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Gleanings Of A Week

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Schneíder Bros, have the contra-el en doing the plumlbing in the Coofe house. It is a $2,000 job nul comrises ten bath rooms and 15 elossts. Mrs. John iSchneider (lid the cate 'ov the recent exercises at Germaliia lail. deservtag much praise for fhc sxeellent way in which it was done. fhis mention was inadvertently omited from our report. At the meeting of the Detroit Coi'erence of tlie il. 'E. chureh at Port furon S. W. Horner, A. B. Stevens md A. W. Stalker were eleeted nievners of the advisory board of ihe Wesleyan Guild at Ami Aïbor. Nate DulTy lias accepted the proffer t a neal ealary for eoaching the Hillslale football team and leaves for that ilace this week to begin work. Hé s a good man for the place and the lillsdale boys are to toe congratulated on their selection. Tin liuilson camp öf Modern Woodnen of America had a majority of hree in the vote taken to determine .vliich camp won the tuir-of-war .t lackson. August 20. Aun Arbor eamp yields graeefnlly to the inevil.ile and the authorities at Jaeksori will 'urward the prize at once. A series of rally evenings wil! W i ie given at the Y. W. C. A. rooms, at which the several classes will be-.organized. The list has alrsady ln-a tegun and it is gréaiy deislreíl thal those who wish to tnke t!e work si, all be ready to take the lirst lesson i' the course. Watch for more deaili .1 ooi ice hite)-. The opea senson on snipe. woíxIlock, plover, quail, grouse, partridgas, '!.-.. (i]ens Oitober 1 this year, thirfy lays earlier than for several years on the majority of this game, and nn Anbor aports are already cleanlng !heir gnns and coaching their dogs in xntieipation of tli. sport io ei A letter has been received by Mrs. Robert Campibell from Mrs. J. B. A:igeli, ia which she speaks of her ili :tsant journey and safe arrival at Constnntinople. She makes mention of the l.'c.uuies of the Bbsphorus and scenery )f The surrounding country. The letter was written from tlie siynrneï telace at Terapia. Detroit Free I'ress: The Belle islc bata house was closed yesterday for the season, Ba.tlimastcr Stewart not havlng any 'bathera since Saturday, uo one caring apparently for iciele baths. Inventory of bat hing stiits and other paraiphemalia is being takea; and October l the bathwastcr will :■- i'ouiice liis vocation to study law at Aan Ar'oor. The Y. W. C. A. next S,;nday will be led by Mis. Glen V. Mills. Mias Rose French will idd a vioiin solo to the musical part of the servli e. It is hoped that all the ucmbers of the association who are i:i towB will be present. Our meetings have had a smal! attendanee tbroagh the warm weather but now are growiug both in aiïmibers and interest. Jtódge S'. N. Brown, of this city, wen1 ïuirth on ilu Anii Ai'bor void Monday to Shipiicrd to be presat fit the resumption of the S'tröble tnqaest. It will le remembered that Judge Brown was implicated in the alleged Hisi-mortem statement of Me .1 ■.ad ea,shier, hut as the jud.tie was iiiö miles away at lus summor home aear Grand Traverse he liad no troúble in provlng au alibi. Governor Pingree has appoini ' Frcderiek O. Xovy, of this city, a m.ember af the state board of liealth to succeed Dr. Granger, of Bay City, resigned. This is regarded all over the state as a most exealleiM a.ppointment. Prof. Xovy is assïstant director of the state laborafory of tiygiene and -sor of bacteriology at lic r. of M., and i.-; regarded as one WC Ch hu. si bacteri ilogists of the worM. Ho ís :n present studying in Paris, bat ir, expivii'i] bome soon. Detroit Journal: Phil Hall, the Ann Arbor breeder of hoindng iigeon,, sent four of lus best blrds to Detroit a few days ago,,for the purpoSe of (nktrig the time ilicy mi-ht make on tjjip heme, 'SVith quilla holding bits of tissue, upon wWeh was note'd the timo oftheir release, the birda were freed on the eoanmons of Kjkine streel yesterday mo-rniag. rn -y r;t slowly to a heishi of ;ilom :;(, ter. and then took the straight "vline" for Ann Anbor. Word was rec-eivcil In town yesterday afternoon the birds had arrived ar thei] oote in Ann Arbor. They had oovered the distance in ö:! minutes. B. St. James and family, Miss Bmïly Gruner and all of Mi' St. James' employés speur Snnday at the hospitable Hope oi John Nannery, Bear Dixiwro. Thej one and all report the jblliest of jollj times and are toud in their praiso of the entertainment affiorded them. Suastantial dinner and a coníinual fci.-t of watemnelons and nuiskm were never to be forgotten Eeaturos Musie was furnished by Miss Emilj Gruner, voeal solos 'by B. St. .i and recitations by Miss Bertha Christ man. The -hief event of the Iioiul trip is indicated by the íollwing ño tice: "Lost, a fine larga watermélon ïhe finder will be snitably rewarded on ils return to B. St. James' store If nothing but the soeds are lef t, picase rotum them."


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