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A Very Striking Cotillion

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In BpeaMng of cotiHions the other Bight Mr. Granger had the following to say: "In past years át has always been a source of great rogrot tliat the cotillion was not more popular in Ann Artor. The reason has been the Isck of capable leaders, for npon the leader depends the miccess of the cotillion. But tvvo such suocesaful cotUhons as those given by the Forty elub and by the Beta Theta Pi fratt-rmtj should certainly créate a. deslre for many more. The cotillion giren by Beta Theta Pi List Friday night wa without doubt the prettiest ever Si ven in Aun Arbor, and to the young Udies who enjoyod tbe Forty club so much a week before It must have bteu a great surprise. There were in al abou thirty figures danced. laatlcg írom 10 till after 3, and the figles were so carefully arran-ed and so adirirably led that in all that time there was no chance for a lack of interest enihasiasm. Tho hall was very tastefully decorated in pink and blue. tlie effect being carrled out even lo the shades of the candelabro and lamps upon the favor tables. Araoug the favors were china pin trays and teapots, and the most pleasing of all to the young ladies were the lainty litt!e teaspoons. Some very amusing favors to be given to the freshmen boys were little bottles of mi'.k viHi rubber tubes. The figures were the prettiest that have been seen in Ann Ai'bor and it seeaied Teunrkable to ífcose who had attencled tbe cotillion of last year and this tliat Olere '■vas uot a single figure tliat had heen glven bcro before. From tlie gallery ií was a great pleasure to see tho figures gone through with such smoothness, and Mr. Maher, who has proved htmself in the past a leader of the grcatestt act and capaWlity easily outdid liimself. As a leader he need not suffer by comparison witli the veterans of Chicago or New York.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat