t the city fathers paid.llttle attention to His Honor, Aid. Brown. who is alwa.ys a troublesoine su'bjeci of ílie powers that be, taking occasion to nm iin mayor tnal to please hlm the council had been spending money ;;ll summer on one ot two streets and now the council ntends to endeavor to please itself. The flrsl of mayor's Communications called ati, ntion to a parí of an ordínance n Bidewalks, the adoption yL wiiicu had made the elty bear all the expeue 2,158 baving oeen expi nded Crotn June, 1896, Cor this purpose. "This is a heavy burilen md Hable to continue year after year. I ommend the repeal oí ihis part of the ordinance." The second commuuicatios called attention to the fací tlj.'it the street fund. atfter the current year's appropriatioñ has Deen added, a overdrawa. ''1 respeetfull urgie you not to order any new streel won; i] esent or appropriate any fui suin ni' money for tha1 purpose." The flrsl recommendation vv?ül to the rdinance comiaittee for buriaVlhe second was interred then and Hiere. A'fter dispot ie tuayo?, ili-1 aldermen went on to the ni3cellan business before them. Xheir action was in brief as follows: E. W. 'Hatch was given job oí building Fifth ward cemetery rooi b iuse, al a costof $82, an extra appropriation cf $50 being nado for tlio pnrp matter of briek crosswalk icrosa Wilcaot street. on northeast side of Wasüirw avenue, was referred to the mittee; estimates a fol lowa came from the city engineer: Mülej ímproveanent, $475; Ana street, $340; William street, $320; r}-y ■ i ty eatc'h basing for storm water astead of wer: the englneer's esl i ojnpleted work on the Distrisl X". wer, $896.48, was accepted and $800.84 pald the eontractors; Mr.-. Ilallock et ll. asked for paved gutter on part of HUÍ street, referred; Invitatlons to conventions al Oolum'bus, Dhio, and Nasiville, Tenn., ivere read placed on file; fiiian.ce committee reported ! ;nuel Rettica mol entitled '.■turn of tax; ordínance relating to exposure of poison on - Eted. It was voled to adopl I he recommendation outlined ín yesterday's Times for the settle aenl of the Clay Gteene controversy. The vote on the repommendaiiim was un ini:iious. The street eommittee advised the tiirupiking o'f E. Untversity avenue frooi Hill to Packard; paved gutter on Di ion from Cafcherine street uort!:. 0 cm both sides of Thlrce id e and Puller; $75 ío de Wilmot, and strai?htening ot' gutter on south side of Belser straei ipted. The sidewali cojnmittee nd!d construction oí certain briek and planfe walks; adopted aíter slighl ■ on Aid. Dell's suggestion. propriation of $1,000 for addi1 to are departmenl b.uilding w:is ed to. The telephone recently re! i" Marshal Sweet's resid from the residence of W,n. Mcluiy 'e was leít there temporarily. An issue af $12,585.25 ín sewer bonds was nexl authorized, Óetober 4, at 9 a. m., we or che sitting of the council as a board of review on n ■ Bewer No. 7. S owners on Seventh streel :ippeared in person complalning öi eut in putting thal streel on g and their contplaint was referred to the streel and sidewálk connnittee3 1 city englneer. Bx-Oity At. i J. W. B.ennett was allowed $100 for ttding Mr. Banfleld In the suprjue conrt in 1886. The matter of a side.w.ilk on the eouth side of Washtenaw avenue came ii]) ai this time and Aid. Browa and Hamilton indulged in a lively tilt Aid. Hamilton called Aid. Brown "a Bolo resolutionist" and bloodshed was avcrted only ïy immediate adjoara■ it.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat