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FOR SAL.E OR RENT- Furnlshed cottage at Base Lake. Inquire 1209 ftroadway ot 611 N, Mala street, Ann Arbor. 2 lts FOR RENT- On JeffeTson strekt, 'out unfurnished room suitable foT ght housekeeping. Inquire at 439 S. Oivision street 23 Yon need a warm bath room. If you haven't got it you can get it witJi a gas stove. FOR RENT- Very eheap a part ot the wliole of a first elass 12-rooin lioase with furnace; best loeation in tuis city; also four unfurnished rooms. Enquire at 439 S. División street. BïJFORE AiND AlFTElt Eating your dinner use none but the Ann Arbor Brewing1 company's PuTe Beer and you wül always be healthy. We have a lot of new and beautiful things wh'ich would make useful and attractive Ohristmas Gifts and the prices are rigM too. HAiLLER'S FTJRNITURE STOitE, 20t3 112-114-116 E. Liberty street For the Chaflng Disli. Alcohol is expensive and slow. Gas chafing-dish burners are mueh better and ornamental too. We have thein. ANN ARBOR GAS 00. If you wis'h to please your best girl gert her a paekage of perfume at Sehurnaoher & MiLler's drug store. Thoy have a complete line of the latest odors, among th-em Miyota, Palmer's Pashion, Garlamd of Violet, Parisiaii Violet, etc. Please cali and examine their hoi'iday packages. Now to make matters even, if any girl wishes to please her best fellow let her cali at the same drug store and get tiim a package of cigars put up especially for the holiday trade. GO TO THE PORTLAND GAFE At 310 S. Main Street, for a firstjlass maal, only 25 cents. Also meals nd lunches at all hours. Open day and night. The Merchauts" Supply Co. are still ioing business at the old stand. Come in and see if we have the premium you want Special rates on meats for boarding houses at the Northside Meat Mariset Special prlce on 50 pound cans of purt lard at th Northside Meat Market Telepbone 42-3 rings. Residents of the Northside wll'l flnd the best of everything In the Grocery line, also the popular trading stumps at Wm. P. Ludholz's store, No. 4 Broadway. Elegant Norihwn Spy. Greonings and Snow Apples at Davis & Seabolr's I-adies! Purchase your Mllllnerj Goods of Mrs. C. A. Hendricks, 30C S Main st. She will assist you in ülling your book witb trading stamps. A POCKET BOOK Is somethlng that comes in handy at any time of the year, and if you buy your groceries oí Davis & Sea bolt you will save money enough to keep yours in comfortable condition al of the year. August Koen has opened a co nplete line of groceries at 206 E. Wash'ngton sti'eet, vvhere he wlll be pleasöö to see his friends and can assure thni of good goods at lowest prioes. 2014 Kaltimore Oysters in can or bulk received frsh erery day at Weinmaan' rtarket. Purchase your goods In every line of those merchants who will give you trading stamps. See directory. Uu.v your Axe. Hatehets and Buck saws at C. Schlenker's, the Hardware Man, W. Liberty étreet


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Ann Arbor Democrat