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In And About The City

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11 yon Want to buy, sell or trade use thé loc! columns of the Democrat. Y&omas J, Qa.Y8&mgh f Paw Paw' 14 In the city today. A. W. Bahlke is in Mt. Pleásant for the hollday seasott. Mrst Öfenry Stark and daughter, of Yort, have been vislting relatives in the city for some time. llrs. Rossiter G. Oole, of Grlnnell, Iowa, ia spending the holidays with her parents on Packard street. M. M. Sabolt returned last night from a business trip to Manistee where he sold two Ludwig pianos. Miss Lou Daly, who has been lylng skk for some time at the rosideaee of A. H. Holmes, left thls morniug for heme In Lyndon. Hon. W. W. Wedemeyer, of Lansing, deputy state railroad commissioaer, is in the city to spend the holiday seasou wlth friends. Miss Cora Crandall has returned frotn Big Itapids where sbe haa been attending school and will spend flie hlidays with her parents on S. State street. John Taylor, coloced, was up before Jnstice Duffy Wednesday chargl with the larceny of a sult of clothcs. His hearing was set for December 28. Judge Kinne issued two decreos of Idlvorce Thurrday, the cases belng XiUella M. Rice vs. Albert J. Kice a-ad Byron McCauley vs. Mvarian R. McCauley. Mr. ChaTles C. Sehlee, of Ann Artor, and Miss Mary Bouris, of Grand Ledge, were united in the holy bonds oí matrimony at Trinlty Dutheran parsonage Wednesday, Kev. W. L. Tedrow offlciating. Mrs. Attorney Whiting, special agent for the New York Ufe Insurance company, reeeiyed among other Chrístmas presenta for the company a large slzed original etehimg of the birthplaee of Abraham bimcoln, Lakue county, Ky. Agreeable to a long accepted custom the SIr Knights of Ann Arbor Coramandery, K. T., meet at 11 a. m. Christmas Day as do the knights of the order all over the country, to dTlnk to the health and prosperity of the esteemed Grand M&ster. The management of the New State Telephone exchange desires to stare that subscrlbers who tiave failed to receive a copy of the new dirtetory should notify the office and have one delivered to thera. By ealling for the Eumber, instead of the name of the party desired, quick service can be jjlven. A delivery horse belonging to the Bberbaeh hardware oompany disappeaTed Wednesday rattier ously. The loss was reponed to the pólice, who later diseovered the norse out near FcTest Hill cemetery. It is thought that the horse wandered away not having been tieil to the post wheTe he had been left. Dr. C. K. Lahuis, of the faenlty oí the U. of M., wan married Wednesday to Miss Crystal Edsill, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Edsill, of Jaekon. A large number witnessed the ceremony at thf Trosbyterian chureh In that city, Rev. R. S. Inglis offloiatIng. A reception follosved. Dr. and Mrs. Lahuis left for the west cm a brl-dal trip. Ann Artwr Oourier: Prof. Wenley left for New York as soon ns nis last class reeited last week, and salled for Edlnburgh. He expects to return in time for t)be opening of the üuiversity again oq Jamuary 4. The object of the visit is a secret but may result in the loss of the professor to the U. of M. Iti s understood that he objects to co-education. Dr. D. W. Nowlan, Ann Arbor's dashing veteTinary surgeon who is in jail in Detroit for criminal assault, wlll be prosecuted. The youns womnn pon whom the assault waa made lia at last boon broucjht to consent to the snit: The Detroit paner are paying considerable atteition to ihe case and are telling a gTtíat ïiiany thiags about the doctor. Mrs. Xowlan went to Detroit Werlncsday. Little Miss Margaret Men.v anti her friends visiled the hospliá aád tooi as Oliristmas presentía fóí flie sick cblldren about twenty Úrgeficáráa of stiffi paper, on whieh Wére pa beautlful piciures. Severa) Sáturdays had been profitabij speiat workinj, uniler the suidanco of Mts. Merïy, and the a pleasing and durable lot of iil;!.vthiii-s (pi the CeeWe Itíánds of the sick 0iildren. Kac'i card is separate. Four yr:r ago Mfi. Merry's kiiulrr-anci; chitaren tïimmed a tree fot the hospital, i-naking all Dhe trimmiugs themselves and meixling oW toys until they weie gw)d as ;.. ,.■ How many ehililrcn have oki toys that ini.ilir 1.0 incmlcd and sent this Cliristnias? The Iansin;i, rcxtcr,& Ann ATbor Electric R.'iihvay èÖtapaUy was or..uizcd ;ii Laasing Wri'm ■-,!iy. Tli. r.f' coniiiitny propösea in build .m rli'tjtric llnq fmui Lanslng tlirrni-cli itHr 'KoiirlbM.stcm pnrt. of IttRilAn - i.ouaty, ttrrough .tiio Southern párt ot Livingston county and along ihe Hurón river to Dexter. A water privilege on the Hurón river has been secured, and lt is claimed it will fwnish sufflclent power to opérate the entire line. The eompany's headQuarters wlll be in 1anslng, but prominent raen from Livingston and Wasbtea.w öouüufcs are Interested in the projeji. The new coui]any has a capital stock of $250,000, and its anieles of eiatíon wlll be flled today. The tollowtng offlcers were elected: President, 0. A. Mapes, Lansing; vicjjreEJdeot, r. J. Shank, Lanaing; xecreUry, Charles W. Taylor, Lauslng; treasurer, Tbatnas Berkett, Pextev. Tbose officers with Morris, of I'lainf.eld; L. G. Chase, of Dansville, nnd C. P. Black, of lanslng. constitute the board of directors. The winter wlll bJ devoted to securing the right of way, and It is experted to eommeooe constructlon in the spring.


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Ann Arbor Democrat