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George .1. Nissly this wrok ships big cai'loads ot poultry, one from ihis place and Brldgewater and the tber from Hillsdale. The large patüi poultry cars are used and ii re quires s.noo fowls tp lili theni. Irving Coübeti and Eonmetl Schatter acconipany them to New Vork.- Saline Obsoi ver. Will Barr and S. XI. Blxtoy have ))i!j -i'liMsi'd of Eugene Helder tne 70 acres r land lying sonth af this village. Mr. líixiiy oow has a race track oí hls own and wiicn milliug is dull he ean speed hls trotters at hüiii'.1.- Saline ( ilisi'i-Vii1. A s]KTal dispatcli f'roni .Taekson to the Detroit Journal of Tuesday says iliat a young Chelsea woman now visIting in the city. was arrested yescsr;y morning, charged wih apipearlng in the streets in male attire. Tl wi ie four in th' party, three 'iirls and a traveling man. The young lady in lier mat snit oí dot lies. vas helplag out the stranger in entertalnlng fue two other girls. Aíter a luncheon ar one oí i he restaurants they started for a sivoll, but the keen eye of Sergeant ïobiu detected the counterieit and girl was taken to pólice headquarters. She ]iaid a lino in poltce court this morning and later told her trlenda there was a llttle too much excitei in masqueradlng to lead her lo topear the experiment.- Chelsea sm.i U ard. Dwight Siarion has been engaged to teach the Howe school, District No. I. i-yniion. t,, begin the first Monday in Xovonihor. YORK. There was no school Moniay on jccount of the meeting of the board of school Inspectora, whlëh Mr. l'ulhr being one of thein, had to attehd. Mi-s. Electa Ford made a business trip to Ypsüanti Monday. .Mis. ;. Josenhans, of Blissfield, Is visiting Her relatives and many f.rieads here. A gevere storm visited thla locafity last Thursday. A heavy rain feil aceompanled by a strong west wind whlch was very destruetive to tre?s, corn and fences. Norton Lawrenee lost .1 valuable cow, wliieli was struck by a falling limb. WIJL. LTS. Mrs. Huilt lias returned to Grand Elapids. Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Potter entcrtained friends from ïpsilanti and Kawsonville mi the Saibbatb. The dwelllng house of Mr. Sanford, of AVil'.is. was blovm from the found.i!ion and moved about ten feet. The faxuliy wëre in it at the lime Imt no une was lmrt. Mr. Herriek, of Willis, entertained Mr. and Mrs. O. Lapkins, of Saliue, last Monday. Mrs. Herriek's father is now in lus 90th year and In poor heaith at present. ll! re was a touch oi' frost in 'ho vicinity of Willis Thursday nigbt, a reminder of the sweet ttye and bye when the sneezing brigade will disband and Hay fever will be a tlüng of the past. All hall! the glorions news. Is it any wonder that the rank and flk oiitliuse. Richard Walters, of Willis, gets the postofflee plurob. Verily pro3penty has 10 him. Kut the i)i her fellows. What of them? Teil t not in the slreets of Willis that the o!d soldier stands no chance iu a 8'overümcnr oí the people, by the people and for the people. Of a truth the Almlghty rules. Le Roy Butts feil from nis wheel )! bis wheal feil froai him and he brought up against the sjround, and the shock sent an electric thrill to iiis bram inXormiug him that a sprained ankle with all that il Implies was made posslbíe by reason oí tha1 t'iisibie wheeL The Oreamery association has been minus a man for tbe last week but the wheel rests in peace. The storms of last week seni terror to most of our citizens. Tae roar of the winds and the clash of tbe warer was in keeping with the maddeued elements that uprooted trees, move,1. houses from their fouudations, blaw down feuees and left waste and ru.'i in its patb. Straw staeks and hay staeks swept past eaeh other in the mad race of the Kale. Mrs. I. X. Potter was taken up by ir and parriod over a Cenco and abmn tweiity coda into an adjoining field. iSoinetiines she canie near enough to the ground si as to touch it with her feet. Wben she finally eame down she was so dazed that she seemed lost for aw-hile. She was tborou.ii'hly drenched. Her tensations during the time she was whirled along she fails to deseribe bat all her friends are thankfal that nothIng of a more serious nature bappened to her. IDEXTER. Geo. Boyden, of Websier, died Sunlay afternooB, aged 62 years. Olarence AMey's house is nearln eompletion. It's a bea aty. The old i. A. R. boys are all alive the loca i idii of the navy gun sent from tbe Brooklyn ship yard. Rev. Prank Blomfield is about to :iccept a pastorate in a Congregational ehureh near (rand Kajiids. M. E. ehureh people regret the necessity for the removal oí their ld pastor, Rev. '1'. ;. Potter. He is a ni tdel minister.


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