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i fíVr of the settlement of PwW&Y the Dakotas, the VI "" k quently contained Í&S. stories of the hard . f 'T ■- ships and sufferings I iyf I u. -. and sometimes the I I lltt I death of the new SJl i J W I settlers who were . VF V I lost 'n the blizzards. ■L31 . J I The man or woman VsL death in a winter's storm undergoes great sufferings, but they are mild compared with those daily borne by thousands of victims of that dread disease - consumption. For centurie9 this relentless disease was considered incurable. It is now known to be distinctly curable. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures 98 per cent. of all cases of consumption, bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis and diseases of the air-passages. It has stood the test for thirty years. It acts directly on the blood, nourishing it with the life-giving qualities of the food. It tears down old, half-dead tissues' and builds up new ones in all parts of the body. Through the blood it acts directly on the lungs, driving out all impurities and disease germs. It soothes the cough, but facilitates expectoration. It deepens the breathing, supplying the system with lifegiving oxygen. It stimulates the appetite, facilitates the flow of digestive juices, invigorates the liver and tones and builds up the nerves. It is the great blood-maker and flesh-builder. It does not make flabby flesh like cod liver oil, but firm, muscular, healthy tissues. " I had been troubled with bronchitis for several years," writes Mrs. Orliu O'Hara, Box 114 Fergus Fatls, Ottertail Co., Minn. "In the first place I had sore throat. I doctored with different doctors and took various medicines, but got no rdief. I raised frora my throat a 3ticky substance like the white of an egg. Could not sleep, and had made up my mind that I would not live through the winter. I took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ' Favorite Prescription ' alternately, and in a few days began. to see that I was better. I took eight bottles. I have not feit as well in years." The quick constipation - cure - Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Never gripe. Accept no substitutes or imitations. ! Paíternsw i THESTYLïSHPATTERN." I I tistic. Fashíonabie. Original. f ( Fitting. Prices lOand 15 cents. T Nonehigher. None better at any price. B Some reliable merchant sells them in J f nearly every city or town. Ask lor ? ■ them, or they can be had by maíl from ti " us in either New York or Chicago. J Stamps taken. Latest Fashíon Sheet ? i sent upon receipt of one cent to pay i ' postage. !. ! MAGAI1NEW j I Brightect ladies' magazine published. ï } Invaluable for the home. Fashions of i ' the day, Home Líterature, Household I T Hints, Fancy Work, Current Topics, T f Fiction, all for oníy 50 cents a year, H cludinga i tion any time. Send two 2-cent stamps ? for sample copy. Address THE McCALL COMPANY, S S 142-146 West t4th Street, New York, k 1S9 Ftfth Avenue, Chicago. - - m r -- "■ - "-" - r- J Business Directory. LEHMAN BEOS. & ST1VERS. Attorneys a.t aw, Room 4, Saving's Bank Block, Aun Arbor, Mlch, General Law Practice; also loans, collections and conveyanclng. WAXTED- Trustworthy and active gentlemen or ladiesto travel for responslble established house in Michigan. Monthly S600 and expenses. Positiou steady. References. Encloae self-addressed enveiope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y. Chicago, rpiIOMAS D KEARNEY, Attorney at Law, Ann Arbor, Mich.u Office, Hurón Street, opqosite court howse. ENOCH DIETEBLE, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calis attended day or night. Office No. 8E. Liberty. Phone 129. Resi dence 75 S. Fourth ave. WH. H. MURRAY, Attoraey at Law, Ann Arbor Mich. Officie in Uourt House. MJ. CAVANAUGH, Lawyer, Ann Arbor, Mich. Room 1, Savings bank block. ARTHÜR BROWN, Attorney at Law. Office, córner of Fourth Ave an'l Ann st. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Attorney-at-Law. Office, comer Fourth and Ann streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. OM. MARTIN, Funeral Director and ün dertaker. Cloth, metalic and common coffins. Stureroom, 17 S. Fourth ave. Rfcsidence, comer L'berty and Fifih. 'Phone 91 WW. NICHOLS, Dentist. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, opposite Oourt House square. VITALIZED AIK administered. It is agreeahle and easy to take aud no prostrating effects follow. whlle teeth a're exiracted withuut pain. HIBHEST cash price paid for rags. rubberIron and all kinds of metal. If you have auythinp: on han to dispose of drop a card to W. LANSKY, 22 and 2á Braodway, Ann Arbor, Mich.


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