Real Estate Transfers

J. Backus and wife to Lewis Burnett, e '., of o l2 of s w % Bec 26, Webster, $1100. Polley Ball to Edwin Ball, s e % Bec. 22, Webster, f650. E.'B. Cook and wife to Jas. Clay, Lot 51 G. V. Sub. Diy. Ann Arbor City $200. Jas. L. Babcook and wife to F. S. Slayton and wife, s % ot s e }■ Sec. 19, Ypsilanti, $1. Tilos. Wiikinson and wife to Ro-. B. Lehman, Pel. of Land Chelsea, Villagfe $360. J. C. Goodrich to John A. Reymen Lot 461 P. R. Sub. Div. Ypailauti Cityj $100, Geo. Lockwood and wife to C. C. Lockwood, Pel. of Land, Bection 18 and 7, Salem, $1. Ciias. L ';wood to C. O. Lockwood, Pel. ui' Land, Sec 18 and 7, Salem, Í4000. Geo. Keiil and wiftt to Geo. E. Darrowand wife, 5x9 Rds. Sec. 33. Ann Arbor City, $-100. Chas. E. Cony and wife to Huston & Dawson, Part of Lots 74x75, orig. Plat, Ypsilanti City, $4000. Mary A. Cony to Huston & Dawson, Part of lots 74x75, orijf. plat, Ypsilanti City $4000. Francia St. John to Nancy W. Hadley, s 44 ft. lot II bik. 1 Hills add. Ann Arbor City, $700. Jas. S. Gillesipie and wife to B. B. Sudworth, lot 6 bik 6, S. of Huron st. Ann Arbor City, $2000. Wm, lïobison to Austiu Robison, é of s '., of w '., of n w i , sec. 28, Saline, 500. P. C. Depue to Francia Beeman, part of s e -i of s w ' 4 of sec 12, also partBf e% of n w % sec 13, Sylvan, $1,666. Gao. Hnrkhardt (by heirs) to Fred Schumach-jr, lot B, Manchester, $1,400. il. O. Severance, et al., to W.B. PhUlipa, n '., of lots 9 and 10, bik 1, n r 12 e, Ann Arbor City, $1,800. Wm. Moffitt to Jos. Boltz, ttal., 'sub div i-2-:',-4-5-6 of est of Alice Alfred, sec 28, Augusta, $1,000. Mi' Vogel & w to C. W. Vogel, unüivided H of 2 acres of land in BrowD & Fuller's add, Ann Arbor City, $203. E. L. üunn to B. E. Dunn, lot 2, Hack's add, Milan Village, $500. J.N. Wallace & w to Wm. Dusbiber, lot 4, bik 4. N. P. add, Ypsilanti City, $800. J. 1'. Kirk to James Anderson, parcel of land, Davis add. Ypsilanti 'ity, Í450. J. R. Bach to Chas. Deates, lot 37, Millor's add, Ann Arbor City, $450.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
J. Backus
Lewis Burnett
Polley Ball
Edwin Ball
E. B. Cook
James Clay
James L. Babcock
F. S. Slayton
Thomas Wilkinson
Rosana B. Lehman
J. C. Goodrich
John A. Reymen
George Lockwood
C. C. Lockwood
George Keal
George E. Darrow
Charles E. Cony
Mary A. Cony
Francis St. John
Nancy W. Hadley
James S. Gillspie
B. B. Sudworth
William Robison
Austin Robison
P. C. Depew
Francis Beeman
George Burkhardt
Fred Schumacher
H. O. Severance
W. B. Phillips
William Moffitt
Joseph Boltz
M. P. Vogel
C. W. Vogel
E. L. Dunn
B. E. Dunn
J. N. Wallace
William Dusbiber
J. P. Kirk
James Anderson
J. R. Bach
Charles Deates