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Hot Shot From Pingree

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Extracta from the goveraor's Buffal'o speech: "The1 question of today, do half faros on raUroads and contri bu tions to eímrches and institutions inflnenee the elergy to deai gen-tly witli great BTongs?" ■■ r.nia.v all the trusts, all the monopolies, t'very agency which is bleedng tlit' country, lias taken refnge inder ilic wing oí the Itepublir-an party becanse thoy fear the Democratie party wivieh has. kicked thein out." "The majority of the public men in the Republican party daxe not speak what they believe, for fear of offeading ihosc wliom they fooHshly think ,:r' ndispenaable to the ''party. " "Piinciples aro greater timii meo, and I apeak as a Ufe-tong Repu-bllcan vyhen I say that unltv.s the RepuWicaa party is led lu-k toto the spirit oí the principies whii-li Mr. Láncoln so eleaTIj stated in '■he words wiii.-ii 1 have quoted, It cann;i! long Uve as a great party." "The tnasses oí the Etepwblïean party do nut want. t!i stand sponsor toe those agencies which aro playing the mischief with thls conntry'a welfare any more than the (Demócrata do. We havo. however, some so-called leaders In our party who have mmre laith in the pwwer of niouey than iu the poweT oí tho votlng niaases.' "The monopolist, the franchise grabber, the lobbyist, the political apostlos of boodle, aro all extreme laitisans. and wheD any one exposea their schemes or obstrncts their ambitions, they wrap themselvfs in nio Hag and ry yon aro attacking the party." "In my own state the railroads, who hae never paitl rlieir jnst and equal share of the taxes, have boen a faithful ally of the Kepublican party. They put tij the nwney whioli helps elect iheir kind of people to the legislatnt i and In return expect favorable meas11 1 es atul exemptioi s from paying their duo share of taxes.1


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat