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News Of The University

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The time for eniries for the orator! cal contcst is up, and Secretar; Landis has received the naipes of the following contestatits: '98 Law- ,S. L Tatuni, .1. T. Lawler, H. H. Boden slab. ütis Huir. Eugene P. Hourihan i'. X. Stolz, Paul Y. Albright, A. M liea. Ohas. Engelhard, Oarl T. Storm ';ido .Milus, and Ij. L. Thompson '00 Law- Wlnifred S. Gilbert, W. J Blgger, Cari V. Wfsner. 'oo Law- Elmer A. Brown. John R. Scliaoht '98 Lit- C. Divine, A. I,. Osgood, H K Ioud, Chas. Simons, M. U Wier '0!) Lit- G. F. Pau;, .Uontgomery Wt-bster, Kay H. Kite.ey, II. J. MeCieary, B 1'.. Johnson, A. H. Fiebcah, Arthui -AI. Hyde, E. Rheiiifrank. 'X) Lit- Prank D. Baman, Frank Dielil, Thoa. L. Robinson, Joiin H. I'rentiss, L. Young and A. J. Bleazby. The jiulges will be announced soon. Junior Hop Notes. The following faculty ladles v íll act as patronesses at the JunloT Hop: Mesdaiues H. C. Hutchins, Chas. K. Rreene, A. H. Pattengil!, Víctor 'C. Vaughan, J. C. Knowlton, O. B. Ñaucrede, Fleming Carrow, P. C. Freer. A. C. AIcL-aug-lilm, I. c. Russel], W. P. Lombard, ,T. II. Brewater. V) n Campbell, P. R. doPont, G. W. Pattevson, D. C. Worcester, W. H. Waito and Dr. E. M. JIosher. Arrangements have been made i serre the refreshments in three sec tions, between certain dances, in orde to prevent the crowding incident to serving all at once. The catering wil lie done by Hangstei-fer. Stabler wil pnt up the decorations and Halier wíl furnish the clialrs' and furniture fo Ihe rooms. Unlversitv Notes. President McKinïey has eonsented to be one of the orators at the next eommencement of the Ohio Wesleya! University. E. P. O'Leary, of the law depart n ent is seriously ill at the hospital. He was about to start on a trip Weal when he suddeniy became ill. President Schurman, of Cornell, has offered a prize of $50 for the best contribution to the college daily. The work must equal 200 inches of pri'Hed matter. Prof. F. M. Taylor delivered an address Tuesday at Oxford before th Oakland counly fanuers' institute taking as his subject "AVho are Producers?" After recoivmg the Stanford estáte, Stanford University will have an income three times as great as tlmt of Harvard, the richest Amencan Uniersity at present. After conference between Captains Wliitney, of the Yale crew, and Goodrich, of the Harvard crew. a decisión was reaclied to row their annual boat race at New London. vvheriier tüe race wiJl be betweeu Harvard and Yale, or a three-cornered race with Corno:!. The following eastern colleges have elpcted footbaH captain for the seascn of '9S as follo-ws: Pennsylvania, Ootland; Harvard, Dibblee; WiUiams. Branch; Dartmouth, Cavanaug-h; I'rinceton, Baird, Amherst, Kendall; Oornell, MeLaugUlin; Yale. Chamberlaln; Browu, Murphy. The annual meeting of the Columbia University Xavy was held ly. It was decided to train two dif fereiit erews next spring, oiio to mee Annapolls and another to enter tb Ilarlem regatta. La Ier on in the yea the 'varsity crew will be seleeted frón these crews. The last meeting of the Engineering Soeiety for this semester wül be hel; Saturday, Fob. 5. at S p. ra. Prof föhn O. Reed will address the soeietj on "Optical Theories as modJfled bj Helmholtz, Maxwei; Gertz and Roent gen." The lecture will be glven in th Physical Lecture Koom and all are cvited to attend. Somebody has a maula for oolleeting he caps given as a recognition of athctic ability. One cap disappèared at he time of the antl-knocker siaoker and two more have vanished f rom the -arious cloak rooms about the campus. riiis is a desplcable praeüoe and If be misereant is discoven-d, he shoald be given summary treatmeat. Tickets for the Freshman Banquet were placed on sale this morning rrangements for the evont are pro'n.-.siiig and everythlng polnts to a '!g success. A committee has chatge f the ri.n-.iing of toastmaster and hose win will respond to toasts; this will be done seeretly so as to avold any trouble f rom otlior elaasxs On Satnrday nigln the Alpha Xu Society will present the following program: Musie; fareweli addiess by tlie retiring president, Wil] Sanger; inaugural address by the new president Montgoraery Webster; sibyl. Pred Paul; debate, "Resolved. Tiiat the growth ind extenf of the United States Navy is a wlse policy and should be continued," affirmafve Messrs. Moody, Keyuolds and ReailinK; negative. Juttner, Wistrand aud Simons; impromptus, Sweat, Groves Wells and Bills; music. The meeting begins at 8 o'clock.


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