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Gleanings Of A Week

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Miss i ;i v Ilfiny Ash'oy, of Kalamazoo, is spendiug a few weeks witli Mrs. .lunius E. Beal of S. Fiftli aveUue. A. K Alexander, formerly witli Rentschler, the püotograplicr, began work Monday at Ben-ynian'6 photo eraph gallery on W. Ilunm sti Oompauy A. M X. ;.. will give an,,!,,.,. ,)f ts popular dances at tlie armoiy n the erening of Januai-j L9. inviiaiions will if out In a day ov two. Au erenlng elass n emtoroidcry will bs startea a1 the ï. W. C. A. rooms as Boon as a sufficicut numtoer iiave ■ipressed their desiire tor i'. Mand names to the genera! seeietary. '-.Mr. and Mrs. Hudson T. MoTton e handed an elegant bouquet of flr.wftrs Tram Golden Iiule fjodge, F. & A. M.. as i hoy stepped on the train the other night atter their morriage. ( '. W.'Wagner lias been eleeted dea, on at the Congregational ctourcb to sueceed B C. Wagner. Dr. X. S. mes firsl assisfant Sunday schooi supeTinteBiden! instead -A' Slipt. Ferry, di .■ ased. The'many fríen-ds oí Álfica G. Etuss, who is au oíd Aun Avbor boy, vnll }o pained to hear of his sudden di1mise il Denver, Ooi., last Wednesday íiislii. to whicli ]ilace he had gone n seardh oí licaltli. Revira! meetiags wili begin al the First Baptiát churcli Sunday. the löth, Rev. Daniel Shepardson, Ph. D., "thd Wheel Ohalr evang( list, "is exp ited tn be preseal on rhursdny, the 20:h, aud will ivMiain s. vt'ral woeks. l)r. F. G. Novy was ;-:vcm'. a sonie, appnopriately engrayoci gold wateh Friilay alght by the merabew ot Fiatemity Lodge, F. & A. SI., oveT which he lias presido.! dnring the past year as worshipful master. The building comirïittee of the Ivoard of supervisora at a meeting Friday let the eontracl tor conPti-ucting in-w steps at the sruta "utraoce of the -onrt hotise to John Baiinigardner, oí this my. '1 ie stepa are to be of Berea blue stone, and the job. costs $325. At the annual meeting of the teachers wf Zion's Lutheran Snnday chool, held last Weduesday eivening. the iollowiag offleers were elwted: Superinnihicn;. ITredepicfe Sehmid; assistanl enperintendeirt, Gearge fïaller; secretary, L. Hoos: treasurer, 1-:. Mas: mission-iry treasurei', F. Steele; librarían, E. M-nohli. The Sunday school has elosed a sueeessful year, the secretary reportiug a saín of 100 seholars above the previous year. Délos W. Wilcpx, a meraber of Hie (". of -M. literary qlass of '04. has reocntfly published a book on city govcnmii'iu vvUiclu s alreaily iii iis thipd edition. H is the resH "I' !ii work ai Oolumbia, where he has held a 1V]1ovs1) su. re leaving Mirtíigan. 'l"iic work is pubHshed by ScritoneT. Rev. Dr. Reos, .if C'incinnatl, -viio v.ili speak ;ir bhe Methodist ehuixïh tomorrow tnorning', is widely kaown as i mosr instruetive aad entiïrtnlning speaker. His theme is the educa tion of the colored peóple o!' Un pouth and Dr. Iiees has few fet]tuUs as a Rhampion rf "Our Brother ii Black." 1 11 view oí i1k reports widely circu lated throughout thé state aud thf country regaïdlng the future relation of Dt. Angelí to the Uaiversaty. i ïiuïy be annoaneed ofReially, and ii a ïiositivc mamiet, that Dr. Angelí in iciuls ui return to Anii ATbor next Jai ín order to resume )is dmii-s as presi deut of the üniversity. lt is iiavrth .'ssarv to ;;lil ihai the báseles rumors whu-li aro now going aibout, are a source af great annoyance and nibarrassment to Acting Presider.1 Hutchins. The state pTess will c a favor apon him and upon the Uni versity by promptly denying thern. The aumial 'May Festival at Ai; Arbor. which has grawn to be one of the most Important musical e-vents óf the west. il be giyfn thís year ge May 13-15 in üniverslty hall. The principal namber of the program wil be ■'riie Flying Dxitchiuari," 'y Richard Wagaer. The sale of í-eserved sears begins .lainiary lp, -u ! o"clock a. m.. a) the School of Musie. Fairons of the Festival in former years ■11 be pleased to learn ih.-n the comfc-Tt and oaavenience of Universi! hall have been materially increase by the lowring of the floor -unaer tli gal'lery. the substitutibn of oper cliairs for the foi-mer hard beoches and the introduction of eleetrie lights Adrián Press: Threo Mltíhi'gan girl are employed on the staff of the ofli :als of the Girls' Reform stehool, a Indianapolis. and they -nnintai!) th 'high reputatiou of the state for effi oient, careful work. iMiss Julia Pag 'lliss Mattie Bettis and Miss Ciar 'Aiidresom have been offlcers in th state Industrial home uwe, in time past. Miss Andersou's home was i Ana Artor, and we believe her pai erts now reside near hat benighte city. The three ladies are termed l, ■ene of thein "the Michigan brood i thé Hoosier nest." We congratulat the Indiana on st-curing from the Wo rerine state, now only three omploye bot three ladies of such marked abi ity and sueh high personal worth. Miss Wilholniina L. Eender, of S. 'ourth avenue, eotertained the mediers of the Bethlefhem church choir 'ridny evening. Boni. Monday. to Mr. and Mrs. olm Kegel, of ritisiicli'.. .-i 10-pouDd Mincins baby loy. John is all siniles oday as lie annoxmces rhe arrival. Some scoundrol destroyecl another hade tree Satrarday oighi on Hanovei1 Síqitáre. II' the fellow is caugln he vill be proseeuted to the f uil extent i' tliti law. atanehester Itizens are agita thig the uestion of au electric road to Ypsianti and Jackson ot the extensión oí lio proposed bansins, Dexter & Ann Vrbor road to rliat place. .Tuilffe and Mrs. E. D. Kinne cele►rated Twelfth night by invitlng sevral of their friends to pass the evenng with them and particípate in ;ams appropriate to the occasion. Mr. and .Mis. Win. S. Hill. of Marlui'tte. who have been visiting Mi1. ÏUl's parents, on Uberty su-eet, durag the past week, lor'i Monday.foT lULsing where Mr. Hill lias a casi' in ourt. A young farm hand froin Salem cwnship1 was arrested Sunday by y Sheriff ('anficid and lodged in ;il here charged wiih attempted -rininal assault on the wife otf Jiis ernCoyer. o. M. Martin Mxmday won the ii'st prize at the close oi the series given tliis' season Iiy "the Mewy-go;. und Wliist ciuli." In consequenee Mr. Martin will tender the club a inquet noxt Tüesday night. William Wagner, aged 17 years, om inuitli. diti! Saturday eveniug ai liis esidence, 452 w. Fifth street. lic has ong Ueeu a sufferer frons eonsurnption nd tliis dread disease cau&etl lus leath. He 'eaves á wife and öve -hü'rt'ii. Jliss Grace Taylor. of X. Ingalls street, went on Wednesday to ïern Haute, Iiid., where she will spend tlu ■emainder of the winter wlth hei sisior. Miss Martha Taylor, who is ;eaching (Jennan in tin Terra Haute high school. , Jliss Knima Pischeï expiícts to iíívi i coiiriMt on the evening of Januarj 20th for the Tjeaefit of the Bethtehen chnreh. The concert wil! be held in the chnreh. A chorus oí '■' volees will ronder the 42d Psalm and ihi prograim will be filled out by ijolos l'roni severa! of the most proiuincii singers in town. Dr. and .Mrs. W'il'beri Hinstlale : teriained Dr. Ivong. oí Ionia. Mïcïj., Tlmrsday. Dr. Long, who has bp iavited to give a eourse of leetures on mental diseases before the studenrs of the homeopathie departaterats, delivered two of hls series of talks on Tlnirsday and 'he expects to return in a inoiitlis' time to continue the course. Miss B. Wood, dauirliter of Captain Rogers of the United States navy and Diece of Colonel Hogers of Orchard Lake, reached hore on Kriday and wlll be the guest of Miss Maud Hieks, of State street, for a short time. Miss Wood and her father hare recently Kit Boston and. come to live in Ietrolt where Captain Hogers is at preseat stationed. The free eoncert at the Ann Arln. Mnsic comiiany's hall Satwrday evfin ing was ooe of the Hiu-st givi'ii ihi season. Mr. Oego and .Mr. Long each played two soins and merite mni-H applause, The most pleasing nuin.bers were two beautifu] solos by -Ml'. WHiS. Mr. Willis will ciüdn:! a free people's einging elass aexi Satii! la - cvcning at 7:45. The gentlemen of Trinity Lutlieran ehureh will have entire eharge of the A nn Arbot skating park on Friday evening of bhis week. Oysters and coffee will ! served during the Admission 10 cruis, refreshments extra. The proceeds will be used ! elear away the debí tneusrred for ebandeliers and lighting öxtures for the ehureh. There sliould bc a Mg erowd. At the dance given by the Wwneri's League Priday evening in the Women's building, 175 persons were present and the dancing was kopt up until 10:30 o'clock, the ü. of Ai. band playing 15 numbors. The patroneases v ere fche Mesdames George Pattengill, I'iril P. Jordán, Markley, Jacob Eeighard, and tlie Misses Julitt Butler, Sïary Young aud Louise Stickner. Airs. A. B. Palmer has kindl.v eoejsented to give a talk on Spain next Saturday aflernoou at 3 o'clook at ilic ï-esideuce of Airs. Junius E. Beal for the benefit of the Ladies' libra ry. Airs. Palmer, having spent some tinu' traveling in Spain, through a part of that coimtry never before vïsited b Améi-ieans, her talk wili 1 the result of personal experience and therefore doubly interestiiig. Photogr.iphs will bo used for illustration aud the entrrnce chai'ge will be 15 cents. Aianager Heaiphill, of the Aun Arbor & Ypsilanti street rallway line. says that the motonnen about the city are ha ving consideTaMe trou'ble with childrea playing in the street, who stay on the track imtil the ear is almost upou them before they move off. There is constant danger of someoue getting killed. Pnrents should see to it that their chiklrea keep of the streets. The street car company is greatly in earnest about this and their warning should be observed. O. W. Greemnan. oí the Miöbigan íentral freight office, Is jus1 recoverng f rom a severe attack of tonsilitis ml grip. Miss M.-irv Freach Field. vh has icen the guest oí Mrs. Fiemmtag '.titow during her Stay in Aun Aiii'e-. eft al nooii yesterday for Chicago. During the Farmers' [nstitme, to le hield in Owósso February S and 9, 'mí. V. M. Spaldlng, of the ü.-of M.. vil; deliver aia ad-diess cu "Plaut Life s Subject to Hunian Control." ili-s. Charles Ktatner, who wie jailed home on account of the lllness )f her aunt, Mrs. Sarah Voseaos, eft l'uesday for Xev York city aCOu Kanied by her mother, Mrs. Aun W. Pack. A buvning chimney at tlie resldence f Reuben Armbruster in the Second vai-d Moiulay atlracted a big ■iDwil, th tire idepa runen i's run lïrough Main street proving an excelent .'Klvcrtisement. There was Irttle i' any damages. Thi; Eev. lrl Ilicks. predk-ti ms for l;e remalnder of Januarj ate as Colcws: Ooider llth to ïath, siorm 14th :o 1 T t li. heavy winter galee lStii and LOth, perhaps umil 22d, followed by iondiiu'ss and stunns imtil i lic 26tii, sítort sturnis and cold wave elosi t.ontli. Al the annual meeting of the Fir.-u National bank 'l'uesday the folowtng directors were choseh: .1. I.. Balbcook, Wirt Cörnwell, E. I). Kinne. .1. F. Lawieiice. il. Soule. Meses Seabolt, A"ni. Wagner, Heman M. Wowds, Frederiek Schmid. Th" board tueeft tonijrln ni organize. At its ;!iuiiui meeting Monday tlie rerman Mutual Kre Insuraaee eeuiiany voted i appoini an Inspector lo examine all of the risks being carried y tbeeompány, amounting in tüe iggregate fco $3,825,000. 