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A White Elephant

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The Orthodox Republicfin leaders ol Michigan are sorely perpiexed over the disposition of a white eflephant w'nich Las, unbidden and umvelcomed, iu.stalled itself witliin their encl and has proceeded without uimecassaiy foi-mality to appropriate ío its own delectation öie clioicest gvxt'mg in the pasttrre. The elephant of snowy hue above referred to is one Hazen S. I'ingree, soine time mayor of the city of Detroit, now pretty much goveruor of the state of Miehlgnn Gv. Plingree is nothing if not uniquc and ofigliial. He eouhl be neither unáque or orlgiuaJ apd follow tamely in the RepuWiean rut. And moTeovor the governor aas cast ais weather eye to the windward and in his foreea&t of the future he foresees the ineritalble triunpli of the new Democracy. The doctrines of this new Democracy not being unpalatable to his excellemcy ho lias pre'ached them uneeasingly from a Republiean pedestal. He h:s, with unparalleled aiul.iciiy, denounced Republican gods from withln the Republioan temple. Ilis Republicaulsra i; but an empty name and he öon't care who kuows ii. ij is present attitude taward the liepublican party takes the form of the tateresting nterrogation, What are you gomg to do al)out dt? And what will they do about it? Will they turn Plngreo down? They wuuld have dore it in '9G but they were just on the thresiioïd of a national election and thcy iieeded Pingree' help. The resuU of the rfeetion justified the wisdom of V.uir coiirse. But Pingree's heresy is greater now than it was in '!)G anid the excuse for leniency is less. Will they dare to tura him down? Xo. The Repufclican state coiiveiition will meet ncxi summer, adopt a platífórm eulogiziiig McKinlfiy and the gold standard and protection, and railri.i is and trusts, aud a dozen otlier things at like ilk ind then tliey will complete tñeir i-ork by piacfin? at the head of their ticket a man who is pronoanced for siivt'i', who has denouneed the tarilï as .1 delusiou aad a snare, wiiose politioal life bas been one eoati&uous battle with He trasts and oorporations which he alleges li.ivr sapped the streugth of the peopíe. Wliy will they do Huis? Beeausc bitterly a.s they hate hün the Bepubliean machine leaders fear Pingree more. It ti&s come to be a qvu o! deft-at without Pingree m victory anld the spoils witli Pingree. Tiuey will choose itflie latter alternatíve and fuse with the governor. Ilr. Ol&dstoiit' s.iid, the ottier Jay, wlieu asked wli.n was the greta-teat danser Chreaíounij; Grcat Brftain: "Xhe only danger I foresee ta from the trades uuions and Uieir atu'iulaur strikes." The grand oíd man evtcicntlj- ovorlooks oquaüy dangerous and more po'wert'ul comblnatloiis of capital, whicli trtxdea unioms necessary tor ilifi pTötectton oí iv'orkers.


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Ann Arbor Democrat