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An Enjoyable Occasion

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Ana Arlinr Qhapter, No. 2.1T. Daughi( rs oí' the America d Revokrtkm, held its annual meeting Thursday atfteriionn. Jaau&ry (!, ;it the elegant residoce oí Mis. James l. Etabcock. Palma rere scattetred through the Iarge bandsome rooms ana the drawrng-room w;is tastefully decoratefl with American flags of varlous sizes. An exceJlent pdeture of Mr. Babcock. which stood on an easel, was draped witu the íijitioiial calors, as was also tüe charter of the chapter, which lnui.s on the opposite wal!. There were 27 membera oí the Ann Avbor chapter int, ;ui(i also eighi merabers of the Ypsilantl Otoapter, among tlicm Mis. Watling, regent, aml Miss LamMe, vice-regent. Mrs. Francés l'.-u-sons Edwards, of Detroit, the state regent, was preseat, as was also a nranber of invited guests. The meeting opened with singing "Oolumtola, the Gema of the Occ.ui." Mi-s. Babcocb presid'ing at a magníficeal gTaod piano. Tlie seeretary, Mts, Htildah L. Richards, the treasuTer, -Miss EJUzabeth Dean. the registrar, Miss Bmma E. Bower, and the historian, Mrs. W. G. Doty, read their annual reports. .Mrs. Doty read an exeeedlngly interesting paper on the aneestry of .Mrs. Babcock, showixig her descended from prominent and 11iist ■mis personages. A solid silver s.poon over 100 years oíd. and which liad descended to lier was exhibited. Followins tliis paper 'Mrs. Babcock favored the guests witb a yocal solo. W'th Mrs. Harry Brown as pianist. Mr. Watllng, the regaat of the Ypsilanti öhapter, fchen made somé happy remarks and talked Interestlngly of their worl; n Y])silanti. Mr. BdwaTd Willis sang in liis usual good stjie a vocal solo aocompanled by Mrs. Babcoek on the piano.. Mrs. BMiwards, the state regent, apoke briefly of the work in the state, also of the great provecta of suoh. an organization. Mts. is a íweet-ifaced, grq.cious w.niian and eharming in manier. One of the most en.joya.ble events of the aftemoon was the rendering of "The Sw.n-d erf Bunker Ilill." by Mrs. Babeock and Mr. Willis. Aíter staglng "The Star Spanigled B.inncr.' tü gtiests were invitod to the dining-room where ices, cake and bon-bons were served. Tlie tatole was laid wlth a whlte eloth, with broad bands of red and blue satín stretvlicd lengthwise. A 'benutiful buncli of "Jak" roses, in a handsome vase, adorned bhe center of the tatole, on either sirle of whi.-Ii were caadles in sllver candelabra, wlth red sflk grades. The ehandelier in the ceníer oí rluroom was festooned with sinilax. The effect pas dainty. The Misses Denn. ciara Dean and Freddie Oillett pivsided at the table. Hangsterfer eaterefl. Ooffee was served in the libra iy. Mis. W. B. Stevens, Miss Olive Farland and Mrs. Allee Woodbridge Joined fche society. The toUowing fflcers were elected tor Uu gutng year! Regent, Mrs. James B. Angelí; vice-regent, Mrs. James I, H.-,l-',,(k: seeretary, Mrs. HuMah I.. Hlchards; treasurer, A(rs. Lynds; n-isi, :,,-. Miss Emma E. Bower; historian, Mrs. v. }. Dpty; mem'bers of the exeeucive mmlttee, .Mrs. Harry B. Butchins Mrs. Wim. Brown, Mrs. vi; GHllett. The treasurer reported $20.06 iu the h-easury. The society s m n very flourishiag eoadltion and al iis next meeting will outline the deflnlte plan of study for bhO year.


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Ann Arbor Democrat