'Phe compaay ii,-is ;i membership al' 1094. The r;m 1897 was omly fl.SO peí' $1,000. Manager Olark, of the Qhleago Shoe store, Tuesdiay afteirmoon made eonaplaini agalnst Jack Layton, chargiag Mm wirb the i iuM'i of a pair of shoes. La.vion stuk' the shmw frojn the miinbeï dieplayed in front of the store lasi evening, soUL them for !'" cents and got druuk ou the proceeds. He is already in jail for betog Inmk nnd disorderly. On Saturday aiternoon, January ir,iii. al '! o'doek, al the hume oí Mrs. .lunius E. Beal, Mts. A. B. Palmet will give a talk upon her tra veis in Spain, far the benefit of the Ladies Library Associatkra. I'hoto-rraphs which 'Mrs. Palmer has coileeted will be nsed as illustrations and the talk will be bttth eiitertaining and instructive. All ladies in+erested are invited te be present. Adniission, 15 cents. At the close of the recent Jaekson Day celebra Hon in this city it was voted to pioceed to -the organization of a permanent "Jaekson cJub," whicfc shall provlde for the animai observance of Jaekson day and otherwise look after the interests of the Democratie party in 'Wasbtenaw couóty. A connnittee consisting of M. J. (';iv:inaugh, S. W. 'Beakes and Charles A. Ward was appointed to provide the club with offleers and a working constitution. In spite of the sli.irlit liitch in the seftlement oí the sewer case of the Oity of Auu Arbor vs. tho Farmers ind Mechantes baak, oaused by tho presenting of 9ome aew claims against foliins. the case was ftnally comprónised late Monday on practlcally the basis previously agreed on. The city pays the $1,000 Cor extras, the Xaiioual Surety Co., for Contract Callins, pays $4,663.43 and out of tbis l'r.iid the severa] elaimants are jkiuI 70 per cent. of their claims, one oi two of the la test being placed so'newhat Iowr. The Aun Arbor railroad begins the new year in a maiMoer that i.-' exceedingly gratifying it, the raanagemeiit of that prosperous corpMatdon. The estimated eernings of the poad for t!ie first week of January. 1898, were $33,379.07. The tracrease, ;is eoiripared with the corresji'iihlhi!; periotl of 18!)7 is $12,217.11. Auditor Gossman lias Just conipleteil his eomparative staemiciii. of eamings .-nul expenses of the Ann Ai'bor for Novemtoei IS96 and 1897, as follows: Barnings for Xoveniber, 1896, $96,380.11. Operatlng expenses for tlie last naivuxl month $70.148.21. Net balance, $43,496.93. Ann Arbor Odd Fellmvs speni a délightful Tiifsday nlgW at thoh coinmodioras temple in the Henning block, om which they will not som forget. A tbumber of brethren frcra Huron Lodge, Dextr, were pres ■m and lul som' elegan't work In eonfer ring the ini'tiatory degree. The Ot seningo ixHlge team of ifchis city fol lowed with the second degroe in its asnal excellent tnaniifer. A snbstan tial supier was served in tln diniug room after whieh Oaptain C. H. Man ly as toastmaster ellclted rattling ffood1 aftor-dinner speeches ítoiu Dr Ohase, and Messrs. WbaJey, Clark and Reeres of Dextor, and D. H. Jobnsou Judge H. W. Newkirk, Camlidate Slaley, W. C. Jacobus aul C. E. God frey, of Ana Arbor. Fuily one hun dred Odd Fellows wea-e on hand and tiiey dispersed about 1 a. m., shower ing congratulations upon Otseningo Lodge whose visitors they were. THere will be a meeting of Home Forum No, 1424 Frlday nijrlit. Mts. P. P. Clow and daughter, Florence, of Kanastata, X. Y., are visiring Mis. Clow's mother, Mts. D. il. Johnson, of N. División street. Monday, Janna ry 24, Prof. and Mra. Truoibluod assisted by '.e ünlversity Tech Grlee and Mandoiin clubs, give au entertain-ment at tho First M. B. (iiirch. '['lic Porest Tlill Cemetery Associanr.ii al iis meeting Tui'.-ulay re-el' the followtag ofl&cers for the uuuiug year: II. S. Dea,n, presidemt; W. B. Smith, vicc-iu-osidont; E. B. Pond. svretary and treasurer. The I'astimo Pedro 'luii mei wlth Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mann Tuesday and report a most delightful time. The livst prizE-s were won by Mrs. V. .1. MtHer and George Apfel: the booby prizes by Mtb. Bugene Ko'h and George Demgler. Franc Kapp, an old aml respected nhiaWtant ot the See'ond ward, die I at 2 a. ïu. Wedmesday, aged '' years. öause of death. dropsy. He leaves a widöw and two daaigh'ters. The funeral will be held Friday at 1:30 p. n. at the house anti at 2 p. ra. at the Bethlehem ehurch. Int -iHint iu the l'ü'ih ward eernetery. Deceased was i charter meraber of both the Arteiter Vereln and the A. O. V. W. in his city. Sundiay Dr. C. B. Kinyon will speak ro the Y. M. C A. at 2:45 p. m. on "Out Tlioughts and Th(?iT Influence." Dr. Kinyon was. beforo coming to Aun Arbor, elosely dcuilicd witll th ■ Y. M. C. A. movement in Illinois. Mr. ABdrew Johnson will sin.; a i:as. solo at this meeting and other special r.