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In Aid Of Cuba

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Haviag been appointed a nièmfcer l!' l'c Ou'ban Relief cominission hy His Exrcilc;;,-.-,-. Governof Pingree, tor the purpose of eelleeting funds, r.n.,1 ling ind medicines in this pte of Michigan, all sneh sppües to b( forwarded by me to Hon. Allen shclHon. Lcvi l. Barbpur or the Hon. Clarenee Black oí Detroit, who will forward the same Eree to Consu:ÖeneraJ Lee of Havana, I woiilcl tLerefore announee that 1 am ready "' receive at my office iii the Duffy block all sucli supplies as a generous may ba wüling to contril ute to alleriate the suffering and distress of the starving wives, mothers and children at oür vor.v doors. This is a matter fchat shouia enlist the lmmeöiate synipathy of all our respected fellow citlzens, and most especiaJly of all philanthropic aad Ohrlstian people. All supplies will be ret-eipted for and acknowledged tbroug-h the pre ss. EUGEXE J. HBÚBER, Commissioner for this Section. Ann Arbor, January 18, 1898.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat