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In And About The City

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If youwant to buy, sell or trade use the local columns of the Democrat. Mrs. A. J. Walker, of Jackwm, i visiting her sister, Mrs. 'Ailains oí I-'ourth. avenue. Mina E. Jacobs is forniing a class m dmwing for illustratiug. Studio at No. 508 Monroe street. The '08 Michiganenslan has awarded the contract for publiwiing this year's aunual to tlie Inland Press. Leland T. Powers, the noted inipersonator, appeara Satnrday aight at Tnivcrsity hall ín the 8. l. A. eouree. .Miss Anna Frothinham returnod Wednesday to her home in Detroit after a sliort visit wlth Mr. and Mrs J. 3. Goodyear. A. W. Ames liad a terrible fall Thursdaj inorning mi onr icy sldewaUts. He srruck tus head with great forcé and is still Ín a bad eontfltion. Manager Ldeemer has booked the A. L. Wilbur opera company for a week's stand at t he new Athens Theater ii.xt geafon beginnlng Mwiday, October 23. Ilenry Braun, Ín Ann 'Anboi towil, is building a new house. BrauM & Hcebrein are the bnilders. The contrpct for the masou woik has btcu ler to Koeh Bros. Hemry Ivohr, of Battle Crtk. and Albert and Eugene Lohr, of Mantiall, are liere on account of the death of thelr tatha:, Philip Lohr. Eugene Ixihr is aeeompanled by hi.s wife. .T. F. Monroe, a eigar-jnakeT, residence uukuowii, was killed at 'Milán 1!ie other dny. lie riding on the bimipers oí' a freight ir when the cars became oncoupled allowing liiiii to drop between the wheels. Wednesday :it üte bride'a home, 515 8prlng street, Mlss llaiiic Barneil v;is unlted In marriage to Mr. Charles A. Pryce, of Bay City. Bev. T. W. Young performed the ceremony in tüe pvesenee of a few speciall inríted friends. Captain Ross GTanger and Lleut. lAmbrose C. Pack went to Detroit yesterday t attend the seeonl annu.i: meeting of the Officers' AedOCiation of the Michigan National Cuard. The íncnibers of the assoeiation banquet toniglit at the Cadillac. Piymouth Mali: Five persons Imv been seriously lr.jured by falling on the icy sidewalks in Aun Aruor. If yon contémplate visiting in that city this winter, put brads about an inch long in yoUT slioe soles; if in the m:mnier take stilts. The Gilt Kdsre minstrels will put their excellent performance on in tlie Saline opera house on Thttreday evenlng, January 27. They havo already played in Ann Arbor anj Ypsilanti to crawded housos and we can assnre the people of Saline they have a rare treat in store. A talk to nothers "Ou the Proper Training of Ohildren" wlli be givon by Mrs. T. C. Truelblood at the regalar inWins' of the WonianV Ohnstian '!mperanee Union, to bc held Thursday, January 27th, at 3 p. m., in the Y. W. C. A. rooms over the postoffice, A cordial invitatton is exiencled ro all. (At the ancual meeting of t!ie (jiar.d Chapter, K. A. M., at (rand Raplds Wednesduy L. C. líwdrlcli, of this city. was re-elected grand lectürer. Oharleü L. Stevens, oL Ypsilanti, wns also reelected grand principa] ïojourner. The (rand Ohapter voted .1 gift of $1,500 for the maintenanco oi the Michigan Masonic home. Remembra the entertainment at High School hall Frtday eveniug Por the benefit of the Sewing school, Tiiis school is a charlty organization estabUshed In 1885. The childreu who ai-e taugiht to aew come froiu üie homes of poor worklng women uiio have ;i p time to teach their children. A god program has been prepared for the entertainment, whleh is woll worth the small snm of 10 cents. At the Teceat meeting of the board of inanap;ers of the Washtenaw Fair Society the following standing cominlttees were arinotmted for the 1898 fair: rmnsportation, P. E. Mills; printing, P. E. Milla, F. H. Belser, O. M. Martin; auditing, II. S. Dean, A. .1. Sawyer, Wdbstor, s. w. Mlllard; pedigree, W. E. Boydeu, K. . Helber, 3. H. Amhvnv. K. s. Chapín; .rcniir.ii's, B. D. Kelly. John Keppler, A. .1. Sawyor, B. ]). Öeer, Isanfl P. Saveiy. A. C. Schumacher; by-laws aad rules, Fred :. I', H. P. Glover, Moses Seabolt, Wm. Stocking, Hairls Ball. A masa meeting was held al th Mason couri house VVdupsday r. eonsider the scheme of the LansiiiK Dexter & Ami Arlior railroad. The meeting was well attended ;nii! muci interest was sliown. The oflteers and diivcturs were all i,.m oèe Addresses explaining ttie p] nis of th' (ïompany wen -,hI m.iny quesHons asked and answered. A coni mittee of business men was a.ppointe 10 take hold of the matter and se wiiat can be done. This comm will meel Frlday evening. The offl cers and dltsecíors will lui'.a a meeting today and Priday at Dansville, Whlt Oak, Btockbridge, Pinckney, Plain field and Dexter.


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Ann Arbor Democrat