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jflk In the heart of erery F?y man and in the soul EpMKjk f evel7 woraan there A HPEwB s a vacuüm that can fcj ' Bli?si3Skonly be filled by a iffHkXKl child. In America í5r ■ NH there are too many WTtSfyli childless homes. avtDJBkji AA AU the love and SIkJllMl shfpand alïthe S '({k i s s e s of the xí boneymoon turn to bitter dust upou the lips of the wedded couple to whose home there never comes the patter of childish feet. One cause, more than any other, contributes to making the tens of thousands of childless, and consequently unhappy, homes all over this country. The cause Í9 often the unconscious fault of the wife. A woman who suffers from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism is unfitted for motherhood, and if she has chiidren it will probably be at the saerifice of her own life. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a wonderful medicine for women who suffer in this way. It acts directly on the delicate and important organs concerned 'n wifehood and motherhood. It makes them strong, healthy, vigorous, virile and elastic. It banishes the squeamishness of the expectant period and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless. It insures the little ncw-eomer's health and a bountiful supply of nourishment. Thousands of homes that were childless and unhappy now echo with the prattle of healthy babyhood, as the result of the use of this marvelous medicine. " When I began taking Tr. Pierce's medicines I was very sick," writes Mrs. R. D. Moore, ot Schuyler, Colfax Co., Nebr., (Box 173). " I could not keep anything on my stomach, and kept gettiug worse. My husband got me two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, two of his ' Favorite Prescriptiqn ' and four of his ' Pleasant Pellets.' (At this time I had been pregnant about two mouths.) I began taking the medicines, and in less than a week I could eat anything. The ' Favorite Prescription ' is the best medicine in the world fbr prospective mothers. My health is better now than it has been for twelve years. My little girl is now fiix months old and is well and healthy. I do not think I should have had ray baby if we had not obtained something to build up my system and strengthen me." Twenty-one one-cent stamps cover the mailing of a paper-covered copy of Doctor Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalö, N. Y. - i arr i mtr i - -a-irr -r- ■"" - jüfSGALLEfei : BAZAR, Wffimm ) PAíTERHSW J . THESTYLISHPATTERN." Ï f tistic. Fashionabie. Original. f ; Fitting. PticeslOaud löcents. r 1 I Nonehigher. None betíeratany pnce. B I Some reliable merchant sel!s them m f nearly every city or town, Asfc for j I them, or they can bc had by matl from ■ us ín either New York or Chic? jo. V, 5 Stamps taken. Latest Fashíon Sheet ? (sent upon teceipt of one cent to pay postage. - i MSCAUCSjgih ! I MAGAZINEW Brirhte:t ladíes magazine publislied. I Invaluable for the home. Fashions of ' the day, Home Literature, Household I Hints, Fancy Vork, Current Topics, . 1 Fictíon, al! for only 50 cents a year, H cludinga i'rce T tioa any time. Send two 2ent stamps ? i for sample copy. Address ( THE McCALL CORIPANY, S J.42-146 Vest I4th Streel, New York.. JS9 Fiítli Awecoe, Chicago. Ï $ Business Directory. LBHMAN BKOS. & ST1VEKS. Attornoys ab aw, Room 4, Savins's Bank Block, Ann Arbor, Mich, General Law Practico; also. oaas, collections and conveyanchiKWAKTED- Trustworthy and active gentlemen or laches to travel íor responsible Gstablished house in Michigan. Monthly S6 .00 and expenses. Position steady. Heferences. Endose self-addressed enveíope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y. Chicago, rpHOMA.1 D. KEARNBY, Attorncy at Law, X Ann Arbor, Mich. _Qffiee, Huron Street, opqosite court house. ENOCH DIETERLE.F.mbalmer and Funeral Director. Calis attended. day or nieht. Office No. 8 E. Liberty. I'hone 12& Resi dence 75 S. Fourth ave. WM. H. MURRAY, Attoraey at Law, Aan Arbor Mich. Officie in Uourt House. MJ. CAVANAUGH, Lawyor, Ann Arbor,. Mlch. Eoom 1. Saviogs bunk block. ABTHUR BROWN, Attorney at Law. Office, corner of Fourth Ave an'l Ann st. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Attornej-at-Law.. Oftice, corner Fourtn and Ann streets, Anu Arbor, Mich. OM. MARTIN, Funeral Director and ün dertaker Cloth, metal ic and common cofflns. Stureroom, 1T. S. Foarrb av Rfcsidence, corner L berty and Kilib. 'Phone SI WW. NICHOLS, Dentist. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savinsts Bank, ouposite Oourt House square. VITALIZED AIK administered. It is agreea ile and easy totake and no postrating effects folluw. while teeth are euacted without pain. HU5H-EST cash pric paid for raes, ruhberln,n and all kinds of metal. If y0 have auythingon to disnose of drop a cardtoW. LAXSKY, 22 and 24 Braodway, Ann Arbor, Mich.


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