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Banquet At The Unitarian Church

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The aiiuiial banquet at the Unatarian chiwvh Wednesday was mie of the iiiost enjoyable aml suöcessful ever held by the society. One hmulivd aml twenty sat down ;;t the tables. Piot'. Pettee presided and octed os toastmasior. Brief reiorts were made of the various aetivities of the clmreh. .Mr. A. L, Alexar.der spoke for the Sirnday school, Mr. ü. E. Rutterfield for Unii.v club. Mr. A: II. Bent liel for tlie Yoimg People's Reiigious Union, Miss Sybil Ptjttee for the King's Daugbters, Mrs. Ida G. Finney flor the library and Feading toon., and Mts. Sundep'.and Cor the I.adios" üniom and Studeats' Kilile ciass. All these organizations reported mucli work Oone dunivg rli? year aud present conditious OÍ [irosiierity. Afler the reporta letters were re:id from Rev. J. H. Allen, of ('anrhrjd.u'o. Mass.. and Rev. J. C. KimbaM, of li.ittford, lljss., bo'th of whom had been for a time in charge of the pul)it. tlie farmer for the year preceding i!ie sc-ttleiuent oí Mr. Smidciland. and Hu latter during tlie year of Mr. Suni'.eiïand's absence in Eurape. Letters were also from Mira Kimbui. Rev. ('aroüne Bartieit Qrane, of Kalamiizoo, Rev. Le-c S. Mc( 'illister ot' De tioit. and Mr. II. V. Ashley 0(L i'oledo, rei; relt i tneir inability to be lireseut at the bauquet. Addresses tthöc foiloivcd from Dr. Smith, of tli" Cuiversity, on "Tne East and tlie West;" Dr. Guthe on "Liberal Religión in Germany:" Prof. on "The Dangers of Liboralisin;" Prof. Loii!])ard on "'riie I 'lace of the G-argoyle in Ohtirch Architectlee,"' aud Rev. Mr. Hawiey of Jackson on "Ilow the Liberal Faith Seenis to One Who Haa Beoemtly Óoone hito It." Tliei-e was in (he speeches ,, mo1 Qappy Wending of humor and anacdote 'with serious thonghl. Firof. Pettee as pesiding offieer and i 1: aster was ia bis bliglüest veih. The Ladies' Union of tlie chureii. under the dtreetion of .drs. w. k. civilds, were the hostesses of the occasj ia. Tlie eventog closed with a few words frora tlie pastor.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat