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Regents' Meeting

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The Regerits met "r!in-.: iy and ii;m",-u-i'il (Mii]ili'r;ili!c busin --. The numibei oí cotniuHtpes for tlie iresent year waa reduceö fiwu 12 to !), athlrk-s betng placed ander the ontrol of 'Mie Jtterory eommittec; harma ,v depan'mcin itnder control of the medical oomniïttee, and tho .iiuseüm ander control oí tin lïbrarj comraittee. The standing eommittiies weTe tht-n chosen as f&llaw's: Exeoutlive, Pi-esideaai Htftcliins, and Regen'ts BuDtei-field, Cookj ('ocker; literary, BvrffterfieW, Oocker, I.'.nv'ton; engineering, I(nn. I.awton. Kiiefer; medii.) 1. dental and pharmaJcy, Klefer, I'an-, ButterfleM; homeopathie, Cook. IIcicIht. Dean; libvary and museum, l.awion. Dean. Fletdier; uw. Paxr, Bxrtterfield, Cook; building and grotxads, Fletcher, Cook, Cocker, ñnaace, Oaoker, Kktoi-, Farr. Dean. A legisïative r Populist s of Xtïbraska in vst rating L'heir sta'te linstinvtions. ajid asked tüe Uegetrts to fnrnisu detailed iiu'ormatiou as to professors' salarles. The Uegeufts merely furuislitHl 1 general fiuanc-ïal report, and turned down ffce reqnest. Dr. Tln'odon KlingiDan was appdlffted pathologlcal Instructor. His salary will bc paid by the four state asylums. Mrs. Jennle MeNeil was apliointed assistaiii to Dr. Doek. Lawpence BlgeWw, i'h. D.. -,i gradúate of Harvard schooi of teehnotogy, and MuQleh, was appointed instructor in physicaJ ehömistry ,-it ,-i salary of $900, Ms duries to begin next October. The mait'ter oí introducmg military histruetion in the Universit.v cnme np for iliseussion and íi eom-mlftee was aipointed (o investígate lic subject fully and report a next month's meeting. A vote oí' i luniks was n'iidered Jamos MrtMillau, of Detroit, for a dojiaítion of $150 to be expended for pare books, wliidi are ín be added to t!i. Sliakt'spiuvaji library. The action taken at the last meeting when :he "Mary GasweU AngrK" Hall in the mxmen's building was named Hebbard Hall by an oversigjlit, was resclnded. It was dociiïed to conuect the se(vei"ag-e of rlie faw building rvith the city sewor on X. University :ive. I'imI'. Stanley was granted Kmvg to start to EuTope sométime before comïH'iu-cmom weck. but aftel1 liis regular coartes liad been ïinisin.i. Prof. Dean C. WorceSter was grauted a year's leave oí a'bsenee to begin witli the c!ose of 'the college year, his salary to Iapse in the meantime. An oil portrait of tlie late Joseph ('lark. wiio for so many ye&rs was siijievinu adent of the University hospita)s, was pi-esented to Bhe University by Mrs. Ciark and her son, and a vote oí ílianks retiuiii'il for the same. The painting iwïll be hiing in the hospital A case was ordered for the s - ■(■;aiy's office and a catalogue ease for (he alumni beadquarfers. The afiternoon session was levated mainly 10 disenssiing plans for Kha proposed remodelicg of the law buMiiig. Ihe plana whirli have not as yet oet") adopted, contémplate a laorge additioo to the building on the souUi side. Tliis 'addition ivül be used for :t bf.-iry and reeitatáon rooms. TIn1 present library will be turnert into a 1lcütre room and the offices will, ia all jnobabüity be rearranged. Tii improvemeats will email ai atlay at something like $50,000. There was aüso disíob as to the advisiübdlitj of pdaeing eertain Testrietions .is to whu should le allowed to reeeive free nv.-: ■i -ut. at the Unlversity liosjndtai. Soiivï of : 10 Regents are opposed Lo fillowing rhoso Tv"ho are atrandantly to pa. tor medical attendïince to crawd oiit - wlio are not well enougb üi. ■ini-ially to stand tlio usual expenss. Aftring on iliis maitter .vas also deffern.'fl unril nex't montli.


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