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The Journal And Mr. Bryan

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Eneniies of the cause of bime-tallisru have been in high glee becnuse a siírnwl artiele asppeored in the New Vork Journal. a newspaper vhich vuthusiastically supports the Chicago platform, professing a Wiíaríness of Mr. Bryan aud arguing a.srainst his candidaoy in 1900. DChe Journal fc&a glnce ann&unced that the artlcle in qucstiou did not refleel the epinion of the -paper, tbal it was simply a "feeier" intended to sound public sentiment, and that the Journal would .-it all be a hearty supporter of Mr. Bryan ov any other candldate who stands upou DcniiK-ratic principies. The article answered Ite piMposes well. Tt. i)i-ou}ilit forth proteets Erom all part.s of the country whl ■!] should afford coiu-lusive prooi that the DemocTaby haa not wareretl In loyalty t, irs cause or tts leader. All conslderations favor a linn ainl unyieldlng supl;rt of the Ohicago platforn:. To re(■cl. trcm any oí fh principies therein enuJMiiated would be a eonïesftioii of weakness. Were party success fci'.e only eonslderaiion it would denmnd a striet adiherence t the doctrine T.inch savcit the party froui dislntegratlon and ral'ied to its support :. larger vote than it had ever previously reeeived. It also demaads that the man who tois siïecees possible and and in whom are centered the hopes of 6,500,000 electora rétala a leadership whioh He h;is eondracted so sklllfuily ns m lea ve bina move powerful ín defeát tkan his opponent i?? wirli rli' fruits of victpry. The chief erlflcísm of Mr. Krynn ccntained in the íii-t iJ in qnèstfon is that he r.-ilks 16 t 1. And why nar 1(5 to 1? As 'well eritleise Secret.iry Oage Cor r;tlkiug gold standard. Sitoen to oih was agrecd trpoo in the Chicago platfonn because if is about the retative ratio or the prodnrtitwi and oí' tbo accnmnlated stocks of gold .uní silvèr. But neither the Demoera'tïc party nor Mr. Bryan i wedded to "16 to 1." If when tlie canse of bimetallisM has so adranced that only tho question of' ratk) reuní ins to be dêtermtncd, ir shall appenr that "12 to 1" r "20 to 1" will be more cearly eoireet, then rliit ratio will be adopted. The question of ratio is only an incident ro the principie of biruetallism. The questlon oí printers' wnges may crt may niot bé a proper matter for newspaper discussion. Bc that as t may, the Courier provoked a reference. to the -ages paid its printers, in the columns of The Denioi rat, by au insinúa Hou that the pjwprtetor of rho tetter journal was not nvakhig a fair división wlth its pi-inirs. The Courier cmnes back in this manner: "The editor of The Demoerat is a comparalivcly ni'w man ml pcrhaps lie does uot kuow that the printi-rs to have worlced in tlii-i office liave reeeived good wages, always as much, sometimpa more, thau oth sr employers have paid, and they have bceu paid every Samnlay nisfht- every P nny due them." 'fhe regularity with wliic'u the Courier employees have been paid !i;s not heen questioned. Noirher is it our puppose to question any otinr rclaiion betweeu the proprletor and his enrployees other tlian those opened by hiniself. T!he faet thal the Couriei i no a unión ottirt' because ii refused o pay the naion scali' of wages lc-i'ls to thé conclusión iliat tlie employees of the Courier are not reeeiving tlie wages paid in othcT ofiöces. Wlu'n the lias acquired a kiíowledge of the tunda-mental principies of tlie single lax theory, we shall !"■ glad to discuss Ihat question wlth it. Under pi'i'.Ncnl eondltions discussiou is a waste of time. Knowing ones intímate tli.i1 the littl luneheon which Jwlge Kiune is sald to ii-%ve hai wiiH his o-d frienl down in Washington ths other day n ;iy have bad moro bearlng ou rh' postofflee situatiou in this city than the banquet whleh is ppoposed for February ISth.


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