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Yl'SILAXTI PLAIXS George Sinitli lms charge of the Dentón milk-house tiiis yeai1. 'George D. Wlard has the Dentón & Sheldon fllled with ice trom his large pond. Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Allen and fatu;)y. of Willis, visited their daughter, Mrs. George V. Burrell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alh.ri gave a progTesslve domino party to sixteen of their frlends Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. aad Mrs. Gteorge V, . Burrell entertalned a sleigh load of young j)eople fi'oni Ypsilanti Tnesday nlgbt of la si wc1!;. LA.KE UIDttE At lic home f Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Tm-su.iy eveming, February 13, a party and dame will be held in honor of ;luir daughter's blrttiday. Miss Ida Montonye, who took the DepembeT civil service examlnatiou for clerk at Aun Arbor, received official iiüi ice 'i' Un1 same Satín laj . February 15. She passed ü'c exairi i lation and received i hig'h mark. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott were agteeably sui-prised by their frjends and neigtibors last Wednesday night Abont thirty gathered there a ml speut the evoning in dancing and playing gaines. Refreshments were strv 'd at 11 O'clock .ui!! ;', itelightful linie was iiad. UEXTER A fine entertainment was given at the opera house last Tuesday Cor the ii of the Monument fun.l. An entUusiastic meeting was held il the opera house last week in the merosi di'i lic LansLng and Dexter ric rnilroad. 'Mrs. Vinikle, more lian lifty yeara a resident oí Dexter, Siert ai li home of het son, Geore, last Monday morning. Judging Crom the aumber of pi school marrus on our streets iasi Satnrday the Teachers' association tneetug was well attendetl. iMïs. Kahooii. of Hastings, w.tü very recently a residen) oí thls place. lied very suddenly last iSunday. Fu:i ral was held at r''iu'o of sister, Mrs. Helen Alley. Jiulgo leeture was well ittended and was one of unusual c!oqnerace and interest. Those wlio l'ailed 1o hear it missed a lirerary :re.-. 1 Mr. DeWitt informs ns that the next meeting of Wahtenaw Teachers' associatlon will be held at Ypsilanti m the practlce school ibulldlrtg of the Normal college on Saturday, .Marjli 5th, IS98. 'l'iie iinn of .1. Oostello & Op. was dissolved last Monday, Mr. Oostello letiring. He has been an iiouored ai;d success'rul business man in our town for thirty years past . His hea!th made liis rettreinent necessary. SUPERIOR. Alley Keüey will start for Dakota March 28th. Quite an epidemie of bad colds is going .-i-romid tl. i.s week. Clift'ord llnstiu is ííottins uiueli better. He is nou home with nis parer, ts. Last Triday Olive Strang run lis hancl in the eog geer in his saw-i ïill and it will be some weeks before l:e eau use it. One fingeT was briken. Superior Cornet band had a meeling tast Saturday evenïng at thair hall and all were present. The boys aave been having a vacation for sorae weeks. Gale & Dolby Btos. are ]uttiiy up arothor lariro buzz pile this winter. Ai social was given at Roger Orippen's last Friday evening the benefit of the Crippen school. Win. Burrell is eutting timber in Edwin ( 'liase' s woods. lie lias seven colorea men and live whites working. Eiach ■)]. ir has a sfaanty of thpir own but lost wiek in the shanty one was (Iniiniiieil ojlt of eamp, Th" reason was he h:ul too many l'ollowers. The Casey Pedro club niet at Mr. .1. A. Cales last Xuesda.v evening. All the best playera wei-e present specially Mi-. Etose oí Eaton, Colorado, wlio ia ealled the star playei of the West. 'l'ivn presents wen given. Mr. .lames j Cates received the flrst priz? and Mr. Rose 1 1" boob.v prize, wbJch was a Ohinese doll. ( ointy news. Mairied, January 27th, by liev. F. E. Ai'uold. of Ypsilanti, at 'he home of the bride's parenta in STork, Charles M. Thompson and Miss Hattie Hall. T. W. Blakeslee, of York, has lost a l'aithful companion of 2-1 years' standIng. It was lus old horse "Billy," who died at the age of ',V2. Down at. Albioti the college factilty lias "disciplined" ten young men and ■ti young women for taking a sleigh ridc without peTmission. Mts. Wm. B. Osborn, of Sharoo, died on Sunday, January ',',{). af ter au extended illnc; s with ra neer, agéd (55 years. She was a kind wil'e and good nelghbor and one wno v, as appreciated in the comiuuuity where she lived.


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