-usic is also expeoted. Mn are wegeö to reniember this meeting and to eojne to it. Walter S. Kessler. of West Milton. Ohk), was in the city Wednesday loojiing aïter the settlemeni f au estáte belong'ing to a elieat of bis. Imeldentally lic ca-lled on his friead and Corinei townsman. Dr. H. J. Pearson, of IK' troit streef. Mr. Kessler is one of' tin brightesl yotiog lawyers of nis hom eounly as weJl as one of the most popular. He is a staunch Republican a clear-headed, energetic leader, on for whom the future has beyoud doub hiany good thiogs in sto.ce. Mr. K''s Ier expects to return tomorrow Oil.l Fellowship in Anu Arbor is n in excellent condition. Especiaily ratïfying is the true Tn-oiiierlmew ■xisiing betiveen the two e odges, Otseningo, No. 295, and Waslieuaw, No. 9. For èxanple, at ihe neeting of Otseningo Tues-day jiirhi he seeond degree ieam which received so ïiiiin.v eompiiments for its work was :oniposed oí about as many memters of one lodge as oí the other. Both lodges therefore cleserve praise for the work there done. As iong as ■uich a comlitiou exisis Aim Aïibor )i!(l J'ciiows must needs be prosper3U8. A reception and dance were given in honor of Miss Mary Frenen Field Monday evening by the meinbers oí the Zeta Psi fratemity from 8 nntil 10 ti'clock, and from 10 until 1 o'olock at (iranger's Academy. The floral deeoraitlons wjere tasteftd. Strings of smilax with red and white earnations rteooratlng each strand, curtained off the Chequamegon orchestra, wliicli was stationed in the galleiy, and clusters of pialms were seen about the hall. Mrs. WMtman received, assisted by the Mesdames Harry HuteÜins, Plenuoing Carrow, and .Miss Field. Miss. Field wore a beeomiag gwwii ot pink silk. Ooffee.was served in the gallery and frappe in the hall below. The Michigan Alumnae Association held a'n lnteresting uieetiiig Satimlav ai :! o'doek in the Women's building. The general topic for discnssion was 'Water Supply." Miss M. McMahoa gave a review of the wliole subject: .Miss Sophie Gonvberg read a paper on "Methods of FiHrations," and Mrs. Otis Johnston took up the water gupply of the state of Massaclmsetts. The meeting closed with the usual 15minute drill in parliamentary law. directed by Miss Clara Hatos. There was on attendanco oí full thlrty ladies. The subject for nixt month's sessiom will be "Wastes of Cities." "The Presto," a leading music journal, in irs issue l' January 'i lias au excellent photograph of tfanager Ilenderson of the Ann Arbor Organ company, together witü these complimentary words: "One of the new uprighit pianos of 1S!7 is the 'Henderson' of the Ann Arbor Organ coinpany. In tliis piano we have the result of vir tually one tnan's unergy and amWüon. In it we see what genuine enthusias u ín the trade accomtplisnes. Mr. J. C. Henderson was engagetl to manag the business of the Ann Arlior Orgil oompany. The reed instrument en ployed his attention. and his eompany were coateut with liis labors in tlia direction. But with his wide aequaint am-e among the dealers, Mr. Henderson vealized. tliat unless liis compaii could promote piano-making mach of his labors woold be lost. And so he went to work. He seeured the aid o a scale-drawer; he himself drew the case designs and the details, even t the stencil. Soon the 'Hendersi. piano grew into a reality, and it i already a suteess."


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Ann Arbor Democrat