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Real Estate Transfers

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Tv. A. Kuebler to John 'Dleterle, Manchester, $800. V. Cash and vate to L. A. Kuebler, Manclu ster. $800. Anna. Crandall to Jolm Loekwood, ï.rk, $.100. F. .T. Plynn by licirs to 0. HUldeng]-, BrMgewater, $300. Ohelsea SaTings bank to Richard Wetob, Lyndon, $1,271.79. C. Klein to Peter MoBnnery, Ohelsea, $300. I.ivid Rockwell to Muy .1. Rockwell, X.vh-an. $1,200. ESmelme Philïïpa to J. B. Steere Pittsfieia, $1,800. Wesiey Avery. to Charles Rhod-üs .saline, $600. H. O. Sill to Vi. t Reeves, M1lau ?:;oo. Jolm Orr to Iaadore Scott, Ana Arbar, $3,100. Conidia. Etogera to Kawiu Insler, Webster, $180. M. Dufïy to Win. HurtU-ss. SliaPOD 53.600. .lohu Schenk ui Cfaarles B. Paul, Lima, $soo. Kosalie Krauss to E. L. Schneider nd wlfe, Aan Arbor, .f 7,000. ElHza Kowe, by sheriff, to Sarah L-iflin, Ypsilanti, $912. F. D. 'Merrithew to J. R. Sloat. Sharon, $2,500. Ida Ctand-Ier to Cliarles Nlssly Pittsfield, $1,000. Ida to Charles Nissly I'iitsfield, $800. Ai skittisli young pony driven by Will Butler took a run through Main street Wednesday. In trying to cut across the court house lawn he rau into a tree and lef t the cart while ha went on. Butler was not in the eart when tlie horse started.