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GGCD TiïiiES HAVE OTE. You can affnrd to indulge yourseif or your family in the luxury ot a good weekly newspaper and a quarteriy magazine of fiction. Yo'a can gct both of these puDhcations with alr.-.ost a library of good nove!; for $5 per year. jHaew vonii f TKiitumr world-famed for its brightness and the most complete General Weekiy-covering a widcr rane of subjects suüed to the tastesof men ai. 1 women of culture and lefinement than any jcurnal-ever pubiished. Subscription price, $4 per annum. TALES FROM TOWN TOPICS, a s55 paGo Quarteriy Magazine of fiction, appeanng the fiist dayof Jlarch, June, September and December, and pubiishmg original rove's byths test writers of the day and a raass of short itcr'es. poema, burlesques. witticisms, etc Sjbscription price. $ per annum. Club price Ut both. $5 per annum. You can have both of these f yo-j subscribo NOW aad a lonus of 10 novéis &elected from tr.e hst oeloyr Regular price for each, SP cents. Allient postpaü Remit $s in New Yotk exchange, expressor postal ra=ney crder, or by icgistered Jetter, t.gethervith a list of ihe 10 novéis &e!ected, by na:ncers, to TOWH TOPICT, 808 Vltth Avenae, ten York.: LI8T. Í-THE SALP OF A SOUL lïy C M S. M-tt'UH. 7-IHt CUUSIN IIF 1HF KIO l A S VtiW:nm. I-slX I HAI1F5 Ry Clír.íe I Conirirn g-IMH SKIRIS OF CHANCE. By Cun.i A.ncd i-NTH0NV KEVT Bv Chirles Sirket Wiyne. .-AN ECLIPse uf VIKTUE Bv Ctumpi„.i U-isetl. u-AN UN&PEAKAHI.E -IREM. By tllrn Cll.lll 'I-THU DRtADFUL WUMAN Br Hjidd K Vynne. 14-A DbAl IN DENVER Ry C.'ir.c. M.Ker.drie I5-WHV -.AVS OLADYS By D-:il Cti'lilte M."1V I-A VthV KEMAKKAD! F G1RI. by L H ij-A MAKRTA ,E FOR MATE ByHiioiiR Vvnne.. ■a-OiT F THE SIll.FHUR By T C De Leo. IV-IHt WRONG H H, Cn,..;.fjri B...CII 'rif ,HUNI loA HAPWNEaS By Ali Vivantl l-HEkSÍ RAC-.F FVPfRIMFVT Ryltv'HR Vynnc. ,,-US IUU ■ IW--I ,V By I UMl t-AWHS ' llv l.inn E. Wol


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