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ONCE A YE..VR Christmas comes but once a year, but Weinman has everythiug sold in a first dass meat mnrket evexy lay in the year. Don't fail to "soe onr spleadid nssortment of Ilolida'J' Goods. It excils ahything we havo efw had. uaijLer-s FTK.vrrrRE store. 20t3 112-114-116 E. I.íln-ny streot. I1EGIX RIOHT By ordering yonr Christmas Tur'iy of the Nortnside Meat Marko-t. Telepilone 42-3 rings. ■;■-■■■ If you are lookin for someihiiig ueful for a Ohristmas present, go to Sc-hlenker. the 'hardware man, on W. Iil)erty srtreet, and yon will ñn it. skarp trrinüng ai Wenget1. u)i;..x. Fourth avemu. IStf! M. P. Vopel's nipat mnrket on W. ■Hurón reet gi ves trading stamps. Chrlstmas Mena. Oreen Sea Turtle Soup. Ox Olive. California Salmón. Potatoe Duchess. ROASTg. Fillett of Beef, Musbroon Sauce. Loin Pork, Oreen Peas. Leg of Lamb, Sauce Spaniel. YoungTurkey, tuffed, wlth Cranberry Sauce 8pring Duck with Current Jelly. BOII.ED. gngarCured Ham Horse Raddish Sauce. Ox Tongue, Tomstos 8auce. Turkey Oyster, Uream Sauce. ENTRIK8. Prutt Salad, Olaret Puno, Prench Toast, with Crystal SaUSè. Lobster al a Newtmre. Celery salad. Frlccasee Chleken on Toast. VEGETABLB8. Sweet Potatoes. Let tuce. Mashed Potetoes. French Peas. Plaln Bolled tVttttoes. DKSEftT. Apple, Mlnce, LenjonCWitó, Cranberry, Pumpkin, Ottrrent Ple Enifüsh Plumb Pudding, Brandy Sauce. Vanllla Ice Cream, Assorted Cake, Kuil Cream Cheese, Frul s. Nuts, Candy. Tea Ckjffee and Milk. Thls menu wlll be served from 12:30 to 3 p. m. oa Ohrlst'nas day (Saturday) at the Portland Cafe. A Good Grate Fire. Ia alwaya appreclated. Gas coue makes the ñnest flre in the world. No dirt and no smoke. THE BOY WHO Likes candy will go to Davis & Seabolt's where he will find an endleis variety of the best Christmas candiss and auts that the market afïords. FORTUNE FA VORS THE BRAVE And good health favors those who drink none but Ann Arbor Brewing Oo.'s Pure Beer. Phone 101. Two ThouMand Welsbach Lamps. Are now in use In Ann Arbor. This f act speaks for itself. We are proud of out immense stock of Holiday Goods. It Is the largast we have ever exhiblted and every artiole is of entirely new design and handome finish. HAiLLER-S FüRMTURE STORE, 20t3 112-114-116 E. Liberty street. Half An Hour a Day Saved in starting flres amounts to SEVEÍÍ DAYS in the course of a year. You can save this and mor too with a gas stove. WE WANT TO REMIND YOU That the Aan Arbor Brewing Oo.'s Beers are pure and wholesome dTinks. Cali up Phone 101 and order a sample case. Highest cash price paid, for Hides and Pelt&- Cocm, Skunk, MLnk, c-to. 2it4 Heintzmann & Laubengayer. FOR TTVEÍ-VE PAYS WE PERSÓNATE SANTA CLAUS During the 12 days of our CHRISTMAS SALE," which besins, Saturday, Dec. llth, we shall distribute a large number of valuable presents to our patrons, subject to ihe following conditions: To every Cash Purchaser of goods to the amount of $2 or any sum between that amountjaud 6, CHOICE OF Elegant Japanese Cup and Saneer - Value 5oc, or Set of 6 Nickel Plated Nut Picks and Nut Crack in boxValue 50c. To every Cash purchaser of goods o the amonnt of 5 or any sum beween that amount and $10, CHOICE OF Set of Six Coffee Spoons, in lined box, made by Forbes Bilver Co, and [uadruple plated on nickel silvpr - Value $1,50, or Susrar shell and Buter Knifn in lined box- Value $1.50, nade by same Co. and quadIruple plated on nickel silver, or Sterling: silver Bon Bon Spuon- Value $1.25. To every Cash Purchaser of goods to the amount of $10 or over CHOICE OF Sterling Silver Bugar Shell- Value $3.00, or any one of the pieces in ;he Quadruple Píate Tea Set, all of which are gold lined and aandsomely flnished. To secure these presents we require that the purchases necessary for any particular present be all made on the same day. HF.H&CL, 20 South Main St.


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