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Last Saturday aftornoon all the neeessary preparatlona for a jolly stráw-rlde to Wnttmore Lake were made ly the Messrs. Williams aml Cattermole. Prof. and Mrs. Fred laylor, wlth Mrs. Wdlliams, were en1 iu the causo and the p started out nummering in all about twenty people. They 3rove straighi to Weidemann Grove and at tliat point an invontory of wraps, etc, was thought ni'crssary. H was found by Mrs. Taylor that, quite unknowti to the party, three ovcrcoats, a shawlblanket, a table-clofh, a roll of sheet music, a Ladies' Libra ry book. two ferks and a ladder had rolle! off 'he slippery straw and been lost ou the way out. NotMng was reeoverod bui one overcoat, whieh fortunately had been dropped close to the grove. Tiie i nly redeemlng feature in this eliap ter of aecidents was thát the provisions were intact and in spite oí iiiisfortunes a pleasant picnic suppar was enjoyed iu the grove, followed by a dance at the Lake House, wlth a homeward moonlight rlde at 0:30. ■(! Tuesday afternoon Mrs. ,T. H. Gutting gave a pretty birthday party in honor -of her daughter, Kathleen. The guests, who were principally moinbers of the Upa Piii society, arrlvid about 4:30 and the party was kopt ap until 7::0, Hght refreshmants beiug served during the evenidg and 1he Upa Phi songs forming an appropriate close. Among the souvenirs was a dainty silver pin engraved with ;he Upa I'hi inltials, wliich was presented by Ihe society to the young hostess. Mrs. Otis .Tolmston with her son l.awronce, reached here Monday day afternoon, after experienelng an enjoyable suminer east. Before returning Mrs. Johnston went up to Xe v York for a short stay, visited Mrs. Calvin Thomas and called on Mrs. Harrlngton, who is living with her sister a líttle out of New York. Prof. .Tolmston is taking the trip f rom New York on his wheel and experts to re ich here shortly. A voluniary chorus ehoir is being organized in the Oongregational ehnrch ander the alble direction of Mr. Edward A. WllHs, baritone, ctf Boston, who lias recently come here to enter the medical department oí the Univ; sity, do solo work and give instruction in voice. The cliorus meets tomorrw aftemooB at 4 o'clock to formally organize. Dr. Ldllee, who has been teaching in the Bummer school, Wood's Holl, reached here last Tuesday. Miss Llllee, who expeets to te with Dr. au.l Mrg. Lillee during the year. and assist Mrs. Prescott, jr., in her kindergarten, arrlved last Friday. Mas. Lillee will return from tiie sea ahora later. Last Wednesday night Miss Bdith Noble returned liome after having spent several delightful weeks visiting friends in Michigan City, Battle Creek and OWcago. Mrs. Will Cole. Miss ilawtin and Miss Eva Hill were among the ladies Miss Xoble stayed with while in Chicago. A delightful fishing excursión was enjoyed by Mr. -and Mrs. E. B. Hall in company with Prof. and Mrs. Mechera last Monday and Tuesday. They drove out to Silver Lake in Mr. Hali's camping wagon and had a splendid outing, ineluding a fine camp üre. . m m Prof. and Mrs. Oean C. Worcester, wlth their little daughter, returned Tuesday night from Thetford, Vt., whero they have been spending some weeks. Prof. Worcester had some very good grouse shooting Tvhile aw.xy. Prof. and Mrs. Lombard reached hero last Saturday 'having had a pleasant summer visiting Toronto, Montrael, taking the trip up the St. Lawrenee and spending two weeks at Niágara. Judge and Mrs. Lane, formerly of Aarian, are expected here ly the end of the week. Judge Lañe holds a chair in the law department oL the University. Last Momlay Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis, who have been the gaests of Mr. and Mrs. John Outtlng, of Hill Street, for the past rnonth, returned to tneir home in Wentworth, N. H. Aftgr spending a few pleasant daya in Chicago visltlng friendo. m:íss 3 Pettee returned to the city last s. dny. . Mr. Gerald Brown has as hisgnsst for a few weeks Mr. Harry I'. Wh of Port Harnson, Mont Mrs. Georgo Patterson was the guest of friends in Adrián for three days last week. The Aon Arbor Landwher society will give a concert in its hall on Saturday, September 27th.


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