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Homer Briggs, accotnpanied 1.y Frank Allen, oL New Haren, has returned fi'om Oonnectieut. Mrs. Bernard Green, of Washington, D. G,, is expeeted soon to visit her mother. Mrs. E. Samson. Mrs. Henry Densmore, of Grand Rapids, a former resident of this city, is visiting frieiuls and relatives here. Mrs. Win. Gardara is entertaining her inother and sister, Mrs. Lcrara A. Sinith anti Mis.s Laura G. Sinith, if California. Married on Wednesday, Sepie nber 15, Iiev. A. Ebling offlcialing - Coraelins A. Bovee and Miss Gertrude A'. Chappelle. The Korean leopards, sent to ihe Normal last year by Prof. Sill, hare .lust been mounted and placïd in al special case. Hou. Edwin F. Uhl, ex-minis-;er to Gewnany, is now a member of the law firm of ülil, Jones & Landis, with ffice localed in OMeago. William Dansingburg 'aas been appointed deputy sheriff by Sheriff Judson.. Ooes this start nis boon for the office of sheriff next fall? Warren Lewis shipped another Cocker spaniel to Stockton, Ca!., ye.sterday, Ilis reputatton as a brteder of this class of dogs is gaining ' vs her e. Chester B. Loomis has rerurned from ;i two weeks' bicycle tri]) through s ui liern Michigan, liaving Tliree Rivers, Coldwater and Battle ('reek. It is understood that Mr. Tuekor, of the Commercial forcé, has goae to Chicago, but whether or not lie will :'emain there permanetly eaanot -be iearned. Mrs. V. r. Beach lefi Wednesday for Hartford, Conn.. to niake it 'ïer permanent hom-e. Her many friénds lure regret her decisión but She promiSes return visita as oftea as is possible. The case of Jvukl vs. Va:i Fosseu i:as been diseontinüed; the two partiea having come to an ágreement and made up. Peace and harmony once more preyails in the ranks of the sp.ortsmen. News has been recsived of the marriage of -Miss Kortlui, forMierly ,. teacher in the Ypsilanti schools, to Principal Clareniee '. Greexie oí Ivon Mountain, who is also well kno' here. - Xtpsilantirun. Williana Cox and Wtlliain Haighi ha( set all the flshermen crazy agaiu on ;:ccount of the fine string of bass they brooght in yesterday from Silvm1 Lake. There were 10 in nuxn'ber and they weighed 35 pounds. K. D. Strang, formerly li vokkeeper for Harris Bros., of this city, has resigned iiis positión v,ith Grotusher & Crosby at Sturgis, and will hereofter bo assistant cashier in the bank of L. Rudd fc Son, oi' Brouson. Captain Wortley brou.j;ht back a specimen of Dakot;i wheat wiih iiim. The erop on the Wortley farm avoraged 4% bus-hels in tho acre only, and lic says that there are iiundreds of acres that are not as good as thar. Mrs. Walter Hawkins, who lias been ill for some time sufferlng from malaria and nervous prostration, is iloIng as well as -eould toe expeeted imdev the circamstances and it is iioped slic may soon be able to be out agaiu. The cold snap of the past few days has made the sessioiis at the Normal extremely uneomfortai)le. The heating plant will not be ready for thi-ee or four weeks and the studencs and hers are obüged to shiver through ;lass bours. It is a sorf of Klondike without the f ever. The conditiot! of Mrs. Starkweather continúes to improve and there are now some fine chances of her ulti na (e i-ecovery. She passed thrue very ooifortable nights and enUivly rational. 'This is very pleasing newa to her nrnny frieuds and admirers in tlii.s city. who all wislTiier happy years of life yet Justice Childs -as approached uight before last by a big strapping feil y who infomiiMi him that he wan. -d to bo "Xo. 9" on the marrlage list and vvoiild be on hand the following eve:iing witli nis lieense and $2 fee. The jugtiee waited for him ast ïvight. but be dal not show up and he ame to the conclusión that the girl had ehauged her mind. The Atlantis team did not go to Brighton Saturday to play the decidmg game but will go there next Saturday. The Brighton Citizen lias taken it for granted that the Livingston county boys will win and the Atlantis team will enleavor to mak? the editor eat the artielo for desirt and not furnish any sauce dressing with it either. 'The electric line ill brauch out to the depot. The places the polea were loeated yesterday and work on the construction will comme ace immediately, This will necessitate putting on another car whlch will probably rlternate between the depot and 'ar barn and the Normal and car barn. This will be good news to the residents of the Fourth ward who have been without car service. The deatl) of Mrs. Delia Harris, of Milan, oceurred Mooday. The deceased was 50 years of age and ili.' cause of tlie deinise was paralysis. Aid. Hustoa is suffering with appendicitis. It is not known yet whethíi oi' not an operation wilJ be necessary, luit his condition is quito alárming. A telegram was received Mondny stating that F. M. Rice liad jast died in Detroit. tHe is well kuow:i here. The funeral will yrobalbly be held in Detroit Thursday and the intei'ment in Highland cernetery ip this city on the same daj . A't the animal meeting of the Michigan Liquor Dealers Proteetive Association held in this city John Moon, of í Detroit, was re-elected president and George Letter, of this city, viee presideut. John Tenis was eleeted a meater of the "board of trustees. The Haydu Trio is now disintegrated from the fact that FranK Sinitli lias gone to Chicago to pursue musie studies with Max Bendix. Henry Samson gave a party at bis home last evening as a sort oí formal Carewell to Mr. Smith and about 18 friends of the youug violinist were present. Saturday niorning while Mrs, ffm. liewis, of (i" Neat House, was sirthig in her parlor talking with some t'riéada she feit a sharp pain in lier eye and )wen on being sumimónod extraetod thereirom three sinall pieces of glass. Mrs. Lewis and Dr. Owon are totally at a loss to onderstand vilicre the glass eaino from. It is said that there are severa! similar cases in the city. Preemont Fattison. the unïelentless, the untiring, unremitting bulletin ;ssuer, comes out this week with the announcément that he has "only a few 'loves' left now." Now if Freeanont only has a few "loves" left where did he leave them and are they all armad with a breac-li oí promise suit? Nev r thind, Freemont, cheer up. There are others, and you will soon be able to stock up again and get a f uil line of sizes.


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