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"perpetual Motion" Mott.

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The Coltow'i'ng wiil be of inteTesi ta thase who reaiember "Perpetual Mition" Mot r. it is taken fro:n tUe Implement Age at Philadelphia: "T.-ilk about the Sbravery' and 'herotem' of the hiiiiU'iiicut trtivekr. Wlio doubts it? Read the followlng and b? eonvineed: 'Stephen Spellan, of DuBols, tnurdered MichaeJ S. Eaher, cu the night of the 223 alt, and endeavon-eü to evade arrest by barrieadiag liis house, and hoMiug the officers al bay wiili three g--ins, two pistols and a large íazor: The folUnviag morning the local offlcers suinmoneci a poss of cdtizens, among wliom w.-i the wrfl known trtLTeJer of the JloOonnick company, Mr. a. L. Mott, who standvs over six feet In heïghlt, and weághs over 200 pound. A fusriladeof bullèts drove him (the muTdrer) out, but ii!' suceeeded in gatotog a aew reti-eat in the large steam pipe eomneeted with tli water -.vm-ics. Molí mrnetl steam on. and awaited reswlts. Spellan finally eame, but with liis appearance eame bullets rhick and i'ar fpom bis revolver. Mott was game, and wluu the duel was over Spelhui was fuuiiil in be dangerously s!at in the Jicui. body and groin. Mott was shot through the rom. bui he is again able to be out. Mott sa.ys it will take the dootars tbr,".' months to plek bis s!iot out of Spellan's body.' IleroigmV Well, I guess."


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Ann Arbor Democrat