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Y. W. C. A. Notes

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-i'ae auenciance at Newberry hall Friday eveuing was au umisual onc for a Y. W. C. A. entertaininent; A bout. one-founrh the usual nuniber were present, but that was perliaps as mnny as could be expected under the cireumstances. Obliged' to cbange tho place so late that the public eouid not be reaehed to any extent with new announcements, it is certaiuly worth much praise that the teacher aud class could so Teadily adapt hemselves to the mlaÉortune and give so good a program in spite of the changes. The only failure was on the part of the people wiho failed to be present. The Tiolin solo by Miss Rose Frenen was very, very good, and our only regret in regard to Mr. Leland's singiug is that she leaves Ann Arbor so soon that we shall not again have the pleasure of listening to her. The first recitation bvought many compliment to the speaker and little bou Smith, of the Ypsilanti class, shows signs of Ceveloping into a second Leotta. The Bell JDrill was a success and refleots much credit borh on this Y. W. C. A. elocutioE class aud Miss MacMonagle, who has so freely givea her time and energy not alone to ihe proparation of this particular number, but to the previous training wh'.ch made ühls so effectlve. The children, who, it was feared, would be I certed by the cbange of stage anc dressing-rooons, provecí then.selves entiTely equal to the occasion and earried out their parts without a raistake The beauty of this min.ber, bowevor was sadly maTred by the poor lighting of the stage, but that too was among the nutnerous uuavoidable rhings tihat fate seen,ed to gather Tor this occasion. Financia liy, all concerned are rnuch disappointed of course, for the assoeiation had boped to pay a good sum on the reut of rheir parlor and rest-room, but the kindness shown by mauy friends, espeoially those of the Men's Auxiliary, whc not ouly gave oheery words and wilüug hands in maiklng the necessary changos, but who generously saorificed timo and comfoi-t to "help the Y. W. C. A. girls," bas proved ajiew that misfortunes sometimes bving good things as well. We wish tliat the lining of tMs cloud had a little more süver in it but we will hope for better fortune next time. Said a gentleman today: "Twenty years ago when the Michigan Central was giving commutation ra tes of $22.50 for three nionths between Yps-ilanti and Detroit, there were 57 commuters in Ypsilanti. Today Samuel Post is the only one left. It was soaie object for a man then to live out in' a suburban town, but when they trippled the price it forced every man in business in Detroit to reside there. Tüe new electric line yill have a teadency to bring them back here."


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat