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Dairy Inspection

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During bis recen vi-sit to Ami Arlm', and ïpsilaati Milk Inspector J. B. Barron inspected il dairies as reqnlred b.v law. The result of his Inspectlou is puWished In the December bulletin oí the state dalry and food comniission. At the requést of Mr. Barron and other interested parties we publisli bclow the complete reporl lor the dairies of the " t win citles." u is bui irsi in say tiiat siiico the iuspectlon was made mony of the dairyinen havi acled on the suggestions of tüspector Barron and corrected the faults iioted down by liini. Tlie report follows: At Aun Arbor. .1. Mlller- Oows very dirty, atables fairly clean, drainage poor, véntHation good, sanitary eonditlons poor, uses spring water. Manure is aMowed u accumulaite near barn. ]'. II. Oows part elean aml pari dirty. sialilos fairly elean ii dus-ty eelflngs, yentllation fair, sanitary condiiions poor, usea spring p, Manure is allowi 1 to aecumulate near barn. .7. Ijuwc Ciras pari -]-;) ii Mini part liriy. sta bles dirty witli dusty cailiHgs. ventllatlon fair, sanltary conditioms poor, uses wel! water. Ma mire is lowed to accumulate near b.-ini. A. D. Budd - Oows pari elean ;i 11 ■ ï pari dirty. stables v.-iih clean Boom 'mi open scaffoldlng, vonliliition poor, sanitary eonddtloae poor, asea well water. Manure ís allowed to aocuniuite near barn. J. AÏoOarty Cows v(ry iinrifwi, i.iliics v(T,v dirty, drainage poor, " latiou poor, sanitary comlitions very .■■il. Manure is allowed to accunruate near b.ini. T. Ohandler- Cows clean, stables airly clean, ventilation gaod, sanitary i uditions fair, usos cree;; water. [anuTe is allowed to accumulate near larns. SeJls skinuned milk in nuabeled bottles. .r. MuTphy i'uws unt-lean, stables mclean, dusty ceillngs and pöor drainge ventilatlon poor, sanitary condlii ns {vy poor, uses Bpring water. E. Oows pari clean snd pari rty, st:ih]i-; clean, dtaanae good, namure is allowed to accumulate near taras, venlllation good, sanitary eonlitions i':iir. uses well and creek w.-ner. Sella skiinmed milk unlabeled eans. E. L. .T. S'Tiith - Oows part cleaji Tiui part dirty, stables eloan, good lijainage, ventHation good, sattitary 'ondithuis r.iiily good, ases weil water. A. c. BehrlngeT Oows pan clean iikI parí dii-iy. eonditlon of stables, loors elean, eeilings dusty .uní drainige poor, vemtllatloD fair, saoitai-y 'cmdltíons poor, uses wcli wnter. D. Vaugleson Oows pari clean añd wirt dirty, floors 6f si:iiiii-s elean, eilings dusty and drainage poor, (niilntíon good, sanitary coraditions oor, usos gpring water. Mauure is illowed 1. 1 accujoulate near ham. .Mills Cows clean, ü.j'irs oí sialiics clean, eellings dusty, drainage laírly goed, venülatloii good, sanitary onditlons fair, well water used. C W. Rose- Oows clean, floors ni' siabii-s elein, cetllnge dusty. rentHatioa good, saniiary conditions fair, uses cree!; water. A. -Cows fairly vU.m. s tables clean, lint ceUlngs dusty. vei;filation fair, saaitary conditions p in'. uses well water. W. Latiii-.ip Cows clean, Boors of stables clean, eellings dusty. ventilación good, sanitair conditions fa' uses creek water, I'. Cows part cleaa and parí dirty, stables very dirty and poor drainage, ventHation fair, sanitary COndltkmS very had. uses well water. Mitlv cooled and strained in siahles. Manure allowed i" accumulate near ly. v. ;. Darlln Gows part clean and art dirty. atables olean, veatílatlon íOod, sanltary co#ditions fairly gocd, ■■sis well water. Mrs. !■;. Lery Ocwa part clean aiid lart dlrty, flöors oí Btables cica:!, ■ciliim-s vcry diisty, veotilation good, -auilavy condilions poor, r.scs well r, Sella skimmcil milk in railabeled eans. Mrs. E. Popkins Cows par( eleau uul part dirty, statoles cleau, i ntilaticn fair, saDltary eonditious fair uses well walci'. l I', v'v. C. Rrann-Cows part cleai and part dirty, statiles clean, círain age peor, ventila r un ig gootl in on atable and poor Id another, saaltarj couditions poor, uses well wateT. C. Ji. Tuonicy- Cows part eleau am part ülrty, stablM cleau, vcnlilatioi Calr, eanitaTy condltioDs fair, uses spring water. V. Nieiiols - Cows part clean and part dirty, atables clean wiüi open seaffoldiug, ventilation poor, sanitary comlitious poor, well water used. Sells skimmed milk in unlaboled cans. H. Preston- Oows clean, floors of stalblea clean, celHugs dlrty, drainage falrly gool, ventilation fair, sanitary conditions ]ioor, uses well water. Manure is nllowed to accnnnilate neer bsrn. Sells skinuned milk in unlabeled cans. C. W. TuWbs- Oowa clean, floors of stables clqan, eelïlngs dusty, ventilat ion good, stuiitary conditiora fair, uses well water, Milk is eooled iii barn. K.-isb & Priedrlck- Oows clean, floors oí si.ililcs clonn. celllngs dusty. venulation vci-y good, sánitary cdnditlons fair, uses wcll wnter. Xhis man has ;i clean, alry cooling roon). ,. F. Smith -Cows part clean anti p.i j-i lii-iy. atables clean, vemtilaticn falrly good, sanltary conlitioas fair, wt-ii water used. II. Kayor -üows elean, stablea clean, drainage good, ventllaticyj good. san) bary couililkuis l'airly good, uses wei; and ereek water. .Mts. Roberts - Stables nnelean. cowiunclean nul not bedded, ventilation fair, sanltary conditlous poor, wel) water used. .1. ö'Hara- Oowfi pari clean and part dirty, veiuilaiiou good, sanitary conJitions very pooi-, uses well watör. Manare is allowed tu accumulate neai barns, staWes dlPty. N. Woodmanso - Cows part clean ;iilT part dirty, atables fairly ch'.-.ii bul Coul odor issues ïïum same, vt-ntilation good, sanitary conditions poor, uses city water. Manure allowed to accumulate hmv bara. At Ypsllanti. O. A. Ainswoith - Cows clean, stalbles clean, walls and eeilings (being wihitewaahed, veutilatiou good. smitary condltrons good, ues city water. Üwing to the conditiom in wliieh chis i.-ihic is ki'pi thore are no foul ódova ssue. 0. A. Ajiusworth- (Dairy No. 2) 'ows pari clean and part dirty, tloors i' stalble clean and ceillngs dusty, ■entilation good, sanitary eonditious loor, uses weil water. E. S. Wilsou- Cows well clcaurd. siaiilcs unclean witli dusty ceillags, 'entllatlon fair. sanitary condátibns iöor, ases well water. Scotney Cows clcai. floors o:' stables fairly clean, luit öéilings dusty, vcntilatlon gxd, s.-mitary conditions icor, ues spring water. Sclls skimnied iiilk in unlaibeled bottles. 1. E. La Furgt t s eleaa, stahlc.m witli dusty cellingá! manurt Ulowed to accumulate direetly againsl hem, drainage poor. One siaitle has iicn scaflfolding, anrl pooï ventilación, v(inilaiiou in otlier stalde good, ary conditlons very poor, upes weJI water. ;. Marshall --('iiws cleiin, stables un■Iean wiili dnsty ceilings, ventilatlon fajrly good, sanitary conditions very [joor, nses weli water. E. Emericli Oows part clean and pari dii-iy. ïloois af stables c-lean lu.i i-ilinus iliisiv. vi 'iniliitiou good, sanitary ciindiiidiis i'.iii'. uses spring w.iuv. .i. simnimw Ciiws pjin clean aml pari dlrty, Qoors of stables deán, Ira image poor and eeilings duaty, santary conditions póor, uses sprm woter. Manui-e is allowed to accuiuuIate near baru. Staibles iih open gcaffoldlng. C. Brown - Cows clean, stables Cairly cliMti. uiiii diisiy eeilings, ventila - tion good, sanitary conditions poor, uses spring water. Manin-e is allcwed t aocunralate near stables. Sells skiinmcd inilk in nnlatoöled cuis. C. ',,ws clean, stables clean. Vfotilatiön fair. sainitaty conditions i'; ii'Iy good, uses spring water. lï. i. Barnos- Oows part clean and pari dlrty, floers of stables clean, ceiiIngs ditsty, veotilation good, sanitary coiwiitions pooi-, uses spning water.


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