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In And About The City

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If youwant to buy, sell or trade use the local columnsof the üemocrat Slrs. N. Krauser, of Detroit, is being enterfcalned by Iut sister. .Mis. .1. M. Feiner, of W. Wllllaros street Manager Lisemer is arrangtng l'or a week's stand next season tor the weïi known and popular WCber Opera company. Mss Josephine Groodycer, "f Chicago, and Miss Annie Kroiliinhaiii. of Detroit, are gnests oí Mi-, fciid Mïs. J. .]. Groodyear. Vi iliicsilay MayoT 1 lis, -nek afflxed li:s sigaature to Wcyele and lire liiiiits onliiianci's, thus apiproving thein and making thcin law. District Depaty Mrs; C. S. Blmwr at the meeting Wednesday fonnally installed the new ofllcers of Luis Cx)dge, No. 115, Degree of Eebekah. After the eerenjonies a very enjoyable lunch was served. Dr. R. S. Oopeland. seeretary ut' the homeopatMc facuKy, annaunees Hiat every lied in the homeopathie hospita] is full an almosl unheard of oondition of affaire and one in wWch the friends of the department rejoice exceedlngly. As s ui as the :):' litriiis. which are expected d.-iily, arrive the campus will üliied up. There ave to lx iiine are liiílns. six on 'lie six ron columns Alik-li are airead; ereeted. ín addiiin in these there will io .me ii,-r'.!t on eaeh corner oh ilie front slde of the tc&ln building and one in front of the medical building. Monday evenlog there w-as .1 meeting at the borne ni' Dr. W. B. Sinlth oí tlie association of teachers airi pupils ..i' ihv Aun blgh school. It was there rtecided to hold a 1 tion on the eveniog of January 3] ín parlors of the l'resbyieTiai; cliuivh io whieh all fqrmer pupils who ai tended the school between the years 1856 and 1876 and who live h; thls city and also the present teachers will be invitad. At the time otf Tuesday aight's join) public n:alia!ion at the opera house Pos) C.iiiiniaiider V. H. Snii'li. of ht ;. A. 1;.. aippainted .[. (. a. Sess-ions ]iis ailjülani for 1 hl' wisuing vear. IÍ. r. DanfoTth was made sergeant mejor and Herman Krap!' quartermasier sergeant. For the Womeu's Relief Corps the following special ofSi ers were appointed: M s. I sul are Müls. secretavy; Mrs. Cari'ie Manin. assistant conductor; Mia Hattie Baxter, assisiain guai 1. A roncen will lie giren in the Oe? Bethlehem ehureh on January 20th, under the direction of .Miss Kaima Fischer. Xlhe foilowtog is to be pTessented: Pipe-organ sedo. Prof. ReirwWk; duet for two pianos, Miss 10. Fischer aind Afiss Mills; vocal ftiet, Miss ]:. Liebig ai.d Miss C. Efutzel; Ae Maria (tn tteiiaa), Lidies' ehoTus; tenwr silo. Mr. '. Taylor; violiu solo. Miss Greenin lianded piano seleotion, the Misscs Ohandler, Oortell, Müls, riu E. Pischer; duel 011 piano and pipe-orgati, Miss E. Pischer,. .Mr. Renwlek: the 42,1 Psalm iMiiiili'lssuhii!, mixed choros; eoloists, Miss F. Koch and Miss E. I.ícíiílt. Scvi'i-il uunibers may still !■ added to these. The concert will In' one oL liisi oraetr, anJ t is espected Uut the nndltoriom of the church will be filled. Admissiötav 25 cents; ehildren, ir. cents. The proceeds go to the churcü. iMiitr.n-t has been lel Por reseatIng the estire gallery of Duiversity liall iu :i style BimilaT to that' ueed on the lower Hom'. The work has already begnn. lie Michigan Millers' Associatioa Ueld its annual meeting ;it Lansing on Mnmi.M.v. ;. f. A'Umenctinger, of this city; was e-lected vlce-president. W. W. Wedemeyer spoke ,-it the baliqthït and chose for hls Cheme, Yomig Men." Tlie next annuaj meeting wil! be held a1 lAnn Airtoor. James E. Oallaghan, of the publtshing iii:ii oí Oallaghan & Oo., (."hicago, oeeompanded by Ms fanrily as-e the guesta of .lrs. OaJlaghan'B farhiyr, losc'iih I.'iincl!y. M.iil Carrier Clirist Donneily gave -i pleasant pa;-ty ar hia home last evening in honor of his brotheir-in-la-w.


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Ann Arbor Democrat