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Real Estate Transfers

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J. Backus and wife to Lewis Burnett, e '., of o l2 of s w % Bec 26, Webster, $1100. Polley Ball to Edwin Ball, s e % Bec. 22, Webster, f650. E.'B. Cook and wife to Jas. Clay, Lot 51 G. V. Sub. Diy. Ann Arbor City $200. Jas. L. Babcook and wife to F. S. Slayton and wife, s % ot s e }■ Sec. 19, Ypsilanti, $1. Tilos. Wiikinson and wife to Ro-. B. Lehman, Pel. of Land Chelsea, Villagfe $360. J. C. Goodrich to John A. Reymen Lot 461 P. R. Sub. Div. Ypailauti Cityj $100, Geo. Lockwood and wife to C. C. Lockwood, Pel. of Land, Bection 18 and 7, Salem, $1. Ciias. L ';wood to C. O. Lockwood, Pel. ui' Land, Sec 18 and 7, Salem, Í4000. Geo. Keiil and wiftt to Geo. E. Darrowand wife, 5x9 Rds. Sec. 33. Ann Arbor City, $-100. Chas. E. Cony and wife to Huston & Dawson, Part of Lots 74x75, orig. Plat, Ypsilanti City, $4000. Mary A. Cony to Huston & Dawson, Part of lots 74x75, orijf. plat, Ypsilanti City $4000. Francia St. John to Nancy W. Hadley, s 44 ft. lot II bik. 1 Hills add. Ann Arbor City, $700. Jas. S. Gillesipie and wife to B. B. Sudworth, lot 6 bik 6, S. of Huron st. Ann Arbor City, $2000. Wm, lïobison to Austiu Robison, é of s '., of w '., of n w i , sec. 28, Saline, 500. P. C. Depue to Francia Beeman, part of s e -i of s w ' 4 of sec 12, also partBf e% of n w % sec 13, Sylvan, $1,666. Gao. Hnrkhardt (by heirs) to Fred Schumach-jr, lot B, Manchester, $1,400. il. O. Severance, et al., to W.B. PhUlipa, n '., of lots 9 and 10, bik 1, n r 12 e, Ann Arbor City, $1,800. Wm. Moffitt to Jos. Boltz, ttal., 'sub div i-2-:',-4-5-6 of est of Alice Alfred, sec 28, Augusta, $1,000. Mi' Vogel & w to C. W. Vogel, unüivided H of 2 acres of land in BrowD & Fuller's add, Ann Arbor City, $203. E. L. üunn to B. E. Dunn, lot 2, Hack's add, Milan Village, $500. J.N. Wallace & w to Wm. Dusbiber, lot 4, bik 4. N. P. add, Ypsilanti City, $800. J. 1'. Kirk to James Anderson, parcel of land, Davis add. Ypsilanti 'ity, Í450. J. R. Bach to Chas. Deates, lot 37, Millor's add, Ann Arbor City, $450.